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Subject Area: English 7 Grade Level: 7
Identify the genre, purpose, intended audience and features of
various viewed texts such as movie clip, trailer, newsflash,
Learning Competency/ies/Code: internet-based program, documentary video. EN7VC-I-d-6

UNIT/LESSON/TOPIC: Unit I- Lesson 1: Main types of Genre and subgenre


A. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
a. identify the genre of a material viewed
b. write the genre of a material viewed at home.
c. appreciate the values shown in the material viewed

B. PRE-ASSESMENT (5-10 items)

Find out how well you know and understand the concept of developmental stages and developmental
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Foundation age when basic behavior are organized.
a. Infancy c. Adulthood
b. Pre-natal d. Late childhood
2. Gang and creativity age, when self-help skills, social skills, school skills, and play are developed.
a. Early childhood c. Late childhood
b. Adolescence d. Pre-natal
3. Transition age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are experienced.
a. Adolescence c. Infancy
b. Middle Age d. Old Age
4. The following are the developmental task of a middle stage, except one;
a. Selecting a mate
b. Learning to live with a partner
c. Starting a family
d. Learning an appropriate sex role
5. This stage is characterized by acquiring concepts and language to describe social and physical reality.
a. Infancy and early childhood.
b. Middle Childhood
c. Adolescence
d. Middle adulthood
C. INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY (activity to link to a new lesson/topic)
Activity 1: My Personal Timeline
Get a long size bond paper, write the major events in your life and the significant people in your life. You may add
your age, specific dates and places. You may draw the timeline horizontally, vertically, diagonally or even using ups
and down depending on your imagination. Be creative in your representations. You may also use symbols, figures and
drawings. Think of a title for your

Developmental Stage
1. Fiction: stories that come from the author’s imagination.
 Historical Fiction: based on a person or event from history.
 Science Fiction: dealing with aliens, the distant future, or advanced technology.
 Fantasy: containing monsters, magic, or other supernatural elements.
 Realistic Fiction: a story that could have happened, but didn’t.
2. Nonfiction: writing that is true or factual.
 Informational Writing: provides information on a topic.
 Persuasive Writing: attempts to influence the reader.
 Autobiography: the story of one’s life told by oneself.
 Biography: the story of one’s life told by another.
3. Drama: writing that is meant to be acted on a stage (a play).
 Comedy: has a happy ending.
 Tragedy: ends in death and sadness.
4. Poetry:  writing that is concerned with the beauty of language
5. Folklore: stories handed down through speech from generation to generation.
 Fairy Tale: a story with magic, monsters, and/or talking animals (like fiction / fantasy, but part of the
oral tradition).
 Fable: a very short story that has a moral or life lesson; usually has talking animals as main characters.
 Myth: has gods or goddesses and often accounts for how something came to be.
 Legend: an exaggerated story about something that may have been real at one time.
 Tall Tale: stories set in the Wild West; the main character’s strengths, skills, or size have been
exaggerated and the tone is funny.


A. Infancy and Early Childhood (0-5)
-Learning to walk
-Learning to take solid foods
-Learning to talk
Learning to control the elimination of body waste
-Learning sex differences and sexual modesty
-Acquiring concepts and language to describe social and physical reality
Readiness for reading
-Learning to distinguish right from wrong and developing a conscience.
B. Middle Childhood (6-12)
-Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games
-Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself.
-Learning to get along with age mates.
-Learning an appropriate sex role
-Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing and calculating.
-Developing concepts necessary for everyday living.
-Developing conscience, morality, and a scale of values.
Achieving personal independence
-Developing acceptable attitudes toward society.
C. Adolescence (13-18)
-Achieving mature relations with both sexes
-Achieving a masculine or feminine social role
-Accepting one’s physique
-Achieving emotional independence of adults
-Preparing for marriage and family life.
-Preparing for an economic career
-Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior.
-Desiring and achieving socially responsibility behavior
D. Early Adulthood (19-30)
-Selecting a mate
-Learning to live with a partner
-Starting a family
-Rearing children
-Managing a home
-Starting an occupation
-Assuming civic responsibility
E. Middle Adulthood (30-60)
-Helping teenage children to become happy and responsible adults
-Achieving adult social and civic responsibility
-Satisfactory career achievement
Developing adult leisure time activities
-Relating to one’s spouse as a person
-Accepting the physiological changes of middle age
-Adjusting to aging parent
F. Later Maturity (61 +)
-Adjusting to decreasing strength and health
-Adjusting to retirement and reduced income
-Adjusting to death of spouse
-Establishing relations with one’s own age group.
-Meeting social and civic obligations
-Establishing satisfactory living quarters.
As a grade 11 student make a checklist of the developmental task that you have already completed.

Instruction: Identify the sentence being referred to and write the correct on the space provided.

a. Later Maturity b. Adolescence c. Middle Adulthood d. Early Adulthood

e. Middle Childhood f. Infancy and Early Childhood
1.Learning to distinguish right from wrong and developing a conscience._________________
2.Adjusting to decreasing strength and health.__________
3.Helping teenage children to become responsible adults.
4.Achieving adult social and civic responsibility. _________
5.Learning to live with a partner.__________________
6. Preparing for an economic career.___________________
7. Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior._______________________
8. Learning an appropriate sex role.____________________
9.Starting a family and rearing children._______________
10.Starting an occupation and assuming civic responsibility.
Portfolio Output: My Personal Timeline with Reflection
Copy and answer the following guide questions in making your reflection at the back page of your Personal
1.Is there a “center” or a central theme in your timeline and life? If you will give a title for your timeline what would it
be and why?
2.Identify the turning points in your timeline? What were the thoughts, feelings and actions that you experienced?
3.Who are the most significant people in your life? How?
4.What would you change or add, if you could? Also, how would each of these changes or additions affects your life, or
even change its present course?
5.Continue to your future, where do you want to be in a year, 5 years? 10 years?

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