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The list of books that’s been so helpful and signifcant on my journey to what I am right now.

These books shaped me as

a professional PUA and market leader in my branch. They’re listed in no particular order. Get them, read them, get value,
live an awesome life:

☐ Total Recall: Arnold Schwarzenegger > (Inspiration) The unbelievable life story of a very very special person, who
became successful and hella rich in multiple felds autonomously. Cool thing: After reading the book, you’ll realize that
Schwarzenegger is not so special after all. Just a maniac who had a crazy vision and the hustle ethic to make it.
Extremely humbling, in fact, it made my vision of success appear far more real than ever before. Tipp: Get the audio book,
he reads the frst and last chapter himself ?

☐ The ABC Of Enlightenment: Osho > (Presence, Spirituality) One hell of a book. Slaps you in the face with your pity little
frst world problems. Opens your eyes like nothing else. Yes, Osho is a little extreme in his teachings, but in my opinion
just what we “westerners” need. A MUST READ for everyone. The cool thing: Its chapters are divided into one- to two-
page long mini chapters. Ideal to read at any time, even if you just have a quick minute, you can squeeze some absolutely
mindblowing value in.

☐ Instant Enlightenment: David Deida > (Presence, Game) Similar style as Osho’s book. Very quick to read through one
small chapter at a time, contains a lot of really good shit about becoming a NATURALLY attractive man. Combined with
Deida’s unique charm and wit, it’s hell of a value and entertainment package.

☐ The Way Of The Superior Man: David Deida > (Game, Presence) Won’t lose many more words on this. It’s already an
RSD classic and FOR SURE a must read for anyone who wants to become good with women. It basically contains your
entire mindset as a man. Highly, highly recommended.

☐ The Power Of Now: Eckhart Tolle > (Presence, Spirituality) Another RSD classic. Similar to Osho, Tolle teaches in a
somewhat absolute manner, almost forcing you into presence. Incredibly eye opening and in combination with Osho THE
book to read when it comes to unplugging from anxiety, worry, fear, or simply put, your own thoughts.

☐ #AskGaryVee: Gary Vaynerchuk > (Business, Building A Brand) Vaynerchuk is a beast, no question about it.
#AskGaryVee is basically a conglomerate of the most frequently asked questions he’s getting asked, combined with
several slaps in your face when it comes to building a brand and the truth behind how to run an insanely successful
business. When it comes to learning how to build a brand, there’s no way around Gary Vee.

☐ Sex At Dawn: Christopher Ryan, Cacilda Jetha > (Game) Shocking truth about monogamy: There is none. We humans
are meant to be polygamists, or even polyamorists. Pretty tough to read since the authors are really approaching the
issue from a scientifc stand point, but defnitely worth it. They explain why we “cheat”, fuck, hook up and love from a
purely evolutionary standpoint. The book manages to make Darwinism look like a joke. Crazy shit and super eye opening
when it comes to game.

☐ Kickass Copywriting Secrets: William Law > (Business) Super nicely written, brings the point across from several
angles. If you're ever going to sell anything, you need to read this. Period.

☐ Dangerous Liaisons: Pierre Choderlos De Lacios > (Game) Crazy good novel from the freaking 18th century. It’s about a
guy who lived hundreds of years ago, just to… well… fuck girls, lol. The points about sex, hook ups, seduction and
relationships are still so accurately valid in today’s society, it’s almost scary. Hella interesting to read, considering the fact
this book is hundreds of years old, lol. Teaches you a little bit of the Dark Side of game but even there, hella inspirational
for game!
☐ The Flinch: Julien Smith > (Game, Willpower) The book I mentioned in my famous Approach Anxiety video. Helps you
blast through your own excuses and fears like nothing else. It’s a super quick read and instantly applicable. Highly
recommended if you’re struggling with yourself and get in your head easily!

☐ Women's Anatomy of Arousal: Sheri Winston > (Game, Sex) Highly interesting and educational, written by a woman
about the anatomy of vaginas. Yes, that’s right, lol. She’s not only a medical professional, but also a sex counselor and
coach. Gives you amazing insight into how to stimulate your woman the best possible way. Yes, it also includes very
thoroughly how to make a girl squirt, hehe. For the curious Natural that wants to give his girl(s) the best possible
sexperience, defnitely the right choice!

☐ Sex God Method: Daniel Rose > (Game, Sex) The male version of afore mentioned book. Great in and of itself. The
diference is that the author goes a lot deeper on how to adhere to your girl’s EMOTIONS in order to give her orgasm after
orgasm. I’d say in connection to Winston’s book the ultimate value package to become a God in bed.

☐ The Willpower Instinct: Kelly McGonigal > (Willpower) A great and fantastically scientifc piece written by a
pschycologist on how to attain and maintain your willpower at extreme measures. It’s basically the deeper and more
thorough version of Smith’s The Flinch. Again here I would recommend combining both books for maximum value input.

☐ The Millionare Fastlane: MJ DeMarco > (Business) Wow, what a reality check. If there’s anything that rips you out of
your mediocrity and mainstream thinking, it’s this book. How to become rich, as easy as that. Read it, seriously, your
bank account will thank you.

☐ The 10X Rule: Grant Cardone > (Work Ethic) Grant Cardone is crazy, he seriously is. And I mean that in the good way!
His ethics on work, hustle and life in general are highly inspirational. Get the audiobook, his crazy voice and compelling
speaking is motivation enough to go to work and never. freaking. stop.

☐ The Alchemist: Paulo Coelho > (Inspiration) One of the two only novels on my list. I don’t believe in reading novels
anymore, not enough value, if I want to be entertained I play StarCraft. HOWEVER, this is one inspirational story, easily
written and it burns into your brain. It’s a mainstream piece for sure, but it’s value is unquestionable. If you’re struggling
with holding on to your dream, if you’re doubting yourself or your mission: Read this book.

☐ Candide: or, Optimism: Voltaire > (Inspiration) A book written by the French author in the freaking 18th century (again,
lol), still highly valuable. Crazy story, but massively eye opening. It’s signifcant contribution to the very foundation of my
positive attitude is tremendous. If you have trouble seeing the good things in life, read this book and thank me later.

☐ How Real Is Real: Paul Watzlawick > (Communication, Game) Written by the Austrian philosopher, psychologist and
communications theorist. The main premise of this book is how we create our own reality by the communication with
ourselves and our environment. So well illustrated and wittily written it almost hurts your brain (from thinking) and your
mouth (from smiling). The inspiration to so many of my videos on verbal game and communication. If you wanna give
yourself an extra edge with what you’re saying, I so recommend this book!

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