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Activity Sheet No.

Name of Learner: ________________________Date: ________________
Grade Level/Section: __________________________________________

Importance of Research in our Daily Life

MELC: Shares research experiences and knowledge
Directions: Write down the role of research in our daily life especially now that
we are experiencing COVID – 19 pandemic. Answer each Stack Venn which are
equivalent to two point each. Rubrics will follow

Activity 1

Role of
Directions: Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct

Activity 2
1. It is a learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge and examining facts and information to
prove your claims.
a. Research c. Practical
b. Inquiry d. Method
2. One of the characteristics of research that take place in an organized manner.
a. Clarity c. Systematic
b. b. Relevance d. Timeliness
3. Types of research that aims at defining or giving a verbal portrayal of a person things, events, situation,
a. Correlational Research c. Explanatory Research
b. Descriptive Research d. Exploratory Research
4. It requires non numerical data, which means that the research uses words rather than number to express
the results.
a. Quantitative c. Explorative
b. Qualitative d. Explanatory
5. Types of Qualitative research which means using experience with the help of five senses.
a. Case Study c. Ethnography
b. Phenomenology d. Content Discourse
Directions: Answer the characteristics of research in systematic ways like a
SCIENCE. Explain comprehensively the attributes represented by seven letters.

Activity 3




What an accomplishment! You have now learned the important roles of
research in our daily life and each characteristic just continue and strive
hard for great learning!
Answer Key

Activity 1 Role of Research

1. A Tool for Building Knowledge and for Facilitating Learning
2. Means to Understand Various Issues and Increase Public Awareness
3. An Aid to Business Success
4. A Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths
5. Means to Find, Gauge, and Seize Opportunities

Activity 2
1. B
2. C
3. .B
4. B
5. B
Activity 3
SCIENCE – organized set of rules on a step – by step process rather than
a haphazard manner, following the generally accepted principles and
practices of research
CONTROLLED – setting the limits and scope of an inquiry on certain
variables rather than a vague topics
INQUIRY – a question that start of an inquiry focused ih the need to
investigate and search for truth and knowledge
EMPIRICAL – gathering of factual data derived from physical observation
using our sensory experiences.
NEW KNOWLEDGE – implication of the study abd validation of scholarly
CONCLUSION – to find answers to the questions focusing on main and
sub problems of the study
EFFECTIVE METHOD – the technique in conducting a research as the
means to an end of arriving at data through specifying the designs,
identifying the samples and other instruments.

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