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NAMA : Intan Fajria

NIM : 1707201077


Task 1. Task 1. Work individually. To explore the knowledge of students, please write

on your own experience.

1. Q: What is pulmonary function and its relationship to the human respiratory system?

A : Lung function is to exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the blood.

The relationship of the lungs to the respiratory system that is because the lungs include the
respiratory organs associated with the respiratory system and circulation of blood in the body
with air.

2. Q: Are there animals of the same respiratory system as humans?

A : The are animals of the same respiratory system as humans is mammals. mammals for
example cows, goats, rabbits, dogs, and cats. in water there are also mammals for example sea
lions and seals.

3. Q: How long can humans not breathe?

A : 30-60 second
Task 2. Task 2.

When you want to answer task 2, pay attention to the question first then look for the

in the article below.

1. Q: What is the function of bronchioles in the human respiratory system?

A: The function of the bronchioles is to channel air from the bronchi to the alveoli, besides that
the bronchioles also function to control the amount of air entering and exiting during the
breathing process.

2. Q: Explain how many tracheal branches are?

A: the trachea is shaped like an inverted "Y". The tracheal branching is called the bronchus and
there are 2 of them, each entering the left and right lungs.

3. Q: What does Alveolus mean?

A: Alveoli are anatomical structures that have a hollow shape. There is in the lungs, which are
the ends of the respiratory tract, where both sides are the place of air exchange with air.

4. Q: What is Bronchiolitis obliterans disease and its causes?

A: Bronchiolitis obliterans is a rare disease. When that happens, this disease usually attacks
adults. Bronchiolitis obliterans can occur when bronchioles are injured, making it difficult for
people to experience breathing. The causes of this disease are quite diverse, such as exposure to
toxic fumes, viral infections, organ transplant, for rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatism. This
condition cannot be cured,

5. Q: What is the size of the bronchioles?

A: The size of the bronchioles is very very small, with a large diameter of only 0.5-1 mm
Task 3. At this stage you are asked to write your opinion regarding the following question:

Q: How to prevent pneumonia?

A : Prevention of pneumonia can we do with simple steps. Some approved:

 Undergo vaccination. Vaccines are one step to avoid pneumonia. Several vaccines that
can be given for the prevention of pneumonia between Hib vaccine and other PCV
vaccines. Please remember that the pneumonia vaccine for adults is different from
 Maintaining the immune system. This can be done by adopting a healthy lifestyle, such
as enough to recover, eat nutritious foods, and exercise regularly.
 Maintain cleanliness. The simplest example is that which is often used to avoid
spreading viruses or bacteria that cause pneumonia.
 Stop smoking. Cigarette smoke easily lungs, so the lungs more susceptible to infection.
 Avoid consumption of alcoholic drinks. This habit will reduce the resistance of the
lungs, making it more susceptible to pneumonia through its complications.

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