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How to fix Havoc Demon Hunter:

Demon Hunters require more abilities, however, blizzard seem to lack any creative juices on how to make the classes
more for filling.

After the poor results of the alpha test it is apparent that with the return of old abilities to the OG classes the demon
hunter is now lacking, I propose the following changes:

First, dig deeper into “demon” abilities, we spent our first 10 levels killing demons and stealing abilities, this should be
done even more so, second talents need to spice things up more, the process of giving us an ability baseline and then
talent-ing the extra features is just boring and makes the class lack lustre, save that stuff for artefacts and the like.

Spectral Sight is activatable like stealth, once deactivated by attacking or turning it off, it has a 30 second cd until it can
be re-engaged.
Make felblade baseline, no reset or fury generation.
Give Immolation Aura the fury generation standard.

15 Blind Fury (Slight Tweak) Demonic Appetite (No Change) Demonic Smash (New)
25 Insatiable Hunger (NC) Demon Blades (NC) Burning Hatred (ST)
30 Trail of Ruin (ST) Fury of the Illidari (Returned) Fel Barrage (NC)
35 Soul Rending (NC) Desperate Instincts (NC) Nether walk (ST)
40 Momentum (ST) Nemesis (NC) Essence Break (NC)
45 Seduction (New) Master of the Glaive (NC) Fel Eruption (NC)
50 Shivara Form (New) Nethrazim Form (New) Demonic (ST)

Blind Fury: Eye Beam puts your fury to maximum and lasts 50% longer, it also follows your primary target.

Demonic Smash: Felblade now deals its damage to all enemies within 10ft of the target and knocks-back enemies with
less health then the demon hunter, it also has a chance to reset cd when shear is used and generates 40 fury.

Burning Hatred: Immolation Aura is now an activatable passive, it does 50% less damage while on and causes all fury
generating abilities to generate 15% less fury, it remains on until switched off.

Trail of Ruin: Dot lasts 8 seconds instead of 4 and reduces fury cost by 10

Fury of the Illidary: The artifact ability returns, Throws the your weapons in a whirlwind of energy, causing (7 * (38%
+ 38%)) Chaos damage over 3 sec to all nearby enemies.

Nether Walk: while nether walk is active you can not be affected by anything including things like stuns, mc, slows.

Momentum: fel rush increases damage by 15% for 6 seconds and does +100% damage. Momentums cd is reduced by
10 seconds and generates 40 fury.

Seduction: you have gained the abilities of a succubus, you can mind control the target for 15 seconds. Only works
against humanoids. Gain a succubus tail.

Shivara form: When you enter metamorphosis you sprout 2 extra pairs of arms, all your auto attacks now slash all
enemies within 10ft and you cast Fel barrage for the entire duration of your metamorhosis, your haste and crit increase
by 20% you loose the bonuses and abilities of your normal Meta.

Nethrazim Form: When you enter demon form you sprout your wings and take to the sky, you fly (hover) around 30 ft
off the ground but may move around as if you were on the ground (as a hovering character would move) and can not be
targeted by melee or aoe effects, you may use Fel lance and throw glaive to generate fury and may spend it on an
enhanced eye beam that cause you to strafe in a 15ft by 40 ft line (your character moves like a death knights breath of
syndragosa attack)

Demonic: When chaos strike refunds fury reduce the cd on metamorphosis by 4 seconds.
Also after using eye beam or an Ally dies you activate demon form for 6 seconds.

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