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Chapter 04 - Columns and Other Fundamentals of

58 Compression Members - Structural Steel Design

6.2.2 LARGE AXIAL COMPRESSION (f,/F a > 0.15)

When exceeds 0.15, the beam-column is said to be under "large"

compression. According to Section 508.2 of NSCP, the member must satisfy
the following requirements:
Stabilitii interaction criterion:
C C rny fby <1.0 Eq. 6.2
rn,r fb
1 f __________ Fb
( )

Strength interaction criterion:

fa 4 _ fbX 4.
Y < 1 .0
Eq. 6.3
0.60 F ,, FHz. Fhv

The terms 1/E1 - (f.„/F',.)1 are the moment amplification factors. F',. is the Euler
stress divided by a factor of safety.
Eq. 6.4
— ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ai
23(K Lb / r b ) 2 ,

The amplification factor is also modified by a reduction coefficient C,,,. Its

value is taken as follows:
a. For compression members in frames subject to joint
translation (sidesway), C,,, = 0.85
b. For rotationally restrained compression members in frames
braced against joint translation and not subject to transverse loading
between their supports in the plane of bending,
C,„ = 0.6 - 0.4( Iv 0.40
Eq. 6.5

where Mi/M2 is the ratio of the smaller to

larger moments at the ends of the portion of
the member unbraced in the plane of bending under consideration. M,/M2
is positive when the member is bent in reverse curvature, negative when
bent in single curvature.
c. For compression members in frames braced against joint
translation in • the plane of loading and subjected to transverse loading
between their

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