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gjnk/f;L -ab{#F^ ;":tf k'j{_ lhNnfsf] cf=j=075÷76 sf] :jLs[t lhNnf b/ /]^ -1_

8= ljB"t ;DalGw ;fdfu|L

cf=a= cf=a=
qm=;+= lgdf{)f ;fdu|Lsf] ljj/)f OsfO{ cf=a= s}lkmot
2075÷76 2076÷77
sf] :jLs[t sf] :jLs[t
b/ /]^ b/ /]^
1 laB"t ;DalGw
1=1 lk= le= l;= OG;"n]^]* se/ jfo/ -90dL sf]_
1=1=1 7÷22 tf/ SjfOn 2600.00 2600.00 2600.00
1=1=2 7÷20 SjfOn 4200.00 4200.00 4200.00
1=1=3 3÷22 SjfOn 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00
1=1=4 3÷20 SjfOn 1850.00 1850.00 1850.00
1=1=5 1÷18 SjfOn 960.00 960.00 960.00
47 ACSR Condoctor (wire) 0.00
47=1 0.03sq inch ACSR Condoctor (wire) ls=ld= 30000.00 30000.00 30000.00
47=2 0.05sq inch ACSR Condoctor (wire) ls=ld= 55000.00 55000.00 55000.00
47=3 0.1sq inch ACSR Condoctor (wire) ls=ld= 89000.00 89000.00 89000.00
48 D - iron set with shakle insulator ;]^ 141.75 141.75 141.75
49 Stay-Insulator uf]^f 94.50 94.50 94.50
50 Binding wire (aluminium) s]hL 745.50 745.50 745.50
51 HofnfM Erection of PSC pole (8m,9m) uf]^f 2600.00 2600.00 2600.00
52 Stringing of Conductor(0.03sq inchWire) ls=ld= 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00
53 Installation of Stay set ;]^ 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
54 laB"tsf] nfOg;+u}sf] xf+uflj+uf sf^g] k|= x]= 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00
55 laB"t h*fg ln:^L, lSnk, lsnf, :jLr
xf]N)*/ cflb k|of]u ul/ leQf l;ln+udf Kjfn
kfg]{] ;lxt tf/ tfGg] / ;DalGwt :jLr aS; 0.00

55=1 ;fdfg afx]s slG;n jfol/+u ug]{sfo{sf] Hofnf KjfOG^ 47.25 47.25 47.25
55=2 ;fdfg afx]s ;km]{; jfol/+u ug]{sfo{sf] Hofnf KjfOG^ 36.75 36.75 36.75
55=3 ;fdfg ;lxt slG;n jfol/+u ug]{sfo{sf] Hofnf KjfOG^ 588.00 588.00 588.00
55=4 ;fdfg ;lxt ;km]{; jfol/+u ug]{sfo{sf] Hofnf KjfOG^ 504.00 504.00 504.00
55=5 d]g ;le{;nfOg s]jn 6dL=dL=-sG;]lG^ «s s]jn_ / dL= 26.25 26.25 26.25
56 PSC Pole 0.00
56=1 No 6641.25 7000.00 7000.00
56=2 No 7376.25 7500.00 7500.00
56=3 No 14647.50 14000.00 14000.00

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