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A report about
(Discharge Over a Board Crested Weir)

Name of student: Dakheel Maleko

Class: second
Group: B1
Date of Experiment: 8/4/2018
Date of submitting: 17/4/2018
Experiment NO. (7)
From this experiment it is asked to find the discharge over a broad
crested weir. A weir is a barrier across a river designed to alter the flow
characteristics. In most cases, weirs take the form of a barrier, smaller
than most conventional dams, across a river that causes water to pool
behind the structure and allows water to flow over the top. Weirs are
commonly used to alter the flow regime of the river, prevent flooding,
measure discharge and help render a river passable. There are different
types of weirs. Broad-crested weirs are primarily included in hydraulic
structures of various types and, although sometimes used to measure
water flow, this is usually a secondary function.
The objectives of the Experiment are:
1- To show the measurement of flow rate.
2- To determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water
flowing over a Broad crested weir.
3- To calculate the discharge coefficient Cd.
I- Broad crested weir flow channel which consists of the following:
1- Long flow channel.
2- Plastic or wooden block.
3- Graduated needle.
4- Rota meter.

II- stop watch.

Shape of apparatus:

Fig. no. 1: hydraulic bench.

Fig. no. 2: wooden block.
Fig. no.3: Flume on/off switch. Fig. no.4: Stopper in upper flume tank.

Fig. no.5:Flow control valve and flow indicator tube. Fig. no.6:Lower tank level for use

in the volumetric timing method

1. Level the weir apparatus on the hydraulic bench, and install Broad Crest in
2. Turn the water on, thus the water will flow above the weir.
3. Increase the flow to its maximum, and adjust the calibrated scale to the
surface of water (before the weir) by matching the tip of its reflection, read
the value (height of water) from above the scale holder and record it as (H).
(during reading the H value the surface of water should be straight as much
as possible).
4. For each flow rate, wait until steady condition is attained then measure and
record the head (H) some way upstream from the weir point gauge.
5. Now move the calibrated scale to above the center of the weir, and read the
height of water above the weir and record it's the value as (h).
6. Perform the weight-time method and record the associated data.
7. Decrease the flow rate slightly, and again record the value of (H) and (h)
and perform the weight-time method.
8. While the flow rates passing over the weir were calculated from the flow
equation of broad crest weir.
Qth = 1.705 *b*H
Where: Qth = theoretical flow rate,
H = upstream head of water over the weir crest.
9. For each flow rate (actual discharge), measure and record the volumes in
the collecting tank and the time required to collect that volume by
Qact = v/t
Where: Qact =actual flow rate,
V = volume of the collecting tank,
t= time taking to rise volume (liter)

Breadth of weir (b) = 7.3 cm

Qact .
C d=
Qtheo .

Q act .=

Qtheo . =h∗L∗√ 2 g( H −h)

g=981 cm/sec 2

Sample of calculation:

Qact = 8 = 2.5 liter / sec → Qact = 2500 cm3 / sec

Qth = 5.45 * 7.3 √ 2∗9.81(7.72−5.54) = 265.5225 cm3 / sec = 0.2655 lit/s

Cd = 0.2673 = 9.4


Trial Volum Time Head Rota Head Qth Qact Cd

e (sec) H (cm) meter over the (lit/s) (lit/s)
(liter) L/s weir h
1 20 8 7.72 2.5 5.45 2.50 2.66 0.94
2 15 5.91 7.6 2.5 5.1 2.54 2.61 0.97
3 15 6 7.4 2.4 4.9 2.50 2.51 1.00
4 15 6.49 7.3 2.3 4.75 2.31 2.45 0.94
5 5 2.1 6.55 2.2 4.3 2.38 2.09 1.14



1 Linear (Gragh)
f(x) = 0.04 x + 0.29
R² = 0.96


Discussion & Conclusion

The effect of this experiment is enormous and important in the foundations of
dynamic fluid as in finding the coefficient of discharge for a broad crested weir
(Cd). During the experiment we got three values for the discharge, Q, one which
you carry out practically by readings on the volumetric tank (Qact), one by
hypothetical calculations (Qth) and the last one you take from the parameter
included in the apparatus. However, the parameter reading has no affect in our
experiment, it is only for information. Comparing our (Qact) and (Qth) values, we
see that there is not a big difference between those values for each reading. Both
increase and decrease in almost the same manner and thus give us sufficient Cd
values. This means that all values of the coefficient of discharge are almost
coincident. Some factors affecting the experiment are laboratory conditions as
well as the equipment and personal failure. The lab should be a closed room
where strong winds won’t affect the water surface. The apparatus and the weir
block ought to be in a clean state and have a sufficient volume reader. Sometimes
the water quality makes a little difference to the values. Try to use water with a
reduced amount of sand and gravel and other impurities. The readings must be
taken with patience, because the digits on the point gage are very small and can
cause a series of mistakes by wrong reading them. Try to start the stopwatch
exactly at the same time as the water crosses the wanted region and stop the
watch when it reaches the target.

Another important factor is the fastening of the weir on the Plexiglas walls by
silicon. This step is necessary, because possible seepage would allow some water
to pass through and affect the (H) reading and volume.


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