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Have you set your pace? Decide it now and sky would be the limit to what you want
to achieve. PACE provides you the necessary guidelines to design your career path

besides shaping your personality. It gives an overview of the panorama of the world

apart from getting you acquiesced with the culture of the college. It also helps to
build your self esteem and confidence so that you would be clear about your goal in

life. The prerequisite of every firm today is the integration of knowledge, skills and
attitude. Fasten your thinking caps now and wriggle out of the monotony of life.

Accept and adapt to the changing environment and see where you can befit yourself

in this challenging world. The four fundamentals of your life include career counselling,
attendance, examinations and placements. These pillars decide your future. So here

we are with a recipe that would be interesting to savor and add flavour to your life.

Gear up to work out!



"Either we take hold of the future or the future will take hold of us".

Building a better world is the key theme of every student. Corporate citizenship attracts huge
attention as well as the need for workers to feel they are doing something worthwhile.
Employers are looking for leadership, energy,
dynamism, initiative and organizational skills. Chasing
your dreams is what your career is. Career is not
always about earning a livelihood but a major portion
CONTENTS of one's life time is dedicated in this activity. It's a
general belief that few people are gifted with a specific
skill, but in reality everybody is born with an innate
Page No. skill or talent within and can bring about changes in
the society as any genius can. The only hurdle in his/
1. Career Counselling 1 her path is lack of identification of what is hidden
within. Sachin Tendulkar would never become 'The
2. Attendance 11 Sachin Tendulkar' unless he had identified the skills.
When opting for a career the major emphasis should
3. Examinations 20 be on acquired skills and how best one can identify
the job he has taken for his life. In most of the cases,
4. Placements 26 a person opts for a career after falling prey to hype
generated by the media or which they feel are
prestigious and glamorous. The choice of the right
career is one of the most crucial decisions. Selecting the right career is as critical as selecting
the right life partner. Opportunities are immense in every field but what one needs is the right
attitude and potential. Let's try to reflect on the lives of those, who let the circumstances rule
their life. Those individuals pursue things as if they happen without any control. Whereas the
first category consists of those who are quite focused, who have a through understanding of
what they want to be in their life, where they want to see themselves in the long run.

Career planning is not an activity that should be done once -- in high school or college -- and
then forgotten as we move forward in our jobs and careers. Rather, career planning is an
activity that is best done on a regular basis -- especially given the data that the average worker
will change careers (not jobs) multiple times over his or her lifetime. And it's never too soon
or too late to start your career planning.

Career planning should be a rewarding and positive experience. 5. Make Note of Your Past Accomplishments
Here, then, are tips to help you achieve successful career planning. Most people don't keep a very good record of work accomplishments and then struggle with
creating a powerful resume when it's time to search for a new job. Making note of your past
1. Make Career Planning an Annual Event accomplishments -- keeping a record of them -- is not only useful for building your resume, it's
By making career planning an annual event, you will feel more secure in your career choice and also useful for career planning.
direction -- and you'll be better prepared for the many uncertainties and difficulties that lie
ahead in all of our jobs and career. 6. Look Beyond Your Current Job for Transferable Skills
Some workers get so wrapped up in their job titles that they don't see any other career
2. Map Your Path Since Last Career Planning possibilities for themselves. Every job requires a certain set of skills, and it's much better to
One of your first activities whenever you take on career planning is spending time mapping out categorize yourself in terms of these skill sets than be so myopic as to focus just on job titles.
your job and career path since the last time you did any sort of career planning. While you
should not dwell on your past, taking the time to review and reflect on the path -- whether
straight and narrow or one filled with any curves and dead-ends -- will help you plan for the 7. Research Further Career/Job Advancement Opportunities
future. One of the really fun outcomes of career planning is picturing yourself in the future. Where
will you be in a year? In five years? A key component to developing multiple scenarios of that
Once you've mapped your past, take the time to reflect on your course -- and note why it future is researching career paths.
looks the way it does. Are you happy with your path? Could you have done things better?
What might you have done differently? What can you do differently in the future? Of course, if you're in what you consider a dead-end job, this activity becomes even more
essential to you, but all job-seekers should take the time to research various career paths --
3. Reflect on Your Likes and Dislikes, Needs and Wants and then develop scenarios for seeing one or more of these visions become reality. Look
Change is a factor of life; everybody changes, as do our likes and dislikes. Something we loved within your current employer and current career field, but again, as with all aspects of career
doing two years ago may now give us displeasure. So always take time to reflect on the things planning, do not be afraid to look beyond to other possible careers.
in your life -- not just in your job -- that you feel most strongly about.
Final Thoughts on Career Planning
Make a two-column list of your major likes and dislikes. Then use this list to examine your Don't wait too long between career planning sessions. Career planning can have multiple
current job and career path. If your job and career still fall mostly in the like column, then you benefits, from goal-setting to career change, to a more successful life. Once you begin regularly
know you are still on the right path; however, if your job activities fall mostly in the dislike reviewing and planning your career using the tips provided in this article, you'll find yourself
column, now is the time to begin examining new jobs and new careers. better prepared for whatever lies ahead in your career -- and in your life.
Finally, take the time to really think about what it is you want or need from your work, from Every day different professional opportunities are emerging. You will have to prioritize and
your career. Are you looking to make a difference in the world? To be famous? To become choose the best option for yourself. Your unique strengths, abilities, interests and aspirations
financially independent? To effect change? Take the time to understand the motives that drive will help you to decide some of the viable options for you. This process of career planning is
your sense of success and happiness. vital for your success.

4. Examine Your Pastimes and Hobbies Self Assessment: The entire process of career planning should be ideally done with the help of
Career planning provides a great time to also examine the activities you like doing when your career counsellor, such that you have professional help at every step.
you're not working. It may sound a bit odd, to examine non-work activities when doing career
planning, but it's not. Many times your hobbies and leisurely pursuits can give you great insight A trained career counsellor can help you identify several professions in which you can be
into future career paths. good. Even if your test indicates your aptitude in medicine - lack of half a mark can prove to be
an obstacle and thus makes it vital that your list of possible professions be long.

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Self Analysis: Another equally important aspect of self assessment is self analysis or soul Job opportunities for biologists and scientists will grow at a faster rate than most occupations
searching. We are the best judge for ourselves. If you concentrate and decide to be honest in the next decade, one major contributor to this boom is the field of biotechnology, the use
with yourself the self analysis can project remarkable results. of organisms, cells or molecules to make products or solve problems. Other so-called "hot"
bioscience fields include pharmaceuticals, genetics and bioinformatics. Youngsters can take
Need for Planning: Ask all the grown ups you know what they wanted to become when they steps to learn about the very wide range of employment opportunities in the society. You can
were young. The chances are very few of them actually became what they aspired towards in begin to think about the education and training that jobs require and the potential career
childhood. This may not essentially be a reflection of their failure - but an important evidence satisfaction and earnings they offer.
of change. Circumstances change, ideas change so do people. So it will be for many of you. By
the time you grow up you will end up working in professions that you or even your parents MICROBIOLOGY
have never heard about today. Some of you may work in traditional professions and move Microbiology is the study of microorganisms (also known as microbes), which are unicellular
along a well planned path. or cell-cluster organisms and infectious agents too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Microorganisms are extremely important in our everyday lives. Some are responsible for a
In the words of Henry C. Link " the truth about making a plan: It never works (not in the way significant proportion of the diseases affecting not only humans, but also plants and animals,
you plan it, that is). If, however, you do make a plan, the chances of getting what you want while others are vitally important in the maintenance and modification of our environment.
significantly increase." Still others play an essential role in industry, where their unique properties have been harnessed
in the production of food, beverages and antibiotics.
But one thing is quite definite that only those of you who will work hard towards your studies,
acquire new skills as you move along in life, involve yourself in cultural/sports activities and Sub-disciplines of Microbiology:
attempt to plan your life will be successful. o Medical Microbiology: Diagnostics of disease and development of methods of disease
Career Counselling at Career Track o Immunology: The study of the immune system and how it can be used to control disease
o Choosing the right career option or the appropriate course to your aptitude through vaccine development.
o Identifying your values,aspirations and goals o Epidemiology: The study of disease and disease transmission. Individuals in this field are
o Scope of a course or a career that you are pursuing or planning to pursue in India or quite often employed by public health departments. Involved in preventing and controlling
abroad. disease outbreaks, predicting outbreaks, and finding new and old diseases in the process
of emerging as a threat to the general populace.
Let your imagination soar and plan your career such that it integrates your strengths, values o Virology: The study of viruses. Endeavors in this field are directed at understanding
and your hobbies. Success can be smoother in life for those people to whom work is not a viruses so that potential cures may be developed to supplement current vaccination
chore but a joy. protocols. These studies are doubly important in light of the current HIV pandemic.
o Molecular Pathogenesis: This is the study of the molecular events that occur during the
CAREERS IN THE LIFE SCIENCES progress of a disease. Information from these studies has the potential to direct the
The life sciences, the branches of natural science dealing with the structure and behavior of development of third generation pharmaceuticals that will allow us to combat diseases
living organisms and are as diverse as the animals, plants and microbes that make up life on that are becoming resistant to our current pharmacopoeia of drugs.
earth. The life science disciplines are highly allied and interdependent, and some, such as o Food and Dairy Microbiology: A large portion of the work accomplished in this field is
biophysics and biomedical engineering, transcend the traditional boundaries of the physical directed at detecting pathogens before they reach the public and cause havoc. New
sciences and of technology (the so-called "applied sciences"). The need for scientists and methods of food preservation along with new methods of detecting contaminating
engineers reflect the complexities of today's living and the need to tackle newer tasks in a organisms are examined. Some individuals in this field are also involved in the
more efficient or automated manner. The demand for professionals who can meet the challenges development of new flavors, textures, and colors in the foods we eat.
of the new century will far exceed that of the past. o Antimicrobial Compounds: Individuals in this field screen novel organisms for the

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production of useful secondary metabolites. Some are involved in the design of the so- exist. For those interested in space exploration, this is one of the hot fields to consider.
called third generation drugs specifically tailored to treat specific infections. o Aeromicrobiology: Examines specific adaptations of microbes for transport through
o Molecular Microbiology: This field is an outgrowth of the original field of molecular the air.
genetics. Investigators focus on the molecular aspects of microbial growth and o Industrial Hygiene: Safety in the workplace. A good microbiologist can learn the necessary
interactions. skills to function as an excellent industrial hygienist. Involved in OSHA compliance with
o Genomics: This is the newest field in microbiology. Here entire genomes are compared an eye towards prevention of problems. Also asked to remediate problems after they
and examined to determine innumerable parameters regarding prokaryotic life. have occurred.
Information resulting from these studies have implications in everything from Evolution o Taxonomy: Currently, there is a renaissance occurring in the taxonomy of microbes.
to Drug design. This is a highly technical field requiring expertise in a number of disciplines for accurate
o Proteomics: An ancillary field to genomics, proteomics examines the open reading classification of the microbes under study.
frame data obtained from the genome projects and attempts to identify the expression o Microbial Evolution: This field is devoted to trying to ascertain the evolutionary history
pattern of all putative proteins seen in the sequence data using 2D-PAGE as the primary of the prokaryotic world. Hints about the origins of life along with the development of
tool. the eukaryotic cell are being found by individuals in this field.
o Anaerobic Microbiology: A substantial portion of the microbial world lives without o Industrial Microbiology: Persons in this field can be viewed as process engineers. This
oxygen. This field has made significant gains in the past decade due to enhanced equipment is the world of production where microbes are used to produces specific products for
and technology. Information obtained in these studies affect all aspects of microbiology. sale. Individuals in this field work with large scale culturing as batches and as continuous
o Microbial Ecology: This is probably the most fundamental field in microbiology. However, culture systems.
due to the extreme difficulty in studying relationships between microscopic organisms,
little progress has been made over the past century. This does not mean we have Career Opportunities:
learned nothing, but on a relative knowledge scale, this field is lagging behind. Microbial
ecology affects all aspects of human life. o Hospital/Clinical Laboratories: Microbiologists in this field typically work to identify
o Environmental Microbiology: This is a specialization of microbial ecology. Here individuals disease-causing bacteria that may have affected a patient or potentially could affect the
are interested in using microbes to advantage to remove pollutants from the environment. human body. This type of microbiologist can assist in preventing the spread of disease by
They are also involved in preventing microbes from causing problems in buildings and containing and treating it.
homes. o Food Industry: This type of microbiologist works with the food supply that later is
o Water Purification and Treatment: As the name implies, you are working with water distributed to grocery stores and other vendors and also may work with organizations
coming into and leaving the environs of humans. Very important for maintaining such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture. These
environmental quality and in the prevention of disease. microbiologists ensure the food supply is free of pathogenic organisms that may be
o Bioremediation: Develop methods of degrading xenobiotic chemicals used in our day harmful to the health of those who consume it. Food microbiologists are very important
lives that contribute to the overall pollution problem. and provide a way to guarantee the food is safe to distribute to the public.
o Microbial Physiology: This field gives us the ability to understand how microbes function o Environmental: Microbiologists who work with the environment study how organisms
at the metabolic level. Understanding of creatures at this level allows us to modify and/ such as bacteria function and react in the environment. This field deals not only with
or exploit a microbe's metabolism to our advantage. how organisms react to themselves but also with how they react to other processes in
o Food Microbiology: Investigations into food preservation, detection of spoilage and the environment, such as pollution, living things like plants and animals, simple seasonal
disease agents. Food flavor, texture, and color are also issues examined in this field. changes and the changing and evolving world in general.
o Geomicrobiology: A mixture of specialties is found in this discipline which in itself is a o Research Laboratories: Many microbiologists work as research scientists. They study
specialization of microbial ecology. Microbes are examined for their roles in the cycling and test bacteria and other organisms in controlled environments to better understand
of inorganic nutrients at a regional and global scale. Roles of microbes in the weathering their breakdown and how they react when put through different tests. The fundamental
of minerals are also being intensively researched along with the limits at which life can discoveries these microbiologists make have a great impact on the way medications are

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distributed, illnesses are treated and health care systems are run, and important molecular genetics and genetic counseling (education and guidance offered by professional
breakthroughs are not uncommon. advisors to help people make informed decisions based on personal genetic information).
o Teaching: Instructional microbiology is another very common subset of the field.
Community colleges and universities are popular places for microbiologists to lecture Behavioral genetics: Behavioral genetics examines the role of genetics in animal behavior. In
about the systems and advances of microbiology. It is an ever-changing field, so instructors humans, behavioral genetics studies the genetic basis of personality as well as the causes and
need to be constantly learning in order to pass that information on to their students. effects of human disorders such as mental illness, substance abuse, violence and social attitudes.

Salary: Genomics: Genomics examines large-scale genetic patterns across the genome for a given
Because microbiologists can choose to enter numerous fields and can have varying degrees of species. The information derived from genome sequence data further reveals what genes do,
education, their salaries range greatly. The highest salaries typically are awarded to those how they are controlled and how they work together. The now-completed Human Genome
working in industries such as research, while those working in educational settings such as Project has created a genetic blueprint for building a human being. This vital information will
colleges or universities usually make less. What's more, those with advanced degrees such as enable researchers to discover the genetic contributions to diseases, develop highly effective
a Ph.D. can command higher salaries because of their extensive knowledge and schooling in diagnostic tools and treatments and understand the health needs of people based on their
the subject area. individual genetic makeups.

Biotechnology is one of the most exciting new sciences of this century. The discovery that
Genetics is the study of the function and behavior of genes. Genes are the basic units of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the carrier of the genetic code for any form of life, can be
heredity, biochemical instructions comprised of DNA found inside the cells of every organism, transferred into any other form of life opens the door to a multitude of possibilities for
from bacteria to humans. An organism's genes, which reside in one or more chromosomes, genetically modified plants, animals, and microbes not found on earth-until now.
determine its characteristics, or traits. Geneticists seek to understand how the information
encoded in genes is used and controlled by cells and how it is transmitted from one generation Theoretically, almost any trait found in nature can be transferred into any chosen organism,
to the next. even if it has never had this trait before. This process, called genetic engineering or recombinant
DNA technology, is an important aspect of biotechnology. It can be used to produce modified
Subdisciplines of Genetics: crop plants, livestock, proteins, vaccines, and drugs.
Population, quantitative and ecological genetics: Population, quantitative and ecological genetics,
all very closely related subfields, build on classical genetics (supplemented with modern A career that is impacted by biotechnology is not just a job. It is an invitation to participate in
molecular genetics). Though all three study populations of organisms, they differ somewhat in the development of new products and processes that could improve the quality of human life
their focus. Population genetics studies the distribution of and change in the frequencies of as much as any other discovery since the Industrial Revolution. When most people think of
genes under the influence of evolutionary forces, such as natural selection, mutations and opportunities for careers in biotechnology, they think of a scientist in a white coat in a
migration. Quantitative genetics, which builds on population genetics, is the study of continuous laboratory developing drugs to improve the quality of life. However, biotechnology has a wide
traits (such as height or weight) that do not have straightforward Mendelian inheritance variety of career opportunities ranging from sales and marketing, to research and development,
because they result from the interaction of many different genes. Ecological genetics again to manufacturing and quality control and assurance. The biotechnology industry continues to
builds on the basic principles of population genetics but is focused more explicitly on ecological flourish worldwide. Not only are the total number of biotechnology companies increasing,
issues, such as the relationship between species and their environments. but employment in the biotechnology field continues to grow as well.

Medical genetics: Medical genetics is the application of genetics to medicine. Medical genetics Industry Facts:
encompasses many different individual fields, including clinical genetics (the diagnosis and ? Biotechnology is a $30 billion a year industry that has produced some 160 drugs and
treatment of genetic diseases), cytogenetics (the study of chromosomes under a microscope), vaccines.

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? There are more than 370 biotech drug products and vaccines currently in clinical trials Step 3: Be aware of developments in the field. Research on the web, and read newspapers,
targeting more than 200 diseases, including various cancers, Alzheimer's disease, heart trade journals, and technical magazines.
disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, AIDS and arthritis.
? Biotechnology is responsible for hundreds of medical diagnostic tests that keep the Careers in Biotechnology Research:
blood supply safe from the AIDS virus and detect other conditions early enough to be Researchers in agriculture, biology, genetics, and medicine are at the forefront of new
successfully treated. Home pregnancy tests are also biotechnology diagnostic products. biotechnology discoveries. They work to unravel the genetic codes that govern the biological
? Genetic engineering is sweeping the world's farms. Seven million farmers in 18 countries processes of different forms of life so they can be understood and, when appropriate, modified.
grew genetically engineered crops on 16.72 million acres last year. After a biotechnology product has been approved for use, many people are needed to
? Consumers already are enjoying biotechnology foods such as papaya, soybeans and manufacture it. Individuals are needed to manage and direct the manufacturing process, to
corn. Hundreds of biopesticides and other agricultural products also are being used to ensure quality control, and to engineer the systems needed to manufacture the product. A
improve our food supply and to reduce our dependence on conventional chemical biotechnology company offers many of the same career opportunities as any other
pesticides. manufacturing business. However, in addition to specific skills in engineering, scaleup, quality
o Environmental biotechnology products make it possible to clean up hazardous waste control, and other manufacturing processes, individuals employed in the biotechnology industry
more efficiently by harnessing pollution-eating microbes without the use of caustic will need a solid background in the biological sciences.
o Industrial biotechnology applications have led to cleaner processes that produce less Industrial chemists are finding that many natural biological products, like amino acids, enzymes,
waste and use less energy and water in such industrial sectors as chemicals, pulp and and vitamins, can be manufactured more efficiently using biotechnology. The gene or genes
paper, textiles, food, energy, and metals and minerals. For example, most laundry that produce the natural biological product can be transferred to an organism, perhaps a
detergents produced in the United States contain biotechnology-based enzymes. bacterium that now starts producing it.
o DNA fingerprinting, a biotech process, has dramatically improved criminal investigation
and forensic medicine, as well as afforded significant advances in anthropology and Other Careers Related to Biotechnology:
wildlife management. There are many jobs related to biotechnology that are held by people without extensive
science or engineering expertise. These individuals must understand the science of
How to Pursue a Biotech Career: biotechnology, but their primary talent may be in communications or some other area.
If you enjoy science, math, technology, investigating and solving problems, and making useful
products, a career in biotechnology may be for you. The biotechnology industry is constantly Regulatory officials develop the guidelines for biotechnology research and the development of
growing; during the past 10 years the number of employees has increased by more than 90 new products and processes. They work with company, government, or university researchers
percent. To begin to prepare for a career in biotechnology, here are several steps to consider to review proposed research plans and assess the safety of resulting products. Regulatory
that may be helpful. officials must approve biotechnology research plans before they can be done and biotechnology
products before they can be marketed. Individuals involved with the regulation of biotechnology
Step 1: Most importantly, make sure to be well-rounded in all subject areas. Although research and products generally work for a federal or state government agency.
scientific knowledge is important, people entering biotechnology careers need basic skills Public relations people provide understandable information to the general public about new
such as computer use, effective written and verbal communication, and math ability. biotechnology products and processes. They translate complex scientific information about
new discoveries for nonscientists.
Step 2: Make contacts and network in the biotechnology field. Talk to professionals. Be Sales people work with the dealers and distributors of biotechnology products. They have
familiar with state and national biotech organizations and professional groups. Gain experience expertise in marketing skills and are knowledgeable about the products.
in the industry through work-based learning opportunities such as internships, co-ops, work
study, and job shadowing. Patent lawyers who specialize in biotechnology help scientists, companies, or universities
protect their legal rights to new discoveries. They file patent applications for their clients.

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BIOCHEMISTRY Pteridology: This is the study of ferns and their relatives.
Forensic science: This is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions
Biochemistry is the study of the substances found in living organisms and the chemical reactions of interest to the legal system.
underlying life processes. Considered one of the molecular sciences, biochemistry is a branch
of both chemistry and biology. The main goal of biochemistry is to understand the structure Plant Biotechnology: This is a precise process in which scientific techniques are used to
and behavior of biomolecules. develop molecular- and cellular-based technologies to improve plant productivity, quality and
health; to improve the quality of plant products; or to prevent, reduce or eliminate constraints
Biochemistry overlaps with a number of other bioscience disciplines like Molecular biology, to plant productivity caused by diseases, pest organisms and environmental stresses.
Cell biology, Genetics. Because biochemistry is a broad discipline with a wide range of
applications, the subject knowledge and skills acquired from studying biochemistry can lead to Ecology: is the branch of biology that studies the relationship of plants and animals to their
many different career paths. Government agencies have laboratories that employ skilled physical and biological environment. The physical environment includes light and heat or solar
personnel in basic research programs and in the analysis of samples of food, drugs, air, water, radiation, moisture, wind, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients in soil, water and atmosphere.
wastes and animal tissue. Drug companies have basic research programs on the causes of The biological environment includes organisms of the same kind as well as other types of
disease and applied programs to develop drugs to combat disease. Biotechnology companies, plants and animals.
which have interests in the environment, energy, human health care, agriculture and animal
health, hire bachelor of science graduates for research, quality control, clinical research, An undergraduate degree in botany prepares students for professional employment or for
manufacturing/production and information systems. Universities and medical centers always graduate studies. A degree in botany also provides the foundation for further study and
are in need of technicians to work in research labs. Someone with a bachelor's degree in careers in applied fields of plant pathology, forestry, crop production, horticulture, genetics
biochemistry can use it to go to medical, dental, veterinary, law or business school. Some use and plant breeding, plant biotechnology and environmental monitoring and control. Among
their training as a stepping stone to careers in biotechnology, toxicology, biomedical engineering, the careers available to a person who enjoys the outdoors are positions as an ecologist,
clinical chemistry, plant pathology, animal science and other fields. taxonomist, conservationist, forester and plant explorer. A person with a mathematical
background might find biophysics, developmental botany, genetics, modeling or systems ecology
BOTANY to be exciting fields. Someone with an interest in chemistry might become a plant physiologist,
plant biochemist or molecular biologist. People fascinated with microscopic organisms often
Botany is the scientific study of plants, or multicellular organisms, that carry on photosynthesis. choose microbiology, phycology or mycology. On a larger scale, ornamental horticulture and
As a branch of biology, botany sometimes is referred to as plant science or plant biology. landscape design requires artistic use of plant form and color. And a person concerned about
the world food supply might study plant pathology (diseases) or plant breeding.
Subdisciplines of Botany:
Agronomy and crop science: This is an agricultural science dealing with field crop production CHEMISTRY
and soil management. If you like working in a laboratory and interacting with other people, this could be your ideal
Algology or phycology: This is the study of algae. career. You might work in many different kinds of industries including pharmaceutical, plastics,
Bacteriology: This is the study of bacteria (also considered part of microbiology). paper, automotive or food production. You'd be working closely with chemists, chemical
Bryology: This is the study of mosses and liverworts. engineers and technical specialists. You could be using your laboratory skills to test and
Mycology: This is the study of fungi. communicate information in such areas as quality control, pollution, and research and
Paleobotany: This is the study of plant fossils. development. It's a field with a vast range of possible career options and jobs are plentiful.
Plant anatomy and physiology: This is the study of the structure and function of plants.
Plant cell biology: This is the study of the structure and function of cells. The career options in chemistry are practically endless. However, your employment options
Plant genetics: This is the study of genetic inheritance in plants. depend on how far you have taken your education. A college bachelor's degree in chemistry
Plant pathology: This is the study of diseases in plants. opens up more opportunities. With the bachelor's degree, you can get a bench job, which

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would allow you to run equipment and prepare chemicals. A bachelor's degree in chemistry or CAREERS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCES
education (with a lot of chemistry) is necessary to teach at the K-12 level. A master's degree
in chemistry, chemical engineering, or other field opens up far more options. A terminal PHYSICS
degree, such as a Ph.D. or M.D., leaves the field wide open. In the United States you need at
least 18 graduate credit hours to teach at the college level (preferable a Ph.D.). Most scientists Do you like mathematics? Do you like solving puzzles and other kinds of problems? Are you
who design and supervise their own research programs have terminal degrees. interested in new discoveries in science? Do you enjoy working with computers, or hope to
work with them? If your answer to most of these questions is yes, you may want to consider
Chemistry is a part of biology and physics, plus, there are lots of categories of chemistry. physics as a career or simply as a field of study on which to base some other career.
Here's look at some of the career options related to chemistry:
o Ethnobotany The biggest myth about physics is that it is too difficult for all but the next Einsteins. This is
o Environmental Law simply not true. Yes, physics can be challenging, but so is anything that you study seriously.
o Patent Law Many successful physicists can tell you that they were not the top students in their schools.
o Technical Writing What they had was interest and motivation.
o Pharmaceuticals
o Oceanography The interdisciplinary curriculum that includes physics, chemistry, and mathematics seeks to
o Software Design give students an understanding of the basic laws and theories of the physical world, the ability
o Space Exploration to do quantitative problem solving and provide laboratory and technical skills.
o Government Policy
o Forensic Science With a Physical Science major as a foundation, your career options are wide open, thus, it will
o Biotechnology be important to clarify your particular interests, skills, values and personality preferences.
o Metallurgy You will want to consider which types of work settings and industries are more appealing to
o Ceramics Industry you and which particular skills you prefer to use most of the time. It will be vitally important
o Plastics Industry that you get practical experience in your areas of interest through internships or part-time
o Paper Industry jobs, as employers recruit many new college graduates as a result of these internship
o Medicine experiences.
o Teaching
o Engineering Choosing to return to school for your graduate degree in a physical sciences field opens a
o Geochemistry world of possible career paths. Because of the highly specialized coursework you'll undertake,
o Agrochemistry employers will seek you out, often offering higher salaries in recognition of your advanced
o Military Systems degree. In many areas of the physical sciences, certifications are available that can enhance
your marketability after graduation even further, and open up even more job possibilities.
This list isn't remotely complete. You can work chemistry into any industrial, educational, Since the range of physical sciences coursework is so broad (from mathematics and computer
scientific, or governmental field. Chemistry is a very versatile science. Mastery of chemistry is science to agronomy and astronomy), the range of available jobs is similarly broad. Many see
associated with excellent analytical and mathematical skills. Students of chemistry are able to teaching as a natural career path, and you may find the idea of training a new generation of high
solve problems and think things through. These skills are useful for any job. school or college students inspiring. Certified and experienced teachers also have highly
portable skills, often being recruited by corporations as trainers or managers.

Although it is a top choice for many, teaching is by no means your only career choice after
earning your graduate degree. You could move immediately into industry, manufacturing,

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property management, or other businesses, applying your specific skills to areas such as Chemical physics - the interface between physics and chemistry. This area is important for the
environmental remediation, ergonomics, forecasting, business process modeling, risk development of lasers and for the study of surfaces polymers, and fluids.
management, and corporate compliance. These are high-demand fields where you can build a
financially rewarding and personally satisfying career in large and stable companies. Geophysics - the physics of the earth and planets, including seismology (the study of earthquakes),
hydrology (the study of water on and below the surface), and volcanology (volcanoes).
Possibly you are not attracted to the corporate life as the basis for your career. Because you'll
be outfitted with a specific and uncommon set of knowledge, many start-up and small businesses Low-temperature physics - the study of phenomena such as super conductivity and superfluidity
look to people with particular advanced degrees for lucrative contract consulting or business that occur at temperatures near absolute zero. Cryogenic (extreme low temperature) devices
partnership arrangements. For instance, as a geologist, you might find yourself courted by a have practical importance in generating magnetic fields and in circuits that will be needed in
property owner looking to develop mining interests. Or a newly funded wetlands protection future commuters.
group may come looking for you, attracted by your graduate degree in groundwater science.
The job opportunities available to you as a physical sciences graduate are almost limitless. Medical physics - the application of physics to medical practice, including uses of radiation,
The physical sciences are at the core of many of your daily activities, and scientists are ultrasound, and sophisticated imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
essential to them. The water you drink, your food and its packaging, the fuel your car consumes, Nuclear physics - the study of the nucleus of the atom, its radioactivity (including medical
the carpets you stand on, and even the air inside your office or classroom depends on applications), and nuclear energy. Tools of the nuclear physicist include accelerators and
individuals with graduate degrees working in the physical sciences to ensure safety, quality, nuclear reactors.
and innovation.
Optics - the study of light (including the invisible ultraviolet and infrared radiation). Optical
For employment as a physicist or astronomer, a doctoral degree is the usual educational physicists often work with lasers and are engaged in the optical transmission of information
requirement although there are some jobs in applied research and development for which a via thin fibers and in the design of optical "circuits" for future computers.
bachelor's or master's is sufficient. Research and development is the main component of these
careers. Other career fields open to those who choose to study physics are environmental Particle physics - the study of the smallest, most elemental building blocks of nature and the
science, geosciences, engineering, pharmacy, medicine and education basic forces of nature, The "microscopes" of the particle physicist are enormous particle
accelerators. (Particle physics is also called high-energy physics.)
Some Fields of Physics
Acoustics - the study of sound. An acoustical physicist could be involved in, the design of a Physics education - Teachers experience the excitement and fulfillment of educating others
concert hall, stereos, or synthesizers. about all the fields of physics.

Astrophysics - the extension of basic physics into the cosmos. Astrophysicists study the life Plasma physics - the study of electrically charged (ionized) gases, sometimes called the fourth
cycles of stars and the processes that gave rise to our expanding universe at the moment of the state of matter beyond solids, liquids, and gases. Plasma physicists are pursuing the possibility
"big bang." of controlled thermonuclear energy on earth. They also contribute to astrophysics.

Rheology - the study of the flow of viscous (thick, sticky) materials and mixtures of materials.
Atomic physics - the study of atoms and their dynamical properties. The use of lasers molecular The interests of rheologists include the flow of blood in the body, the flow of materials in a
beams, and high precision detectors have made new discoveries possible in this area. food-processing plant, and the flow of Arctic glaciers.

Biophysics - the application of physics to biological problems. Biophysics includes studies of Solid-state physics - the study and application of the electric, magnetic, optical, and acoustic
proteins and DNA at the Molecular level as well as studies of the human body as a mechanical properties of solid matter. Integrated circuits are the product of solid state physics.
system and the design of artificial limbs.

16 17
Vacuum physics - the study and applications of vacuums, volumes nearly free of matter. Vacuums Much physics research is done in small or medium-sized laboratories. However, experiments
are important in many manufacturing processes and in experimental devices such as in plasma, nuclear, and high-energy physics, as well as in some other areas of physics, require
accelerators. extremely large, expensive equipment, such as particle accelerators. Physicists in these subfields
often work in large teams. Although physics research may require extensive experimentation
Physicists and astronomers conduct research to understand the nature of the universe and in laboratories, research physicists still spend much time in offices planning, recording, analyzing,
everything in it. These researchers observe, measure, interpret, and develop theories to and reporting on research.
explain celestial and physical phenomena using mathematics. From the vastness of space to the
infinitesimal scale of subatomic particles, they study the fundamental properties of the natural Physicists generally specialize in one of many subfields: elementary particle physics, nuclear
world and apply the knowledge gained to design new technologies. physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics (solid-state physics), optics,
acoustics, space physics, plasma physics, or the physics of fluids. Some specialize in a subdivision
Physicists explore and identify basic principles and laws governing the motion, energy, structure, of one of these subfields. For example, within condensed-matter physics, specialties include
and interactions of matter. Some physicists study theoretical areas, such as the nature of time superconductivity, crystallography, and semiconductors. However, all physics involves the
and the origin of the universe; others apply their knowledge of physics to practical areas, such same fundamental principles, so specialties may overlap, and physicists may switch from one
as the development of advanced materials, electronic and optical devices, and medical equipment. subfield to another. Also, growing numbers of physicists work in interdisciplinary fields, such
Physicists design and perform experiments with lasers, particle accelerators, electron as biophysics, chemical physics, and geophysics.
microscopes, mass spectrometers, and other equipment. On the basis of their observations
and analysis, they attempt to discover and explain laws describing the forces of nature, such as Almost all astronomers do research. Some are theoreticians, working on the laws governing
gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear interactions. Experiments also help physicists find the structure and evolution of astronomical objects. Others analyze large quantities of data
ways to apply physical laws and theories to problems in nuclear energy, electronics, optics, gathered by observatories and satellites and write scientific papers or reports on their findings.
materials, communications, aerospace technology, and medical instrumentation. Some astronomers actually operate large space-based or ground-based telescopes, usually as
part of a team. However, astronomers may spend only a few weeks each year making
Astronomers use the principles of physics and mathematics to learn about the fundamental observations with optical telescopes, radio telescopes, and other instruments.
nature of the universe, including the sun, moon, planets, stars, and galaxies. As such, astronomy For many years, satellites and other space-based instruments, such as the Hubble space
is sometimes considered a subfield of physics. They also apply their knowledge to solve telescope, have provided prodigious amounts of astronomical data. New technology has lead
problems in navigation, space flight, and satellite communications and to develop the to improvements in analytical techniques and instruments, such as computers and optical
instrumentation and techniques used to observe and collect astronomical data. telescopes and mounts, and is creating a resurgence in ground-based research.
A small number of astronomers work in museums housing planetariums. These astronomers
Most physicists work in research and development. Some do basic research to increase develop and revise programs presented to the public and may direct planetarium operations.
scientific knowledge. Others conduct applied research to build upon the discoveries made Training, other qualifications, and advancement
through basic research and work to develop new devices, products, and processes. For
example, basic research in solid-state physics led to the development of transistors and, then, Because most jobs are in basic research and development, a doctoral degree is the usual
integrated circuits used in computers. educational requirement for physicists and astronomers. Master's degree holders qualify for
Physicists also design research equipment, which often has additional unanticipated uses. For some jobs in applied research and development, whereas bachelor's degree holders often
example, lasers are used in surgery, microwave devices function in ovens, and measuring qualify as research assistants or for other occupations related to physics.
instruments can analyze blood or the chemical content of foods.
Education and training. A Ph.D. degree in physics or closely related fiends is typically required
A small number of physicists work in inspection, testing, quality control, and other production- for basic research positions, independent research in industry, faculty positions, and
related jobs in industry. advancement to managerial positions. This prepares students for a career in research through
rigorous training in theory, methodology, and mathematics. Most physicists specialize in a

18 19
subfield during graduate school and continue working in that area afterwards. astronomy. Prospective physicists who hope to work in industrial laboratories applying physics
knowledge to practical problems should broaden their educational background to include
Additional experience and training in a postdoctoral research appointment, although not courses outside of physics, such as economics, information technology, and business
required, is important for physicists and astronomers aspiring to permanent positions in basic management. Good oral and written communication skills also are important because many
research in universities and government laboratories. Many physics and astronomy Ph.D. physicists work as part of a team, write research papers or proposals, or have contact with
holders ultimately teach at the college or university level. clients or customers with nonphysics backgrounds.

Master's degree holders usually do not qualify for basic research positions, but may qualify for Advancement. Advancement among physicists and astronomers usually takes the form of
many kinds of jobs requiring a physics background, including positions in manufacturing and greater independence in their work, larger budgets, or tenure in university positions. Others
applied research and development. Increasingly, many master's degree programs are specifically choose to move into managerial positions and become natural science managers. Those who
preparing students for physics-related research and development that does not require a pursue management careers spend more time preparing budgets and schedules. Those who
Ph.D. degree. These programs teach students specific research skills that can be used in develop new products or processes sometimes form their own companies or join new firms
private-industry jobs. to develop these ideas.

Those with bachelor's degrees in physics are rarely qualified to fill positions in research or in Employments
teaching at the college level. They are, however, usually qualified to work as technicians or Many physicists and astronomers held faculty positions in colleges and universities. About 38
research assistants in engineering-related areas, in software development and other scientific percent of physicists and astronomers worked for scientific research and development services
fields, or in setting up computer networks and sophisticated laboratory equipment. Increasingly, firms. The Federal Government employed 21 percent, mostly in the U.S. Department of
some may qualify for applied research jobs in private industry or take on nontraditional Defense, but also in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and in the
physics roles, often in computer science, such as systems analysts or database administrators. U.S. Departments of Commerce, Health and Human Services, and Energy. Physicists and
Some become science teachers in secondary schools. astronomers worked in colleges and universities in non-faculty, usually research, positions,
or for State governments, information technology companies, pharmaceutical and medicine
Holders of a bachelor's or master's degree in astronomy often enter an unrelated field. manufacturing companies, or electronic equipment manufacturers.
However, they are also qualified to work in planetariums running science shows, to assist
astronomers doing research, and to operate space-based and ground-based telescopes and Job prospects. In recent years the number of doctorates granted in physics has been somewhat
other astronomical instrumentation. Undergraduate programs provide a broad background in greater than the number of job openings for traditional physics research positions in colleges
the natural sciences and mathematics. Typical physics courses include electromagnetism, optics, and universities and in research centers. Recent increases in undergraduate physics enrollments
thermodynamics, atomic physics, and quantum mechanics. may also lead to growth in enrollments in graduate physics programs, so that there may be an
increase in the number of doctoral degrees granted that could intensify the competition for
Many physics and astronomy Ph.D. holders begin their careers in a postdoctoral research basic research positions. However, demand has grown in other related occupations for those
position, in which they may work with experienced physicists as they continue to learn about with advanced training in physics. Prospects should be favorable for physicists in applied
their specialties or develop a broader understanding of related areas of research. Initial work research, development, and related technical fields.
may be under the close supervision of senior scientists. As they gain experience, physicists Opportunities should also be numerous for those with a master's degree, particularly graduates
perform increasingly complex tasks and achieve greater independence in their work. Experience, from programs preparing students for related work in applied research and development,
either in academic laboratories or through internships, fellowships, or work-study programs product design, and manufacturing positions in private industry. Many of these positions,
in industry, also is useful. Some employers of research physicists, particularly in the information however, will have titles other than physicist, such as engineer or computer scientist.
technology industry, prefer to hire individuals with several years of postdoctoral experience.
Other qualifications. Mathematical ability, problem-solving and analytical skills, an inquisitive People with only a bachelor's degree in physics or astronomy are usually not qualified for
mind, imagination, and initiative are important traits for anyone planning a career in physics or physics or astronomy research jobs, but they may qualify for a wide range of positions related

20 21
to engineering, mathematics, computer science, environmental science, and some nonscience Where Physicists Work
fields, such as finance. Those who meet State certification requirements can become high Many physicists work in research laboratories -- in industry, in universities, and in national
school physics teachers, an occupation in strong demand in many school districts. Some States laboratories -- but that is only a beginning of a catalog of places where physicists can be found.
require new teachers to obtain a master's degree in education within a certain time. Despite Many teach in high schools, colleges, and universities. Others can be found in hospitals, the
competition for traditional physics and astronomy research jobs, graduates with a physics or military, oil fields, power plants, in the astronaut corps, in museums, in patent law firms, and
astronomy degree at any level will find their knowledge of science and mathematics useful for in management positions in business and government. A young person trained in physics
entry into many other occupations. acquires a set of skills that makes him or her a valued employee in many settings.
Even students with career goals outside of science can be well served by taking one or more
Despite their small numbers, astronomers can expect good job prospects in government and courses in physics. The knowledge and skills gained in physics can prove to be surprisingly
academia over the projection period. Since astronomers are particularly dependent upon useful in tackling other kinds of problems. A background in physics can help a technical writer
government funding, Federal budgetary decisions will have a sizable influence on job prospects or a computer programmer. It is an asset recognized by medical schools, law schools, and
for astronomers. business schools.

Physics is the science that describes how the physical world works. It is the most fundamental Jobs for Tomorrow
of all sciences. Other sciences build on physics. For research positions and for college and university teaching, the Ph.D. degree is generally
required. The job market for these positions is currently fair to poor. High-school teachers,
Physicists conduct research into the fundamental laws of nature or make use of what we who need at least a bachelor's degree, are likely to be in especially strong demand. If you are
already know about the physical world to design and develop new practical products. As a both science-oriented and people-oriented, high-school physics teaching is a career worth
career, physics offers an astonishing variety of possibilities. considering.

The world of the physicist stretches from the tiniest particles of subatomic matter to galaxies As might be expected, the starting salaries for physicists are higher at the higher degree levels.
and beyond. It includes computer circuitry and spacecraft orbits, medical imaging and the At each degree level, the physicist commands a higher salary than the average of his or her
search for controlled fusion power. Some of the questions that physicists try to answer are peers in other fields.
deeply philosophical: How did the universe begin? On a very small scale, does empty space A physics course in high school or college lays the foundation for a wide variety of fields. As
become "granular" or "foamy"? But many of the questions that physicists deal with are highly a career, physics offers challenge, excitement, an attractive salary, and a chance to make
practical: How can more information be packed into a smaller space? What will be the effect important contributions to society. As a physicist, you will help shape the world of tomorrow.
of adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? Can chemical rockets be replaced by
electromagnetic launchers? How can solar cells be made more efficient? MATHEMATICS
The world is moving into a new age of numbers. Partnerships between mathematicians and
Most modern technology rests on physics. Sometimes new knowledge is put to work quickly. computer scientists are bulling into whole new domains of business and imposing the efficiencies
For example, many practical uses were found for the laser soon after its invention. Sometimes of math. This has happened before. In past decades, the marriage of higher math and computer
new knowledge is slow to be harnessed. In 1905 Albert Einstein explained how light can eject modeling transformed science and engineering. Quants turned finance upside down a generation
electrons from solid surfaces. It was many years before this "photoelectric effect" found ago. And data miners plucked useful nuggets from vast consumer and business databases. But
application in television cameras. just look at where the mathematicians are now. They're helping to map out advertising
campaigns, they're changing the nature of research in newsrooms and in biology labs, and
Physics provides deep understanding of the laws of nature and will continue to help shape the they're enabling marketers to forge new one-on-one relationships with customers. As this
world of the future. Few careers are more exciting, more rewarding, and more important to occurs, more of the economy falls into the realm of numbers. Says James R. Schatz, chief of the
society than physics. mathematics research group at the National Security Agency: "There has never been a better
time to be a mathematician."

22 23
From fledglings like Inform to tech powerhouses such as IBM, companies are hitching COMPUTER SCIENCE
mathematics to business in ways that would have seemed fanciful even a few years ago. In the Today, computers are used in almost every aspect of our lives: in car engines, microwave
past decade, a sizable chunk of humanity has moved its work, play, chat, and shopping online. ovens, video games, watches, telephones, desktops at home and work, mainframe computers
We feed networks gobs of digital data that once would have languished on scraps of paper -- in government and industry, and supercomputers expanding the frontiers of science and
or vanished as forgotten conversations. These slices of our lives now sit in databases, many of technology. The computer industry is one of the fastest growing segments of our economy
them in the public domain. From a business point of view, they're just begging to be analyzed. and that growth promises to continue well into the next century.
But even with the most powerful computers and abundant, cheap storage, companies can't
sort out their swelling oceans of data, much less build businesses on them, without enlisting To maintain a competitive edge, industry and commerce must continue to make creative
skilled mathematicians and computer scientists. scientific and engineering advances as well as produce high quality products. More than ever,
there is a demand for a prepared work force with the scientific and technical training necessary
The rise of mathematics is heating up the job market for luminary quants, especially at the to perform effectively on the job. Now is the time to plan your future in computing.
Internet powerhouses where new math grads land with six-figure salaries and rich stock
deals. Tom Leighton, an entrepreneur and applied math professor at Massachusetts Institute Academic Preparation
of Technology, says: "All of my students have standing offers at Yahoo and Google." Top Most professionals in the software industry have at least an undergraduate degree in
mathematicians are becoming a new global elite. It's a force of barely 5,000, by some mathematics, computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, information
guesstimates, but every bit as powerful as the armies of Harvard University MBAs who shook systems, or electrical engineering. Many have advanced degrees. They, however, all started
up corner suites a generation ago. preparing for their careers long before they began their undergraduate degrees.

You can start investigating a career in computing as early as four years before you enter
In a world teeming with data, we ourselves become the math nerds' most prized specimens. college, but certainly no later than the year before. The different degrees mentioned in the
Researchers at Aetna Health Care,, and many other companies are piecing paragraph above each have different requirements and you could get a head start on them by
together mathematical models of customers and employees. Some models predict what music finding out what they are. For example, some of the degrees require a lot of math and science;
we'll buy, others figure out which worker is best equipped for a particular job. For now, these so, it would be to your advantage to take up to four years of math courses (including Calculus)
models are crude, the digital equivalent of stick figures. But over the coming decade, each of and up to two years of science courses prior to entering college. Taking courses in programming
us will give birth to far more fleshed out simulations of ourselves. We'll be modeled as would be helpful as well. In addition, some secondary or prep schools may allow students to
workers, shoppers, voters, and patients. Some of the simulations will have our names and take college courses if there is a college located nearby during their last year. You could have
credit cards attached, perhaps a few genetic details. In others, our identities will be shielded. some college hours completed before you even graduate!
Many of these models will be eerily accurate and others laughably off mark. But companies and
governments will use them all the same to predict how to sell us things, steer us clear of You should also make a plan for applying to different colleges with computing degrees and
diseases, and ramp up our productivity. And yes, they'll try to use them to keep us from locations that interest you. Be sure to check on things like financial aid, how competitive it s
hijacking airplanes or detonating bombs. to get into that particular college or university, entrance tests and scores required, student
housing expense, tuition, degree requirements, and courses available. If you have the money
This mathematical modeling of humanity promises to be one of the great undertakings of the and time, it is always helpful to make a campus visit and meet the professors and students.
21st century. It will grow in scope to include much of the physical world as mathematicians get
their hands on new flows of data, from atmospheric sensors to the feeds from millions of Enhancing Academics
security cameras. It's a parallel world that's taking shape, a laboratory for innovation and A great way to boost knowledge and understanding of computing careers is by teaming up
discovery composed of numbers, vectors, and algorithms. "We turn the world of content into students with working professionals. Selecting any of the activities below for individual or
math, and we turn you into math," says Howard Kaushansky, CEO of Boulder (Colo.)-based class development, can prove invaluable for career and technical education. The exposure will
Umbria Inc., a company that uses math to analyze marketing trends online. provide insight into computing careers, and prove a valuable life experience. Contact your

24 25
school's administrators or career education office to see how you can start a program. the fastest changing areas technologically. Software professionals' education does not stop
with the college degree, but continues with seminars, conferences, and advanced courses and
o Classroom Demonstrations and Presentations -- Professionals speak about careers training. In computer theory and applications, new ideas are developed every day. Success
and technical topics. requires an ongoing commitment to learning to maintain knowledge, skills, and career
o Club Sponsorship -- Start a computer science club, or join the chapter of an existing opportunities. Constant updating of the latest in the software programming is required.
o Field Trips -- Plan field trips to places of employment. Statistics :
o Mentor Programs -- Match students with working professionals and plan work site Statistics is the scientific application of mathematical principles to the collection, analysis, and
visits, personal and career advice sessions. presentation of numerical data. Statisticians contribute to scientific inquiry by applying their
o Internships -- Plan work experiences (paid or volunteer) at places of employment, or mathematical and statistical knowledge to the design of surveys and experiments; the collection,
observations during summer or spring breaks. processing, and analysis of data; and the interpretation of the results.It is applicable to a wide
o Student Fairs -- Enter computer science categories in local student fairs and other variety of academic disciplines, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities, and to
competitions. government and business.

Career Opportunities Statistical methods can be used to summarize or describe a collection of data; this is called
Software professionals might find themselves in a variety of environments in academia, research, descriptive statistics. In addition, patterns in the data may be modeled in a way that accounts
industry, government, private and business organizations -- analyzing problems for solutions, for randomness and uncertainty in the observations, and then used to draw inferences about
formulating and testing, using advanced communications or multi-media equipment, or working the process or population being studied; this is called inferential statistics. Both descriptive
in teams for product development. Here's a short list of research and vocational areas in and inferential statistics comprise applied statistics. There is also a discipline called mathematical
computing. statistics, which is concerned with the theoretical basis of the subject.Statisticians may apply
o Artificial Intelligence -- Develop computers that simulate human learning and reasoning their knowledge of statistical methods to a variety of subject areas, such as biology, economics,
ability. engineering, medicine, public health, psychology, marketing, education, and sports. Many
o Computer Design and Engineering -- Design new computer circuits, microchips, and economic, social, political, and military decisions cannot be made without statistical techniques,
other electronic components. such as the design of experiments to gain Federal approval of a newly manufactured drug.
o Computer Architecture -- Design new computer instruction sets, and combine electronic Statistics focuses on gathering and analyzing information and numerical data. Students studying
or optical components to provide powerful but cost-effective computing. statistics will complete coursework in areas such as probability, statistical analysis, regression
o Information Technology -- Develop and manage information systems that support a methods, sampling, experimental design, and multivariate analysis. Students can pursue a
business or organization. statistics major or a joint statistics-mathematics major.
o Software Engineering -- Develop methods for the production of software systems on
time, within budget, and with few or no defects. Experimental and observational studies
o Computer Theory -- Investigate the fundamental theories of how computers solve A common goal for a statistical research project is to investigate causality, and in particular to
problems, and apply the results to other areas of computer science. draw a conclusion on the effect of changes in the values of predictors or independent variables
o Operating Systems and Networks -- Develop the basic software computers use to on response or dependent variables. There are two major types of causal statistical studies,
supervise themselves or to communicate with other computers. experimental studies and observational studies. In both types of studies, the effect of differences
o Software Applications -- Apply computing and technology to solving problems outside of an independent variable (or variables) on the behavior of the dependent variable are
the computer field - in education or medicine, for example. observed. The difference between the two types lies in how the study is actually conducted.
Each can be very effective.
Lifelong Learning
While the computing field is one of the fastest growing segments of industry, it is also one of An experimental study involves taking measurements of the system under study, manipulating

26 27
the system, and then taking additional measurements using the same procedure to determine its nature, Maxwell's Equations, Wave Equation and Radiations.
if the manipulation has modified the values of the measurements. In contrast, an observational
study does not involve experimental manipulation. Instead, data are gathered and correlations Computer Language (C++) The purpose of this course is to enable the students to write
between predictors and response are investigated. programs for computer and other control mechanisms. They are taught how to design hardware
problems and then how to write software to control that hardware projects. Also they are
Electronics : taught interfacing techniques in order to make them expert in computer application.
Electronics is the study of the flow of charge through various materials and devices such as
semiconductors, resistors, inductors, capacitors, nano-structures and vacuum tubes. Although Net Working The course objective is to introduce students with the new media of information.
considered to be a theoretical branch of physics, the design and construction of electronic This course covers Installation, Configuration and Management of LAN/WAN and Internet. At
circuits to solve practical problems is an essential technique in the fields of electronic the end, every student is capable of establishing personal network as trouble shooter for
engineering and computer engineering. This science starts about 1908 with the invention by different server problems.
Dr Lee De Forest of the valve (triode) Before 1950 this science was named "Radio" or "Radio
technics" because that was its principal application. Electronics Communication
The purpose of this course is to give basic knowledge to the students about different techniques
The study of new semiconductor devices and surrounding technology is sometimes considered of Wireless Communication through wire or wireless. In this subject, students are taught
a branch of physics different modulation/demodulation techniques. Problems associated with Wireless
Different Courses offered Communication and how these problems can be minimized are also studied.
Analog Electronics
To familiar the students with construction, Function and applications of all types of Electronic The subject LASER due to its industrial applications getting much importance in the research
Components and devices. To make them able to apply Laws and theorems related to circuit area was introduced. It provides better continuity in the area of LASER optical properties,
analysis. To understand design, and practically implement different types of communications interaction of LASER with materials. It also covers the area of solid-state laser, gas laser, liquid
and industry related complex circuits. laser and semiconductor laser and its practical importance.

Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor It deals with the basic Digital Concepts of Digital Fiber Optics
Electronics & makes the students familiar with the basic building blocks of Digital Electronics This subject covers basic principles of optical communication, and different techniques of
and logic design. Gradually enhances their knowledge to the design of Complex digital systems optical communication, comparison of optical communication with other techniques of wireless
(I.C). Gives the students an introduction to the Microprocessor Architecture & knowledge of and with wire communication. Moreover, students are taught different techniques of coupling
different families of Microprocessors. and splicing. They are also taught the different types of fibers and different light sources.

Solid State Electronics In studying Solid State Electronic devices, we are interested with Industrial Electronics & Soft Ware Engineering To make the students familiar with different
crystal structure behavior of solids, the transport of charge through a metal or semiconductor types of Sensors and transducers and their applications in industries. To enable them to design
and band theory. The electrical properties of the semiconductors junction physics and different types of industrial control circuits and its practical implementation. And finally, to
properties designed techniques of BJT, and FET fabrications and logic gates. These are the make them expert of different machines, like PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) and CNS
basis for understanding of Electronic properties of semiconductors device, and their machines and different types of Computer Controlled machines through sensors and interfacing
fabrications. Microprocessor & Micro Controller Interfacing Digital Logic Design and Microprocessor.
The objective of this course is to practically implement analog and digital concept and develop
Electromagnetic Theory This course is designed to teach the field theory and its application in integrated solutions. The emphasis is on the applied and alternative solutions based on
communication electronics. The course starts with electronic and magnetic field sources and Microprocessors & Micro controller Architecture and Interfacing capabilities.

28 29
Opportunities After passing CPT and 10+2 students can join Professional Competence Course, articled
After completing the P.G. course students can find wonderful opportunities in ISRO, NRSA, training, and 100 hours of Information Technology Training (ITT). Articled training is the
BHEL, DRDL, NTPC, APSEB, DRDO, ECIL and in many other Electrical manufacturing units practical training and involves working in the office of a Chartered Accountant in practice or
and industries. They can also pursue their M.Tech course in all the universities under UGC a firm of such Chartered Accountants. There are two types of training opportunities available
including IITS, NITS, IICTS and so on. Students are also eligible for M. Tech in Computers and to a student of the course: as an articled clerk or as an audit clerk. Articled clerk is a trainee
diploma courses in VLSI and Embedded Systems from C- DAC. attached to a Chartered Accountant in practice under a deed of articles for the duration of the
training of 3-1/2 years. Audit clerk is amongst the regular paid staff of practicing chartered
CAREER IN COMMERCE accountants and eight months of audit training is treated as equivalent to six months of articled
Commerce is a very popular subject in India these days. Indian economy is growing at a rapid
pace and since Services sector constitutes the largest chunk of India's GDP therefore there After completion of three months of articled training students are required to undergo 100
are ample career opportunities for Commerce graduates. hours of Information Technology Training. Students are eligible to appear in Professional
Competence Examination after working for not less than 15 months as an articled assistant or
One of the most obvious career options available to commerce students is to pursue B.Com equivalent period as an audit assistant, three months prior to the first day of the month in
and thereafter work as Accountants. Educational background in commerce also gives an edge which examination is held.
to the students interested in a career in Insurance and stock market. The more ambitious and
brighter ones can opt to become Chartered Accountants, Cost and Work Accountants and After passing the Professional Competence Examination, students are required to register
Company Secretary. for Final course with the Board of Studies. Students may also undergo May undergo General
Management and Communication Skills Course (GMSC) while undergoing Final course or they
Chartered Accountants: With the spurt in services sector throughout the globe, chartered can do GMSC after passing Final Course. Students can appear for final examination on completion
accountancy as a career option is on the upswing. In India too, with the rapid growth in of the practical training on or before the last day of the month preceding the month in which
economy chartered accountants are in great demand. In India, the responsibilities of conducting the examination is held.
the Chartered Accountancy Course are vested with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI). On successful completion of the course, the student becomes entitled to apply After passing the final examination students are eligible to enroll with the Institute of Chartered
for membership of the Institute, which in turn entitles him to use the professional description Accountants of India to become Chartered Accountants. Commerce graduates with 50%
of Chartered Accountant. marks, non-commerce graduates without maths, with 55% marks and non-commerce graduates
with maths and an aggregate of 60% marks are exempted from Common Proficiency Test and
There are three levels of Chartered Accountancy Course in India: are eligible to join Professional Competence Course and articled training directly.
1. Entry Level Test: Common Proficiency Test
2. First Stage of Theoretical Education: Professional Competence Course
3. Final Stage of Theoretical Education: Final Course Company Secretary: Career, as a Company Secretary is both prestigious as well as financially
rewarding. Company Secretary commands high position in the value chain and acts as an
A student can enroll with the ICAI for Common Proficiency Test (CPT) after passing Class 10 interface between the company and its Board of Directors, shareholders, government and
examination. He/She can appear in CPT after appearing in the Senior Secondary Examination regulatory authorities. He/She ensures that Board procedures are both followed and regularly
(10+2 examination). Common Proficiency Test is designed on the pattern of entry level tests reviewed. Company Secretary acts as conscience seeker of the company and guides Chairman
for engineering, medical and other professional courses. The duration of tests is 4hours and the Directors on their responsibilities under various laws.
comprising of two sessions of 2 hours each with a break between two sessions. The test
contains objective type questions only and there is negative marking for wrong options. As per the section 383A of the Companies Act, 1956, companies with a paid-up share capital
of Rs.Two crores or more are compulsorily required to appoint a whole time Company

30 31
Secretary. Also, every company having a paid-up share capital of Rs.Ten Lakhs or more but less The job of a cost accountant is to give a prognosis for projects to be undertaken based on past
than Rs.Two Crores, is required to engage the services of a Secretary in whole-time practice and present financial performances. Thus, Cost Accountant can facilitate strategic decisions in
for issue of compliance Certificate. Hence there are ample career opportunities for Company respect of diverse economic activities of an organization.
Secretaries. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) develops and regulates the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) promotes, regulates, and develops
profession of Company Secretaries in India. A candidate has to clear three stages to qualify as the profession of Cost Accountancy in India. Under AICTE guidelines Cost Accountants are
Company Secretary: (1) Foundation Course, (2) Intermediate Course, and (3) Final Course. eligible for admission into direct Ph.Ds

The ICWAI examinations are held in three stages: Foundation, Intermediate and Final. A
The eligibility to join Foundation Course is pass in 10+2 examination or its equivalent in any candidate may appear for the Foundation examination after passing Senior Secondary
stream. The duration of the Foundation Course is 8 months. The eligibility to join Intermediate Examination under 10+2 scheme. After passing the Foundation exam, a candidate is eligible for
Course is a pass in the Foundation Course Examination of the ICSI/Graduation degree or admission to Intermediate course. Graduates in any discipline are eligible for direct admission
Master's degree/Pass in ICWAI, ICAI. The duration of the Intermediate Course is 9 months. to Intermediate course. It takes a minimum of 18 months to clear Intermediate Course. After
After passing the Intermediate Course, a candidate becomes eligible for admission to Final passing Intermediate Course a candidate is eligible for admission to Final Course and it takes
Course. A candidate who has passed the Final examination of ICSI is required to undergo a minimum of 18 months to clear Final examination. Candidates who have passed final
practical training to become eligible for Associate Membership of the Institute. examination and have a minimum work experience of three years are eligible to become
members of Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India.
The students are required to undergo the following trainings:
o 5 days Training Orientation Programme (TOP) before commencement of training
o 15 months training after passing the Intermediate Examination or Final Examination. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
o 3 months practical training after passing the Final examination for those who are exempted
from undergoing 15 months training 1. I am planning to take the CAT this year. But I am very confused about which field to choose
o 15 days Training with Registrar of Companies (ROC), Stock Exchange, financial or between marketing, finance, HR systems. Which has more scope and is more paying marketing
banking institution or finance?
o 15 days Secretarial Modular Training Programme (SMTP) after passing the Final A. Both marketing and finance are critical business functions. Your professional success
Examination and completion of other Training requirement however will depend on your individual skills, aptitude and initiative, regardless of the
specialization you choose. Your pay packet will also depend on the B school you studied and
The students can be exempted from training totally or partially depending on the practical from the companies that visit your campus for recruitment and to some extent on the sectoral
experience possessed by them. cycles that prevail at the time of placement like when the economy is booming, jobs in finance
are at a premium. Not to worry though the first years MBA curriculum at most B schools is
Cost Accountants: In this era of liberalization Cost Accountants are in great demand in private compulsory for all the students. It will cover the basic functional areas of finance and accounting.
enterprises, government sector, banking & finance sector, development agencies, education, You will also learn the basic principles of economics, behavioral sciences, information
training & research sector, service & public utility sector etc. The scope for Cost Accountants technology and quantitative methods in context of business management. At the end of the
has increased tremendously as with the spread of liberalization paradigm the role of government first year, you will work on a summer assignment for 8 to 10 weeks in an organization. In the
has reduced and a number of regulatory agencies have sprung up. Professionals like Cost second year, you will have the opportunities to pursue the areas of special interest to you.
Accountants are an invaluable aid to such regulatory functions. Cost Accountants are holding Therefore, all the second year courses in good B-schools like the IIMs have electives. Besides
top position management positions, viz. Managing Director, Finance Director, Financial helping you develop an integrated approach to solving business problems. This gives you
Controller, Chief Accountant, Cost Controller, Marketing Manager, Chief Internal Auditor in sufficient time to choose your field of specialization. IIMA and a number of other B schools
private enterprises. give you the flexibility of dual specialization. You can even mix and match courses from
different streams if you like, as long as you are prepared to take on the load of extra credits.

32 33
2. I have done B.Sc and wish to do MCA. What are the eligibility criteria and what level of 5. I am doing my bachelor's with English and want to pursue the job related with the language.
mathematics is required? What options I have in future if I do post graduation with English?

A. The eligibility for admission to MCA courses as mandated by AICTE, a Bachelor's degree of A. Your level of fluency in the language will determine the range of options open to you.
minimum three years duration with mathematics as one of the subjects or mathematics at Besides the obvious language, centric jobs like interpretation, translation and teaching that
10+2 level. Most universities required minimum 50% to 60% aggregate. Admission to MCA require a high degree of language skills are good choices. Travel and tourism, public relations,
courses to through state or institution level entrance tests which test your logical and analytical mass communications, publishing, commerce and industry to a name a few. Familiarity with the
reasoning, quantitative aptitude higher mathematics, English comprehension and basic computers technical jargon of your trade will give you an edge as well.
awareness. The mathematics component in the test is fairly significant. Not only is number
crunching ability a vital prerequisite to make it to a good MCA programme, it is also an 6. What is ICET?
important part of the MCA course as well as your career. A. ICET is Integrated Common Entrance Test conducted for admissions to Master of Computer
Applications (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses offered by various
3. What are public relations (PR)? What are the career prospects and eligibility criteria? universities in Andhra Pradesh, India.

A. Public relations is a management function that involves monitoring and evaluating public 7. What is the job prospects in multimedia line and what are the skills required?
attitudes and maintaining mutual relations and understanding between an organization and its
clients. PR officers can hit upon employment in the corporate sector, public sector, government A. Creativity is an essential criterion for multimedia developers. They should have the ability
agencies, tourist agencies, hotels, banks and other financial institutions, private consultancy to take responsibilities as well as the ability to work with team members. Excellent organizational
firms etc., bachelors degree in any discipline preferably with social sciences, liberal arts and skills are an added asset. Career opportunities for multimedia developers continue to grow
humanities is required to take up a course in this field. Best courses in public relations in India with the concurrent advances in multimedia.
o Symbiosis institute of mass communication (SIMC), Pune. 9. I want to become a journalist. Please guide in detail about careers in journalism.
o School of broadcasting and communication, Mumbai
o Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi A. Journalism in India has a very vital role to play. India is the world's biggest democracy and
o Osmania University, Hyderabad. free and vibrant press is an essential organ of any democracy.

4. I am a science graduate and interested in going abroad and pursue my higher studies; what Career in Journalism can be broadly divided in three categories:
test should I take to make my journey successful. What is the name of the test?
1. Print Journalism: This is the traditional form of journalism and includes persons working in
A. TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, the most acclaimed test taken by most of the newspapers and magazine. The print journalism work can be broadly divided into two streams:
non-native speakers of English, in a way measures the ability in speaking, writing and listening the field and the desk.
of English. It is taken as a prerequisite for admission into colleges and universities where
English is used or required. Many governments and funding bodies use TOEFL scores to Field Work: In large newspapers and magazines each field worker has a special assignment.
evaluate the English proficiency of people for whom English is not their native language. Two There are journalists assigned to cover political issues, corporate affairs, sports, fashion etc.
types of TOEFL iBT (internet based test) and TOEFL PBT (Paper based test). The TOEFL iBT
measures all four language skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing. It is given on Desk Work: With in the offices of newspapers and magazines is the news desk where sub-
computers. Likewise the TOEFL PBT measures listening, structure, reading and writing using editors or copyeditors process these stories for presentation with headlines. It is their
paper and pencil. responsibility to see that the story is objective and has no personal bias.

34 35
2. Electronic Journalism: Electronic communication technology has revolutionized the mass 11. I have finished B.Sc., mathematics. Which are the other courses that can enhance my job
communication system. Now a days a large number of news channels have proliferated and opportunities in the future?
there are significant job opportunities in the field of electronic journalism. In electronics
journalism jobs can be divided into reporting, anchoring, and production. Good personality A. You will have better prospects if you have a post graduate degree. Almost every university
and excellent communication skills are required to make a mark in electronic journalism. offers M.Sc mathematics. Students of mathematics can pursue careers in any of the following
fields: pure mathematics, pure statistics, computer science, physical sciences, or other related
3. Web Journalism: The penetration of Internet has given birth to a new breed of journalism fields such as insurance, banking and accountancy. There are many specializations in mathematics
known as web journalism. Web journalists create content for Internet. too. Those who prefer to work may find openings in private firms. They may also take up
teaching or academic research.
Some of the personal characteristics that journalists need to have is broad based education,
good general knowledge, keen interest in current affairs, and a style of writing that is accurate, 12. What kinds of careers paths are available with microbiology as the major subject?
readable, and informed. There are a number of colleges in India, which impart journalism
courses in India. Here is a list of top journalism colleges in India. A. Depending on your experience and education, there are a number of options and
opportunities to choose from in your career as a microbiologist.
o Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC)
o Pioneer Media School Bachelor's Degree: Upon graduation, your Bachelor degree in microbiology will help you
o Symbiosis Institute of Mass Communication Pune qualify for many technical, research, environmental, and clinical positions.
o Xavier Institute of Communications Mumbai o Research assistant - A key player to research teams, providing technical support to
o Journalism Courses in Bharati Vidya Bhawan conduct research. A research assistant participates in a team with a director and scientists
as well as marketing, administrative and sales professionals.
Candidate should have a Bachelor's degree in any discipline. Those who have appeared/are o Food, industrial or environmental microbiologists, quality assurance technologists -
appearing for the degree examination are also eligible to apply. Identifies disease or harmful causing microorganisms in water, food, dairy, pharmaceutical
and environmental products. In addition, they check for the quality and safety of vitamins,
10. I am interested in pursuing a career in stock market. Suggest some course that helps me in vaccines, antibiotics, antiseptics and disinfectants.
succeed in this field? o Clinical and veterinary microbiologists, medical technologists - Identifies disease causing
microorganisms in humans and animals.
A. Post graduate programmes in capital market studies and in stocks and securities are available.
You can choose from the following courses: The Mumbai Stock Exchange, Mumbai (PG Diploma Master's Degree: A Master's degree will broaden your career choices in marketing, sales,
and Certificate courses in Capital Market studiens, Institute of Capital Market Development, administrative, teaching and technical support positions. Opportunities include:
Karol Bagh., New Delhi(one year post graduate programme in the fundamentals of capital o Supervisor or laboratory manager - Supervises day to day activities in a variety of
market development), JDC Bytoc Institute of Management studies and research, Nasik (PG laboratories.
Diploma in capital market studies); Pune University, Gansh Khind, Pune (PG Diploma in capital o Research manager or associate - Performs experiments and provides technical support
market studies);Institute of Financial and Investment Planning. Mumbai (one-year to research teams.
correspondence cum lecture series course leading to a diploma in financial and investment o Instructor - Teaches courses at the community and junior college levels.
planning. Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi (Post graduate membership
course in capital market and financial services), Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst of India Doctoral Degree (or equivalent): A M.D., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degree is almost always required
(ICFAI), Hyderabad (courses in Treasury and Forex Management, and Business Finance), for higher-level positions in microbiology and other sciences. Achieving your doctoral degree
University of Delhi, Delhi (Masters in Finance control), and Aligarh University, Aligarh (Masters will greatly enhance your opportunities. You will be able to perform independent research,
in Finance Control). teach undergraduate and graduate students and assume executive level responsibilities in

36 37
government and industry. Specific jobs include: in progress both in academic institutions and industries. However, educational opportunities
in bio-informatics are yet to be developed in India. The Pune University (Bio-informatics
o Scientist - Formulates hypotheses for experimental investigation, conducts research Centre) and Madurai-Kamaraj University have introduced an Advanced Diploma Course in
and trains students and laboratory personnel. Bio-informatics of one-year duration. The course is open to holders of MVSc, MSc (Agriculture),
o University or college professor - Teaches in the classroom or laboratory, trains students, MBBS and BTechnology degrees. In view of its increasing industrial and other applications of
conducts research and performs community service. biotechnology, the Government of India has set up a separate Department of Biotechnology
o Academic science administrator - Serves as college or university dean or in other (DBT) in the Ministry of Science and Technology, to implement an integrated human resource
administrative positions such as vice president or president. development programme to generate adequate and appropriately trained manpower in
o Research director - Leads research team that explores and tries to understand biotechnology.
unanswered questions and unproven theories.
o Corporate executive - Oversees part or all of a company such as a biotechnology, 15. I am a life science graduate and want to make a career in health management. Please tell me
pharmaceutical, agricultural or environmental firm. about the admission procedure, the eligibility criteria, the institutes offering the course and
o Consultant - Advises and reports information to organizations such as businesses or the future prospects?
government agencies.
o Science advisor or administrator - Leads programs concerned with safety of new devices, A. Health management is emerging as an area of professional management. It is aimed at
food, drugs and chemicals and helps influence laws, regulations and research for providing management skills to professionals responsible for health services in the country.
government agencies. There are two types of professionals who opt for health and hospital management: medical
professionals (medicine graduates) and other regular graduates. While the technical aspects
13. What are different fields I can pursue if I opt for Genetics as my major subject? such as procurement of equipment and medical expendables, recruitment and training of staff
Medicine management of professionals and research work are supervised by the doctor administrator
o Medical genetics the management and assignment of duties of other staff, maintenance and services as well as
o Genetic counseling security are taken care of by the graduates trained in health services management.
o Gene therapy List of institutes:
o Organ transplantation, fertility, and reproduction o AIIMS, New Delhi
o Pharmaceutical industry and suppliers o Tate Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
o Pharmacogenomics o Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), University of Delhi, New Delhi.
o Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur.
Science o Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Clacutta.
o Sequencing of many organisms, including human
o Biotechnology 16. I did B.Sc with Biotechnology and want to pursuer M.Sc with it. Eventually I want to start
o Functional genomics my own biotech industry. Is it a good idea?
o Proteomics
o Microbial genetics A. An academic degree does not guarantee success in business, which is completely a different
ball game. You need the necessary finances, entrepreneur capability and a solid business idea
14. What is Bioinformatics? Can any science graduate pursue it? particularly in a field like biotech industry. Some experience of working in industry would
A. In order to make sense of all the data being produced on genes, and genetic, make-up of all familiarize you with the practical aspects of marketing, sourcing, manufacturing and managing
kinds of species, an entirely new field called "bio-informatics" has emerged. Bio-informatics a business. Here are couple of institutions that would help you formulate your plan and
involves the identification of patterns in gene variation and the design of custom molecule that provide you right information and guidance promoted by Department of biotechnology (DBT),
would attract suspect genes and proteins. Considerable research work on bio-informatics is Biotech consortium India Ltd provides linkages, amongst research institutions, industry,

38 39
government and funding institutions to facilitate commercialization of biotechnology. BCIL o Federal Agencies
operates an industrial training and placement programme through which prost graduates with o Ecological consulting companies
the right aptitude for biotechnology are provided industrial training to orient them in o Petrochemical, chemical, and lumber and paper industries
commercial biotechnology. Over 100 trainees have been trained and placed during the last five o Pharmaceutical, food, seed and nursery, fruit growers, biological supply houses, and
years. The programme provides the following inputs: Broad Business Plan, Feasibility studies, biotechnology firms
diversification strategies, market assessment, market entry or marketing promotion strategies. o Environmental and biotechnical regulatory agencies
Strategic alliances partner identification. Log on to for more information. o State Park naturalist, College Campus grounds administrator, Environmental impact
specialist, Greenhouse technician
17. How is to make Botany as my career abroad ? What are the prospects? o US Forest Service employee
o Landscape management and design
A. Botany is a growing field as more and more people recognize how vital plants are to many o Consultant, Botanist, Horticulturist, Ecologist, Plant Specialist
aspects of society - However, some areas are more competitive than others. For instance, in o National Park Service Employee
recent years the number of ecology graduates has outnumbered the job openings, but positions o Marine/freshwater biologist
are open in agronomy and biotechnology. A degree in botany provides a solid scientific o National forestry or conservation expert
foundation to make you more employable in other fields as well, should you later decide not o Science Columnist
to be a botanist. As in any field, salary depends on training and experience, as well as where o Biological photographer
you work. In general, salaries in scientific and technical fields are above average in a community. o High School Biology Instructor
Salaries for botanists are competitive with other sciences. The outlook is best for those with o Agricultural Research Service
advanced degrees and with working experience. The need for botanists and those trained in
botany will continue to grow in the future. The headline of a recent news article from the Botany Career Websites for Jobs:
journal Nature was, "U.S. universities find that demand for botanists exceeds supply." USDA Agricultural Research Service
Businesses, industry, and research centers are also looking for botanists. For instance, the BSA's Careers in Botany
Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis recently opened and now employs many botanists Careers in Horticulture
to increase understanding of basic plant biology, to apply new knowledge for the benefit of American Society of Plant Physiologists
human nutrition and health, and to improve the sustainability of agriculture worldwide. In American Society of Plant Taxonomists
Oklahoma, the S. R. Noble Foundation employs botanists who investigate how to enhance American Institute of Biological Sci.
plant productivity through fundamental research and applied biotechnology. As the population America's Job Bank
of people on earth continues to explode, the need to produce more productive crops and Oklahoma Office of Personnel Mgmt.
more nutritious foods will depend on the talents of botanists. Because all people use resources US Office of Personnel Management
and produce wastes, there will also be increasing pressures on the environment with a need Cool Works-Great Jobs in Great Places
for botanists to help solve problems with air, water, and soil pollution and to preserve the College Board.Com - 0,1465,15-
ecosystems around the globe. The world is constantly changing, but the need for future 027,00.html
botanists remains strong.
Internships and Information
Possible employers Carl Albert Public Internship Program
o Colleges, Universities, and Plant Research Centers Tulsa Zoo
o Museums, such as the Smithsonian Institution Oklahoma City Zoo
o Botanical gardens and arboretums, such as the National Arboretum The Student Conservation Assoc. Inc.
o USDA branches and US Forest Service National Science Foundation

40 41
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History (LIFE SCIENCES, PHYSICAL SCIENCES)
Environmental Careers Organization (Lists internships)
18. I like to pursue biochemistry as my major subject. Please provide the detail information The Scholarships will be awarded to encourage scholars with demonstrated ability and
regarding its career opportunities. intellectual excellence to produce thoughtful and thought-provoking work and thereby
contribute positively towards building a knowledge society. The choice of subjects is diverse,
A. Students attaining a degree in biochemistry receive an excellent preparation for a scientific but not all-inclusive.
career. The knowledge gained studying biochemistry is applicable to many areas including The Paul Foundation
agriculture, medicine and biotechnology. Biochemistry graduates also possess knowledge and 15 Park Street, Kolkata - 700 016
expertise in laboratory techniques and analysis in areas such as : Biotechnology, Antibiotics , Phone : 033-2229 5455 - 58
Molecular genetics , DNA analysis, Toxicological and environmental testing.
If you were interested in studying biochemistry, you would receive additional knowledge in For Rank Holders in PUC/ 12th Standard (Supported by Sir Rathan Tata Trust, Bombay)
the basic sciences of biology and chemistry, but particularly in biochemistry you would cover: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, invites applications for the "IISc Young Science Fellowship
Molecular biology and Novel Molecular Diagnostics, Drug Development, Stem Cell Therapies, Programme " from rank holders in PUC/12th Standard, who have joined 1st Year B.Sc. in any
Genomics, Bioinformatics, Gene Therapy, Social and Ethical Issues Relating to Genomic branch of Science or Mathematics at any college / University in India.
Information, Patent Law. Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
Bangalore-560 012
Types of Biochemistry Jobs: With a degree in Biochemistry, an individual would find they have Ph: 080-22932210, 080-22932977, 080-23601413
a vast list of careers available. The large industry is that of pharmaceuticals followed by work Fax: 080-23601413
with the human genome project. Other industries where a Biochemist would work include: Email:
Private Sector: Biotechnology, Food and Drink (includes brewing), Health and Beauty Care,
Medical Instrument companies, Chemical manufacturing companies, Research Companies and RAJIV GANDHI SCIENCE TALENT RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP

Public Sector: Scientific laboratories, Agriculture and fisheries, Hospitals, Universities, Public Introduction: The Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellowship from Jawaharlal Nehru
Health Entities, Blood Service, Forensic Science, Overseas Development, Public Health Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) has its main objective of presenting budding
Laboratories, National Blood Services, Cancer research institutes, Environmental Pollution and inspired scientists with a golden opportunity of keeping themselves abreast of the ground
Control. breaking work done by scientists in India. This Fellowship Program is part of the Summer
Research Fellowship Program of the institute and was introduced by the Jawaharlal Nehru
While most biochemist graduates tend to work in a traditional laboratory and research Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in tandem with the Department of Science and
environment. Some biochemists may be attracted to working within a scientific company, but Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi. The Fellowship gives an opportunity to
in more non-traditional roles. Possible careers may include recruitment agencies, sales, students to carry out research activities in life sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences,
management and computing. engineering sciences, mathematics and atmospheric Sciences.

The Program Coordinator

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Jakkur P.O. Bangalore 560 064

42 43
The "Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana" is a programme started during 1999 by the
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India to encourage students of Basic
Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to take up research careers in these areas. The aim of the
programme is to identify and encourage talented students with aptitude for research.

This programme strives to assist the students to realise their potential and to ensure that the
best scientific talent is developed for research and growth of in the country. Generous
scholarships are provided (up to the Pre-PhD. level) to the selected students. In addition,
summer programmes for the KVPY Fellows are organized in prestigious research and
educational institutions in the country.

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)

Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012
Fax: (080) - 2360 1215
Telephone: (080) 2360 1008, 2293 2975 / 76 (EPBX 20-27)


Summer Fellowships: Summer Fellowships are awarded to bright students to work with
Fellows of the Academy on research-oriented projects. Approximately 400 such fellowships
to students are offered every year with travel and living expenses paid. Announcements
inviting applications appear in Resonance and Current Science around November-December,
and the selected applicants, notified by February-March, can avail the fellowships for two
months during the summer. Since inception, about 1030 students have availed these fellowships.
From 2007, the two other national academies in the country - Indian National Science Academy
(New Delhi) and National Academy of Sciences (Allahabad) - joined this programme

The Centre offers summer fellowships for two months to bright undergraduate and MSc
students (renewable for a second year for selected students).

44 45
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52 53
ATTENDANCE 1. Student doing job: It is observed that several students are absent to the classes as
they are working, the timing of which does not facilitate attending classes. In some
"Does discipline mean corrective action after a problem occurs ? cases, if the student is doing night shifts, he usually absents himself for the first hour
Is it imposition? Is it abuse? Does it take away freedom?" ,or some times the job timing will be arranged in such a manner that they have to bunk
Many of us believe that Discipline, punctuality and hard work are the keys to success. But the the classes in mid of the college hour.
way I looked at my life was different. I, just like the
other teens of my age loved to enjoy life, hang around Suggestions:
with friends, go for movies, and never desired to be 1. It is advisable that the student inform about his/her job and related information
burdened with responsibilities. Though I was good in (which even includes the need for doing the job) to the section in charge
studies and co-curricular activities, I wanted life to
2. Each student will be counselled so that he/ can adjust the timing of job so that the
move on my conditions. When ever I missed classes
office timings do not clash with the college timings and he can attend the classes regularly
or moved around with my friends I had to cook up a
false story to my parents who believed me blindly. 3. S/He must be clearly aware of the fact that attendance to classes is compulsory
But when ever I told lies, I felt ashamed of myself, not under any circumstances.
because of enjoying the freedom but, misusing the 4. In case of financial necessity for the student in doing the job, the college may give him/
trust of my parents. And the only way to come out of her part-time employment in the college, to meet his/her immediate financial
that guilt was to be honest not only with my parents requirements.
but even towards myself. But many of us don't realise 5. In case there is no financial necessity, it is advisable for the students not to undertake
the importance of discipline and by the time they realise any jobs and this will help in avoiding the attendance problem.
it, it is too late.
2. Chronic ill health: In some cases it is observed
Many of us are not aware of the importance of attendance in the college. Fulfillment of that, the student suffers from ill health such as
attendance requirements is one of the bounden duties of any student as per the university Jaundice, typhoid, malaria, Chicken pox,
norms, to be eligible for applying and writing university exams. Apart from compliance of Hemophilia which do not permit him/her in
university norms regular attendance to the classes helps the student in: attending the classes regularly. Some times the ill
health continues in intermittent periods, thereby,
- Understanding the subject properly during the year he is absent for several days at
- Not spending additional time and money on tuitions different intervals.
- Saving time to enhance his ability to involve and enjoy the class, understand the subject
better. The time saved can be effectively used for furthering future goals. It is also observed that in case of certain medical problems
like sinus, constipation etc., it is not possible for the student to attend the classes and also not
- Be regular to the classes and take into account the latest changes in the subject, which
be able to produce medical certificates.
helps him secure good marks in the exam.
- Improving communication skills. Suggestions:
1. It is wise if the student submit a Medical certificate from a competent medical
In spite of many positive sides of being regular there are many who continue to absent authority. The same recommendation has to be endorsed by the parents in presence of
themselves from the classes There can be many reasons for it. Let's study them in detail: the section in-charge. This will help the student to overcome the attendance problem
2. Student has to give a proper report of his/her health so that he/she can be monitored
on a regular basis,
54 55
3. It is advisable to the student and his/her parents that he/she should attend all the 3. The student and the parents are informed that a leave may be permitted to a maximum
remaining classes and in such a case his/her absence due to medical problems can be period of 3- 5 days and no attendance will be given for that period .Such leave shall not
condoned. be availed twice during the concerned course of study.
4. In genuine cases the student is assured that the data so gathered will not be disclosed
to a third party and will be used only to support his/her emergency medical requirements. Death or ill health of family members: Some student cites the reason for their absence to
classes that their parents or grand parents are not well or have expired. Especially in case of
3. Marriage of the student: Marriage of the student is one of the reasons that are students from distant places, they are absent for more than 15 days.
observed for absenteeism of the student especially in case of girls, due to the marital
obligations Suggestions:
Suggestions: 1. The Student should inform the college immediately on happening of such sad incident
and on the day of attending the college he/ she shall produce a letter signed by the
1. Student cannot obtain admission in case he/ she are already married.
2. The student who gets married after joining the college is advised to be regular to the
2. In case of ill health or death of grand parents and distant relatives like cousin, uncle etc.,
classes if she is really interested to continue her education. So that later she should not
the leave may be permitted for a maximum period of 3 days.
pressurise the college to permit her to apply for the university exams.
3. It is important for the student to know that no attendance will be considered for that
3. Parent and spouse of the student are advised to meet the section in-charge so that he/
she can council them along with the student.
4. In case of death of a parent each case is considered separately
A. Special Cases :
In case a woman candidate is pregnant and wishes Foreign visit: Students who are coming from foreign countries or whose parents are staying
to continue her studies she can do so. She has to abroad are absent for several days. Some do not come back on time due to visa problems in
follow university norms as given in the suggestions. the beginning of the academic year and some do not report as they go to native places once in
a year. This will again affect the attendance of the student
1. For such candidates a maximum of 6 weeks Suggestions:
absence on account of pregnancy may be condoned 1. The best thing they can do is, to complete all the required documentation such as
in the academic year. Such leave shall not be availed visa and other permissions from foreign embassy well in advance during the vacation, so
twice during the concerned course of study. that they can attend the college from the reopening day.

B. Marriage of family member: In several cases, it is observed that many students are 2. Student should be open enough to talk about his/her problem, and give the necessary
absent to the classes due to the marriage of a brother or a sister etc., for longer periods data to the section in charge and the student welfare co-ordinators, so that he/she
extending beyond 15 days. can be monitored and helped with the consulate services.

Suggestions: Long distances from college: It is observed that several students who are staying at a
1. It is always recommended that the parent should contact the section in charge for distant place from the college usually are absent in the first hour citing the reason that no
permission. buses were available or they were caught in a traffic jams etc.

2. In case of marriage of family members, the student should intimate the section in charge
with a letter signed by the parent along with the wedding card so that genuineness can
1. It is his/her responsibility to make suitable alternative arrangements for their conveyance
be ascertained.

56 57
and ensure that he/she attend all the classes right from the first hour. For e.g. parents' 10. Loneliness or psychological problems: It is observed that some students usually
or siblings' help can be taken to reach a place from where more means of conveyance suffer from psychological problems due to which they stay aloof and do not mix with
are available other students. They don't even show any interest in classroom activities. Therefore,
they are absent frequently from the classes.
2. Student is advised to start early from their places to avoid any attendance problem..

7. Lack of Motivation: It is observed in several cases that students join the course or college
due to pressure from the parents or because of their friends. In such a case, when student is
not properly motivated, and not is interested in the subject, s/he starts being absent to the
classes frequently

1. It will be better for the student that he/she has an open talk or discuss his/her problem
with the section in charge who can help the student in being motivated towards the

2. He/She should actively take part in the class room activities. this will help him develop
interest towards the topic
9. Language Problem: Students 1. If the student is going through any such psychological problem she/he can talk about his/
coming from vernacular backgrounds her problem directly to the section in charge or any other faculty and get counselled by
are unable to keep track of the subject. them.
Few of them develop phobia towards 2. In some cases if the student is unable to discuss his/her problems it is advisable to the
the language. This forces the student parent or friends/classmates to bring it to the notice of the section incharge.
to be absent from the classes
3. If parents notice any change in the behaviour of the kids they can talk about it to the
frequently. Some times, they even
section in charge
discontinue the studies.
4. If possible the college may take the help of expert counsellor to counsel such students
Suggestions: and train the faculty to identify and counsel such students.
1. If he/she continues to fear the language he/she can't learn it, which will not help him/her
in solving the language problem. Hence he/she should motivate himself/herself in learning 11. Participation in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities: Several students
the language and take part in classroom activities. participate in extra- curricular and co- curricular activities organised both with in the
college and also out side the college.
2. A Student can always seek help from the faculty in understanding the subject either
before or after the class hours.
3. The responsibility of such a faculty member would be to instil confidence in such a
1. The absence of the students who have participated in national and state level competitions
student regarding syllabus and examination issues.
can be condoned.
4. Such a student should encourage himself/herself to attend communication classes
2. The participation in city level competitions will be allowed only if the students make
conducted both with in and outside the college, and show interest in classroom activities
presentations of the things they have learnt by attending such an event.

58 59
712. Placements: The College is conducting placement drive to the students in the campus Suggestions:
and some times the students are asked to attend the combined drive for placement 1. Student should feel responsible and should be loyal towards his/her parents and studies
conducted by the companies in other colleges. In such a case the students who are 2. Student should be aware that no negative influences will be entertained by the college
attending placements especially out side the college are facing the problem of attendance.. with regard to attendance.
Some times, after the first round of recruitment process, the students are asked to
3. College will send letters and other communication to the parents of rural back ground
attend further rounds of interview at the company campus and such students are loosing
in the language known to them. So that it doesn't give any scope for the student to cook
attendance for that period.
up any false stories to their parents

15. Coaching for competitive exams and professional exams: It is observed that
1. All the students are informed that no placement attendance will be considered and they
several students who are taking coaching for competitive exams do not attend the first
have to maintain required percentage of attendance independent of placements.
hour in the morning session and some students who are taking coaching or who are
writing professional courses exams like CA, CS etc do not attend classes at least for 15
13. Cultural activities, events, fests etc: Several students miss the classes as they are
to 20 days before exams.
participating in cultural competitions, annual day celebrations, events organised in the
college, fresher's parties, farewell parties etc. These cause the problem of attendance
shortage to some students.
1. In case of coaching for competitive exams like CAT,CPT, GRE it will be better if the
student plan their coaching classes in such a way that thier classes do not clash with the
regular time table.
1. Participation in college events helps the student to exhibit his/her talent, but practising
for the event on condition of being absent to the classes is not advisable. Hence the 2. In case of professional courses like CA, CS the student should be helped to plan his
good thing that he/she can do is to practice after college hours. studies in such a way that he is able to prepare for exams and also attend the classes.
3. He may be permitted to take leave for one week before the scheduled date of exam.
13. Business back ground: many students from business community, are absent to the
classes as they have to look after their family business. 16. Deviant behaviour: It is observed that students
Suggestions: with bad habits, peer pressure and in bad company
1. It is advisable for the students and parents that their ward shall not be asked to look into usually bunk the classes, spend their time in going to
their business at the cost of attendance in the classes. theatres, misbehave with the teachers, don't take
part in classroom activity etc.
14. Parental back ground: students with political back
ground or whose parents are in higher positions in Suggestions:
government sectors do not attend the classes regularly 1. Student should understand that discipline plays a
with a feeling that they can get away by using their crucial role in moulding one's career. "humans can
parental influence. It is also observed that the students alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind".
whose parents are illiterates and are residing in rural 2. Even after repeated warnings and counselling if there is no change in the behaviour of
areas are not attending the classes regularly. Some the student, he/she will be rusticated from the college .
times, if they go home for vacation, they do not come
3. Hence students should avoid any such deviant behaviour which will spoil their career.
back on the reopening day. Since the parents are
illiterates they are not aware of importance of
attendance etc.

60 61
17. NCC and sports: The students who are participating in NCC, sports etc do not attend NOTE ON EXAMINATIONS
many classes and consequently their attendance is low and some times it is negligible.
Failures are the Stepping Stones to Success
Suggestions: The one word which we as students dread to hear is the word 'exam'. Given a chance most of
1. The coordinators of NCC and sports as well as the section in charge will have the list of us would like to skip exams. All our lives we go through a series of exams, sometimes coming
the students who are participating in NCC and Sports. It is the duty of the student to out in flying colours and sometimes ending up as failures. But what we tend to forget is that a
update the information regarding the camps that they attend, or sports they participate lot of learning happens at the end of the exams. We gain experience, knowledge and upon
in. reflection we know we can perform better the next time. We attempt an exam with the will
to succeed but there may be cases where in we do not perform well due to various reasons.
2. This will help the in charge to properly monitor the attendance of the student on
Now these reasons might be unforeseen circumstances like ill health or an accident. Or it
regular basis
could also be that our failure in the exam is our own doing, the simplest reason being we did
not study. Running away from a problem is never the solution, so we must tackle it before it
18. Students who takes part in religious procession:
becomes a major catastrophe. Tackling under graduate exams is a different ball game all
It is observed that some of the students are absent to the classes as they take Ayyappa
together. Before coming to solutions about how we can enhance our performance in the
Deeksha, go for pilgrimage with parents or visit Mecca etc, during the working days in
exams let us first reflect upon the problems.
the academic year.

As mentors we come across students from different walks of life. Different in terms of their
culture, background, and also different in terms of their caliber, capability, intelligence quotient,
It will be wise if the student and his/her parents plan religious programmes in such a way that
emotional quotient and so on. Irrespective of the above mentioned qualities they have all gone
he/she goes on such programmes only during vacation or on holidays.
through the same process of learning in their intermediate. The scenario in most of these
Hence not as a student but as an individual one should know the importance of moral virtues.
corporate colleges is that of helping students to master for the annual exams in a very
And understand that--------
mundane fashion. The students are given a series of lectures on a select topic followed by
printed notes being circulated to them. The students are then expected to learn the same and
reproduce it in their weekly tests and other internal exams. For this reason the students get
used to by hearting the answers without really going through the text books. They also get
habituated to being given readymade notes on the platter.

Passing out of intermediate the students enroll themselves in various under graduate colleges.
Here there is a sea change - the idea of college life itself has a different meaning to it. There are
no weekly tests, no remedial classes, and no monitors to keep a check on the students
whether they are studying after college hours or not. Having found such liberties at one go the
students do not know what to do with this kind of freedom. And at the first opportunity they
bunk classes. This is enjoying college life according to them. As a matter of fact any caged bird
will do the same. The problem begins when this becomes a habit and similar such situations.
And suddenly there is the annual exam to face. Now what to do? Suddenly you find yourself
attending classes, calling up friends to bail you out, borrow all the lecture notes to get it
"Gone are those days when ignorance was a bliss
xeroxed, burn the night lamp to cram every possible detail into your head. The final outcome
The joy in bunking the classes also disappeared
is disastrous. If luck plays a good role you end up with grace marks and you are actually
Hard work and punctuality is the key to success
relieved with the consolation that you can write improvements. Or the worse case sometimes
This turns the world a better place where we can be honoured"
62 63
you end up with back logs. You take a firm decision to mend your ways but as they say old Take critical feedback
habits die hard. History tends to repeat itself. Take critical feed back from your faculty regarding your performance, how to avoid repeating
the same mistakes and what is your scope for improvement. Practice writing your answers,
because a good handwriting will do the trick.

Get all your doubts clarified

Lastly see that you get all your doubts regarding subject answered as soon as you get them, if
you do that in the same lecture session the better. If you have missed out on any class because
of any reason request the concerned faculty to help you out.

Question Banks
There is the saying that "Prevention is better than Cure". So let's start right to get it right The question banks contain all the necessary information about the sources in which the
from day one. It's not such a Herculean task as it seems to be. The idea is you have to enjoy proper explanations for the questions can be found. The question banks take into account all
what you are doing and then there is not a day when you will feel "oh God I have to study!" the previous years' question papers by the university and has an exhaustive list of the questions
Having said that let us now look into the simple tasks that we need to do on a daily basis. about all the topics in each paper. Once you go through these question banks you will come
across some of the questions which tend to repeat in the exams. Thus you will get to know
Regular Attendance in classes some of the important questions that you will have to study for your exams. Such an exercise
First and fore most one is the need to attend classes regularly. Who of the question bank will help you in giving the information of all the topics in the syllabus. It
said that it is boring to attend classes? The interactive lectures are so also comes in handy in addressing all the issues regarding your exams. It will help you in
enjoyable that you do not want to miss them, provided you take them answering your essay answers, short answers, and objective type and so on. Remember
in the right perspective. Half you're learning is done in class itself and question banks given by the college will aid you to a certain extent but do not bank on them
its pleasant to study in the company of your classmates than alone. completely. Remember there are no short cuts to success.

Jotting down lecture notes Assuming that you will try to be exemplary in following the above instructions let us now look
Secondly taking down running notes is a wonderful way of keeping track of what is going on in into some of aspects that you need to do just before your exams. No two people study the
class. It enables you to be attentive and also helps you in recalling the said explanations in the same way, and there is little doubt that what method works for one may not work for the
classroom for future references. This also helps you in preparing your notes as here there is other. However, there are some general techniques that can bring about good results.
no spoon feeding, no printed material being circulated. Do not copy notes from others or
take down dictated notes. Prepare your own notes. You will not only develop your own style Proper Schedule for preparing for your exams
of writing but also widen your creative and analytical horizons. Always try to be creative and Firstly plan a proper schedule as to how to go about preparing
original in presenting your answers in the given format. Also spending time in the library and for the exams. The schedule will help you in being systematic
browsing through various books will help you in preparing your answers. and organized. The schedule need not be very rigid; it can be
revised according to the requirements. This will make you to
Attempt internal assessment be accountable for every hour of the day. The next step is to
Thirdly always attempt all the internal assessments that are being study at a time when the mind is fresh and relaxed. Study in a
conducted. Remember these assessments take place not to harass you, place where there is tranquility, the ambiance itself should
but to help you. At the end of the tests you will know where you stand. create the interest to study.
And you know the measure of hard work you need to put in for excellence.

64 65
Time Management in the exam hall Don't forget "Good diagrams fetch you more marks".
Next, in the examination hall what you need to do is "Time management" This is something
which needs to be practiced and which will enable you in being well organized. The way you Having said this, one needs to know that the key lies in working smart and not hard. And finally
time your answers is the key to performing well in the examinations. Many students find the some tips to conclude with, in the examination hall when you get the question paper spend a
three hours insufficient to write the entire exam of 100 marks. The reasons for this are few minutes to understand each question in the question paper, select the ones you are going
manifold like; they don't know what to write, how much to write. There is a lack of writing to answer and make a mental plan of how you are going to present the answer. Your earlier
practice. There is a lack of planning in answering the question and also they are not aware of effort of creating blue prints for all questions comes in handy now.
proper presentation of the answers. They don't plan the course of answer writing, for e.g. Most importantly, before you start writing follow the below instructions carefully:
they don't plan which question to take up first and which later. So to avoid all the above
obstacles have a well thought out structure. Do's
3 Have a good night's sleep
3 Get up early
3 Have a healthy break fast
3 Relax, be confident
3 Be well in time for the exam
3 Carry your hall ticket and all other writing material
3 Always read instructions
Make Blue Prints 3 Write your hall ticket number only in the space provided
With the help of the concerned faculty know the way to comprehend the questions beforehand 3 Read the entire question paper thoroughly
and make blue prints for answering each type of a question. Remembering the class notes or
3 Plan your time for the entire exam.
the notes you make and writing good answers are two separate things which will aid you in
making good blue prints. Blue prints save you time and also bring out the best answers from 3 Answer questions that you feel are more easy
you in the examination. 3 Number the question and answers properly
3 Write your response in the lined space provided
For e.g. a question like "What is XYZ? How is XYZ used to get ABC? Illustrate with good 3 Stay on the topic
examples. The key here is to understand that the examiner is asking you three different things
3 Write at least three paragraphs - introduction, body & conclusion
one is the introduction and definition of XYZ, second application of XYZ to derive ABC and
third examples of XYZ. 3 Make sure the division of paragraphs are clearly marked
3 Give at least two examples to support your main idea
Accordingly your answer should include, 3 Keep an eye on the clock
a. Introduction of XYZ 3 Check your answers
b. Definition of XYZ 3 Ensure all your answer sheets are in proper order and firmly tied
c. A short paragraph about applications of XYZ of which ABC should be an example. 3 Good hand writing is an absolute essential
d. Actual elaboration of the case in point example of the application of XYZ in achieving
e. The best examples of XYZ with good diagrams if needed.

66 67
Do not stay up all night studying
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Do not stay out all night partying
Do not be late to the examination hall Thomas Edison
Do not panic or be stressed out It was just a decade ago, on 12th July 1998 when Ms. Neha bagged a job after a long struggle of
Do not procrastinate two years. She got placed in a reputed company much after acquiring her qualifying degree.
Do not carry any unwanted material She's certain about her credentials but it's been a Herculean task to secure a 'JOB'. It is very
obvious that even a decade ago, the country was paralyzed with the de facto of unemployment.
Do not indulge in malpractice
Now the scene is reversed and it is tables turned when there are so many opportunities
Do not write anything on the question paper around. Yes, there are jobs for all but the basic question is: are we ready to take up a job. And
Do not brood over a spoilt exam now Mr. Varun was depressed when he found that he was left in the lurch when all his friends
got settled in respectable positions and he on the other hand never took the importance of
being self-reliant. His idea of a job was to earn a livelihood.
So folks hope you all will do well in your exams.
"Go and get some vegetables
atleast", shouted Rajesh's mother,
Wishing you "All the Best" Rajesh slowly dragged himself to
the vegetable vendor, when a guy
zoomed past him at a great speed,
"is that not Ramesh?" Rajesh
thought. "Why is he in such a
hurry"? What Rajesh did not know
was that Ramesh had a job to
attend and that he was drawing
1,50,000 per month. Ramesh was the same guy who was always heckled at by his friends, while
Rajesh himself was the most popular guy. And today the hero was fetching vegetables, while
the unsung was zooming away and earning huge bucks. This triggered introspection in his
mind. Where did he go wrong, was his misfortune because of himself, his friends, his family,
his lethargy or what? Each of these factors was responsible in part for his current state. The
small joys which he wanted at the cost of not attending a recruitment activity, that chat with
friends under the tree, or that cup of tea or that three hour movie on the day when Infosys was
on the campus all were responsible in part. But then, even Ramesh said that he would not
attend those recruitments on the campus? Did he lie? Or was it to ward off competition.
These issues were on the mind of Rajesh when he reached the vendor. He purchased those
vegetables and went back home. His mother asked him what his plans were for the day. He
wanted to attend a job fare, but did not have the courage to tell this to his mother. He just
murmured something that was not audible and went to his room. Lying there on the bed, he
wanted to quickly go through some literature on the job fare, which was of no avail. Then he

68 69
thought if this was campus recruitment his placement office would give him previous recruitment i. Makes you select career options for further growth,
papers, his English ma'm would guide him on his communication, his peers would be of some j. Makes you acquire specific job skills
help and moreover the place of recruitment would be his own college, the environs he was
very familiar with. With all these going on in his mind, he pulled himself together and meekly Opportunities knock your door once
got ready to go to the job fare.
I Year: If you are a fresher you are alien to the system and the culture of the college.
It was a very hot and humid day, the sun was extra merciful and was at its shining best, and he
did not have a bike like his friend Ramesh, or did not have any courage or confidence that he 1. Events: You get acquainted to the system slowly through participating in events of the
will be selected. But he had to make all those trials anyway. At the job fare there was not even college. Various departments of the college conduct their departmental events and the
enough space to put his feet firmly on the ground. So many people, confusing options, no college conducts the Induction program, the Convocation program, the Annual day. You
guidance, and absolute chaos were the order of the day. can participate as an audience, be an active participant in one of the programs, or can
even organize any of the sub-events under the main event.
You as a student are the designer of your career ladder and nobody can really stop you from
having a bright future. It is therefore predominant for you to keep yourself abreast of the 2. Induction: The induction program basically is for you where you are made familiar with
opportunities around focusing your goal in life. There might be people who make an attempt the administration of the college, the faculty and the system as such. You probably are
to demotivate you or people who give a different definition to placement, saying that it not expected to do much here, but if you have a talent to be exhibited, feel free to speak
hampers growth and that it does not entail further prospects. They are not aware that there to the Student Affairs Coordinator and he will be more than willing to accommodate
are several reputed you. But if you feel that you would want to prove your mettle at a later date, then fine
just be a very participative audience as you will come to know much about the college
firms like Cognizant, Delloitte, Infosys etc that provide educational back up which aggrandizes here.
the interest of the duo i.e. the candidate and the organization. You and your parents need to
acknowledge from a perspective that placements is not meant to earn a livelihood alone but it 3. Convocation: The convocation program is for those who are waiting in the wings to
also creates a stance for designing a career that is supported by higher education.. take on the world. It is here that we bid an adieu to the most deserving by giving them
gold medals. You can help in organizing the event as by this time you might have been
fairly acquainted with the college.

4. Competitions: You can also represent the college in various inter-college, inter-
university competitions. Such representations can bring laurels to the college and
A job on hand immensely help yourself as it gradually improves your self-confidence. It changes the
a. Builds self confidence, way you are perceived by your peers, your parents and friends. It will do wonders for
your career graph if such events are at national or international level events.
b. Makes you acknowledge their position in comparison to the peer group,
c. Makes you realize the change in people's outlook towards him/her, 5. Quiz: Quiz competitions are conducted at the college level, inter-college level, national
d. Makes you acquire a status in society, level and also international level. A quizzer gets instant recognition as he is on stage
e. Develops a positive attitude among students towards society, demonstrating his superiority in front of less or equally knowledgeable audience.
f. Develops aspirations to set targets to reach better position in society, Sometimes these quizzes take them to a much larger audience through the TV

g. Makes you financially independent,

h. Makes you worldly wise,

70 71
6. Sports: Sports such as chess, Chinese checkers and word games increase your vocabulary current draft not present in last months resume. This way you will be making introspection
and other sporting activities would benefit your physically. A physically fit body also into your career.
houses a healthy mind.
III Year:
7. Library: Shradha Mandir the college library is probably one of the best libraries at Now that you are refined and waiting in the wings to fly with all motivation, there is immense
undergraduate level. It has volumes of books which are both subject oriented and support given from the college so that you succeed with flying colours.
general knowledge and also books on personality. Cultivate the habit of reading books
it will increase your vocabulary, it improves your level of understanding, makes you 1. Be a go-getter at the first go: In your final year you will be a bubble full of enthusiasm
become worldly wise and increases your awareness among peers. ready to be picked up by the companies coming for campus recruitment. Always aim for
the first to be placed among your peers, this will give you instant reorganization, give
8. Celebrations: Celebration of National festivals and various other events held at the you the edge in all other activities of the college, place you in a higher pedestal and your
college give you ample scope to exhibit your talent and it is a learning process which you become the college pet.
should not be ignoring as it also makes you socially responsible.
2. Failures are stepping stones for success: However even if you are not placed first,
9. Always aim high and make your presence felt among peers, classmates, and friends and remember failure is the stepping stone for success, reflect on why you were not picked
also try to create a good impression with your teachers. up, talk to your placement coordinator he will be telling you such tips that you can never
imagine, he will highlight your weakness in a way that you yourself never knew they
II Year: existed, he will do wonders for your career. Talk to your coordinator for center for
communication. The coordinator is trained to help you, she knows precisely what you
When you reach second year of your undergraduate level you develop a proper understanding need and will give it to you on a platter. Only thing is that you need to talk and set things
of the value system that the college imparts, it is crucial for you to put your acquired knowledge straight before the next recruitment.
and talents to practice by organizing events yourself. Moreover, you can move beyond these
premises and seek opportunities outside so that you get to challenge and perform on a bigger 3. Job & Company profile: Know about the company, what exactly it does and find out
platform. This would make you socially responsible and emotionally intelligent. if you have what they are looking. In the connection the placement coordinator will
prove to be very useful and he knows what exactly is the company into and into what
1. Coordinator: You can act as a coordinator of placements, so that you interact with position they want to fit you into. Try to prove your mettle each time till it is proved.
company HR which will improve your interaction skills, you are into organizing the And it is proved what you land up with an offer letter of your first job.
recruitment process which provides you ample scope for sharpening your coordination
capabilities. You learn organizing skills as you are required to regulate the behavior of Do's & Don'ts
those attending the recruitment.
There is a placement cell that works in
2. Organizer: You get to gain hands on experience as the saying goes a wise man learns collaboration with various departments
from others' experience. You can experience the drudgery of the recruitment process within the college and strategizes to build
and refine yourself while you are still yet to face the process in the subsequent years by a system each year to provide you with
involving in organizing it. respectable positions in your career paths.

3. Resume : Writing your resume will help you understand where you stand in your Classes on communication skills &
skills. It is always helpful if you make a new copy of your resume every month. It will help Personality Enhancement : They would
you reflect what additional qualifications, or traits or addendums are there in the enhance your language and personality.

72 73
Real life situations: are considered and you as students get an opportunity to exhibit your Profiles of companies: The profiles of companies conducting campus recruitments would
personality traits. Tips and techniques for enhancement of personality are facilitated. enable you to keep yourself abreast of the company and the process you is getting into.

Non-verbal Communication: It is mandatory that you understand the importance of non- FAQs: Frequently asked questions and group discussions on common topics can be maintained
verbal communication and presentation techniques so that you appear appealing and presentable by you and discussions on the same with your peers would accommodate 90% of your
in the interview. preparation.

Simulations: in interviews, group discussions, debates and JAM simulation rounds are the Interview with recruiters: After the company HR has conducted the interview at the college,
other pursuits that the college executes to make the sessions interactive. a video graph of the interviewers experiences with you is shown. If it comes straight from the
horse's mouth it can have more than the desired effect. You view your own performances and
Classes in grammar: These help you face the aptitude test confidently are held. reflect to perform better in future interviews.
Sessions on voice and accent neutralization: These sessions are also planned so that they cater
to the students coming from regional. Do's & Don'ts before an interview process

Business English: Classes in business English would enable you towards effective report Giving correct data at recruitment: It is not only mandatory but also ethical that you
writing, e mail writing etc. furnish genuine details of your academic record. Wrong data will not only entail you to loose
prospects but it also will have a cascading effect on your career.
The workshops are purely learner-centric and involve activities that enervate you to participate
and reflect on your credentials and drawbacks Academic eligibility: Physical science students should be aware that having an academic
consistency of more than 60% without any backlogs will only make you eligible for a software
Analytical Skills: With a view to enhance the analytical skills among you , registering in the job.
maths club where shortcut methods to problem solving can be dealt would be helpful.
Flexibility in Job posting/place of work: It has been observed that students do not like to
Remedial sessions: For slow learners remedial sessions would provide an opportunity for relocate and are sometimes not happy with the position offered. This syndrome can be
you to revise and relearn which you might have forgotten. countered by listing out priorities in life and then deciding on the right option.

Prognosis: Much before you attend the actual interview a simulation would enable each one Higher Education: It is important for you to keep in mind that a job does not end the
of you to identify the areas of weakness so that you reflect and unlearn and relearn certain learning process or for that matter acquiring higher qualification. Identify your own goal and
important elements for effective presentation. take up offers from companies that offer higher education back-up.

Programming skills: attending sessions on programming skills would make you feel Grooming well: Having a pleasant personality and being well groomed should come from
comfortable while facing aptitude test. within and this message can be amply sent across to all the students who pioneer in grooming.
Grooming can also be learnt by observing others way of presenting themselves. Personal
Placement Papers of IT companies: Acquiring placement papers of various IT companies hygiene is another important factor that has to be taken care of.
would guide you to channelize your preparation.
Counselling sessions: Attending counseling sessions organized by the faculty would enable
Diagnosis: After you have finished facing an interview an interactive session with your faculty you to feel relaxed, develop a proper self-esteem and build the right attitude.
on the questions asked and the answers given by you would give you an opportunity to reflect
on your drawbacks.

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Hands on experience: The second year students selected as student coordinators help the
placement cell in various activities so that they get a feel of the recruitment process before
hand and start preparing on those aspects when they come to the final year.

There are plenty of opportunities around if you can really be poised and see every hurdle as
an opportunity. Wear your thinking hats and grab the opportunity.

Happy Placements to all of you.

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