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Kinematically inDeterminate structure.

When a structure is loaded, it undergoes deflection at

the joints i.e. translation and rotation. In slope deflection method of analysis, these deflections
are treated as unknown quantities. If these unknown quantities can be found by applying
compatibility conditions alone then the structure is Kinematically Determinate. However, if these
unknown deflections cannot be found by compatibility conditions then the structure is
Kinematically Indeterminate (KI), the Indeterminacy being the number of unknown deflections
which cannot be found by compatibility conditions. This will be clear by giving a few examples.
In these examples axial deformation is propped cantilever.advtge of slop
deflection- a.It can be used to analyze statically determinate and indeterminate beams and
frames. b. In this method it is assumed that all deformations are due to bending only. c. In other
words deformations due to axial forces are neglected. d. The slope-deflection equations are not
that lengthy in comparison.behaviour of portal frame with sway- In sway frames there is a in-
plane displacement due to horizontal force (or) asymmetrical loading (or) different moment of
inertia (or) unequal legs in Portal frame. An unsymmetrical portal frame is that which either
frames are not symmetrical or the loading symmetrical. In such cases, the rigid joints between
the columns and the beams will have a motion of translation called sway. The sway of the
columns will become additional unknown quantity and additional equations are required to
analyse the structure. 1Unsymmetrical loading (eccentric loading2Different end conditions of
the columns of the frame3Non uniform sections of the members4Horizontal loading on column
of the frameSettlement of the supports of the frame.procedure of slope deflection
md•Determine the fixed-end moments for the members of the beam.•Determine the
rotations of the chord if there is any support settlement.•Write the slope-deflection
equation for the members’ end moments in terms of unknown rotations.•Write the
equilibrium equations at each joint that is free to rotate in terms of the end moments of
members connected at that joint.•Solve the system of equations obtained simultaneously to
determine the unknown joint rotations.•Substitute the computed joint rotations into the
equations obtained in step 3 to determine the members’ end moments•Draw a free-body
diagram of the indeterminate beams indicating the end moments at the joint.•Draw the
shearing force diagrams of the beam by considering the freebody diagram of each span of
the beam in the case of a multi-span structure.-degree of freedom- The number of
independent ways by which a dynamic system can move, without violating any constraint imposed
on it, is called number of degrees of freedom. In other words, the number of degrees of freedom can
be defined as the minimum number of independent coordinates that can specify the position of the
system completely.

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