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English 1

Activity 02


Chicaiza Arango Carmen Carolina


Jimmy Torrijos Leal

Bogotá D. C. Colombia

September - 2019
Watch the video
According to the conversation, write the sentences with VERB TO BE Write the sentences
that use verb to be, and rewrite 10 of these in affirmative, negative or question as
She is a doctor: She isn´t a doctor -- Is she a doctor?

Was that your mum?

Yes she is my mother
Not my mother

Was she always a writer?

I was not always a writer
If she was always a writer

I was an english teacher?

No, she was an english teacher for years.
Yes, I was an english teacher for years

Look it´s Tack with Emilia?

It´s not Jack with Emilia
Yes it´s Jack with Emilia

Hi mum, it´s me

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