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Food Tasting Survey # 1

Name: (Optional)

How would you like to rate the quality of the food that you have tasted?

1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Average 4. Bad 5. Terrible

Do you feel that all the ingredients have been mixed in right quantities?

1. Yes 2. No

Did you find something missing in the food item?

Would you like to give any suggestions to bring

improvement in the quality and taste?

How much do you expect the price of the food you

Food Tasting Survey # 2


How would you rate our product?

 Excellent
 Good
 Average
 Bad

How likely are you to recommend our product to others?

 Very Likely
 Likely
 Neutral
 Unlikely
 Very Unlikely

Overall, how interested are you in buying this product?

 Extremely interested
 Somewhat interested
 Not very interested
 Not all interested

How much do you expect the price of the food you tasted? _____________________

What do you like most about the product?


What do you like least about the product?


Please suggest how we can improve our product to better serve you.


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