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Test 1 review chapters 17, 19, 8

Test review EKG

1. Define contractility- is the ability of the heart muscle to shorten in response to a electrical
2. Define conductivity- the ability of the cardiac cells to receives and transmits an electrical
3. Automaticity- the heart can generate/create its own electrical impulse
4. A patients receiving teaching about ways to lower chances of arrhythmias switches 5 cups of
coffee with 5 cups of tea
5. What kind of characteristics of a Normal Sinus Rhythm: PR interval, Normal Heart rate 60-100,
6. What is the most lethal of all the shockable rhythms. Ventricular fibrillation is the most lethal of
all the
7. What is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood. Pulmonary artery
8. What is the only vein that’s carries oxygenated blood to the heart. pulmonary vein
9. What part of the heart actually contracts during depolarization. Myocardium is contracting aka
excitable cells
10. Slow heart rate. Brady cardia
11. Fast heart rate. Tachycardia
12. Coumadin what does coumadin in pt. with atrial fibrillation/flutter. To prevent clot formation
13. Where do we don’t want clots to form? Blood begins to pool atria
14. What is happening in the heart p-wave is happening on the ekg paper. atrial
15. QRS complex of the heart. Atrial repolarizing, ventricles are contracting by depolarization
16. When the ventricles are contracting the atria are filling
17. The t-wave is the rest period for the ventricles
18. What is telemetry is. What we use to monitor heart rhythm
19. What arteries feed the myocardium. Coronary arteries
20. EKG paper. Big boxes (0.20 milli secs), Small boxes (0.04 milli sec)
21. SA Node. Pacemaker of heart. Located in the top of the right atrium
22. AV Node located at the base of the rt atrium of rt ventricle (
23. Intrinsic rate of the SA Node 60-100
24. Rate of the AV node 40-60
25. Rate of the purgenjie fibers 20-40
26. How long is a standard telemetry strip? 6 secs
27. If we have wide QRS complexes and rate of 20-40, where are those impulses coming from.
Bundle branches just above the purkinge fibers. They have the same rate
28. While looking at an EKG strip and you see sawtooth. Atrial Flutter
29. How many tiny boxes equal one large box? 5
30. What do you call it when you shock the heart? defibrillation
31. A normal PR interval in how long. Between 0.12 -0.20 ;t.)
32. How big is a little box 0.04 but that’s not how it will look on the test
33. Just on eka
34. 10 math questions
35. 5 fill in the blank
36. 50 questions totaled

37. At least 2 true or false

Review for 15 and 16

1. How long do RBC’s live? 120 days
2. When a pt. is having haye fever the eosinophils count will be elevated
3. When a pt. is going to get pack RBC. They have to have a consent form sign. They must sign a
general consent to TX. ror what procedures they are having done
4. Pt on dialysis the kidney release erythropoietin. Med given Epogen injections
5. In the event of trauma the spleen hemorrhaging and specific vol
6. .What happens when a lot of bloods cell are destroy? Bilirubin is released and causes the yellow
sclera. And the urine to become tea colored
7. Pt with pernicious anemia. They are always fatigue caused by low hemoglobin level
8. What happens when the older adult become confused/irritable that’s a change in level of
conscious. That is a sx of HOPIXIA check their o2 sat
9. How long does a platelet live (life span). 10 days
10. How to check for cyanosis on a dark colored pt. the mucous membranes (gums and roof of
11. How much blood is stored in the spleen. 500 ml or ½ a liter. That’s a lot
12. B cells and killers t cells, what are these an example of. Lymphocytes
13. Phagocytosis- the process of eating/destroying cells
14. When a pt has jaundice, what is the color of their sclera. Bright yellow
15. Jaunice is the result of what being released into the body. Bilirubin
16. Sunlight exposure. How do you treat babies with jaundice?
17. I talk about bands. When you do a differential. When your band levels are high what does that
indicate It means something is going on like a bacterial infection. The higher the levels the
worse the infection.
18. The bone marrow activity decreases how much with aging? 50%
19. Therefore older pt. get sicker quicker because their immune system decreases. COVID-19 is
taking out so many of them
20. We talked about giving a IM injection of iron. How important it is to use the Z-track method.
Use a large gauge needle (20-gauge). No 1.5 inch needles a 1-inch needle is ideal for the
average pt. inject up to 2 ml of medication. Draw up the medications and changing your
needles. One needle to draw up med and another needle to admin to pt. in the real world you
probably will not do this but for school purposes you won’t. This is taught because the needle
may be dull by piercing the rubber top of med.
21. Polycythemtheriam- these pt. have thick sludgy bloods. As a nurse we can push fluids, until pt.
can donate blood. Mrs. Bakers friend at the gym donates blood every 2-3months
22. Sickle cell (female pt.) she can pass the trait on to all of her children
23. Pt. with multi myeloma their bones are brittle
24. Bones that break without any trauma. Pathologic fracture
25. Pernious anemia, what kind of pt. is at risk for this. Bariatric pt. pts whose has had bypass.
Reduction in intrinsic factor
26. What kind of diet do we give patients with anemia. Food withs iron, high protein, push fluids,
folic acid, Vit B12
27. Special care for pts with sickle cells pts. Careful with feet an legs because if they get injury. Stasis
ulcers. The blood flow in the microvascular causes the blood to pool because the blood is not
flowing. Wet and dry dressings on them/
28. Varicose vein, they way the veins are presented. They are large, jagged, visible, very
pronounced. Caused by standing. Not a lot of movement. Also genetic.
29. polycythemia vera - buddy at the gym goes to donate blood every 10.5 wks.
30. What is the most numerous type of blood cell. RBC
31. Normal platelet count= 150,00-400,00
32. Level below 100,000= thrombocytopenia
33. What are the fxn’s of blood
 D blood gases
 Removing waste
 Regulates the pH of the body, by a buffering process
 Water
 O2

34. When your giving a blood what is the when of time you have to hang the blood once checked
out of blood bank. 30 mins
35. How long does the blood hang for. 4 hrs. you must stop it at 4 hrs. or less and discard the
remainder amt.
36. Transfusion reaction S&SX (chapter 15
 Rash
 Bruising
 Elevated temp
 Aching
 Increased respirations
 Oliguria
 Nausea
 Tachycardia
37. Age related changes in the hematologic system. Blood cells production decrease
38. No fill in the blanks or t/f questions
39. Math questions
Test 4 chapter 42, 3, 18, 41, 38

1. Respitory acidoisis in pts who have asthma. What actions would you encourage for that
patient. Deep breathing exercises to help prevent the acidoisis
2. IV fulids
3. Which ones are isotoinic
4. Which one is hypotonic
5. Define infusion
6. Define filtration
7. Define osmosis
8. We talk about
9. Hematocrit normal valves
10. Hemoglobin normal value
11. Define infiltration
12. What are the S& Sx of infiltration
 Burning
 Being cold
 Uncomfortable sesation at the IV site
13. What kind affects can low potassium levels have in your body. cardiac dysrhythmias
14. Examples of food high in sodium
 Ham
 Sauces
 Preserved foods
 Soysauce
15. When were are replacing electrolytes. We have to make sure the body can handle the tx
to hang a bag of potassium. Normal urine/kidney fxn. Min. 30ml/hr
16. Examples of low sodium foods
 Fresh/veggies
 Bananas, avacados,
17. Signs and sx of dehydration
 Olguria/ and dark urine
 Sucken in eyes
18. Pt. with edema, what can you do for them
 Decrease salt intake
 Fluid restriction
 Elevate their feet
 Compression hose
 Loop diurectics
19. When you are flushing an IV site. What percaution should you take
 Monitor the site
 Do it slowly
20. What is something that we do when pt is on TPN, wheather they are Diabetetic are not.
We check their sugar, we may even have to give them Glucose shots
21. Pay attention to how we do the drop per min. we have a few questions like that.
22. Your pt. have renal failure. Fatigue, muscle cramps, confusion, h/a, what electrolyte is
23. Pt. has Potassium level of 2.9 with nausea and vomiting. What other problems would
you be looking for. Dysrhythmias. normal level is 3.5-5.3
24. how do you asses dehydration in the pt
 monitor daily wts
 check mucous membrane
 access the skin turgor (sternum and forehead)
25. osmosis in the movement of water
26. diffusion is the movement of solutes
27. infiltration is the movement of both
28. T/F as we get older. We have a gradual decline in body water. TRUE
29. Nurse is bathing a pt. who has poison ivy. How do you dry the skin properly? Pat the
skin dry. Dermatitis must be pat dry, never rub
30. Skin. Pt with Rosacea and telangiectasia (small dilated blood vessels) pt. is asking about
going outside. She needs to avoid direct sunlight. It will aggravate her skin
31. What is one of the problems with Accutane. Certain people can not use it.
 Pregnant women it causes birth defects. Don’t use at all
32. People who have plain old acne valgaris. Wash with warm water, and mild soap of acne
medicated soap
33. PUDA therapy define . We us utraviolient ray cold tar product that you put on your skin
34. other name for shingles. Its highly contangious, another name is herpes zoster.
35. How does shingle present and how do they spread, and how do they pattern themselves
on the body unilaterally( torso, start and ends at that line)
36. Pt that has a grey nodular growth on their back it looks like a black berry. Should you be
worried about it. Let the doctor know about something like that.
37. Inhalations burn sx. Patient will be coughing a lot
38. How do you tx head lice in child. How do you treat the items to big to put in the washer
machine. Place in bag for two weeks
39. Acid base breathing, kussmal respirations help with the metabolic acidosis
40. Math questions. IV therapy
41. 50 questions
Final review test
1. D
2. D
3. Standard tx. For any pt with a serious a
4. The only arery in the body that contains deoxygenated blood
5. A bruit heard in the area of a blood vessel is a sign of. ANUREYSM
6. The drug is used to treat CHF. Lanoxin, Lasix
7. Relaxation phase of the heart. DIASTOLE
8. Sensitive tissue in the right atrium wall that initiates an electrical SA NODE
10. D
11. Pts dx with stage 1 hypertension are first prescribed. DIURETICS depends on the pt.
and doctor
12. Structure that forms the first layer of the heart.
13. The condition
14. Common site for DVT. CALF VEIN
15. This procedure is described as a chemical injected
16. Saclike membrane surrounds the heart
17. This picks up the speed of RBCs as they travel through the vessel. DOPPLER STUDY
valves help move blood back up thru your legs and are back to the heart.
18. Develop because of widespread atherosclerotic plaque buildup in the arteries outside
of the heart, especially in the legs. DVT = DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS
20. Example of a channel blocker. Cardizem
21. Individual not at risk which LDL levels is recommended. LESS THAN 100 MG/DL
22. Signal from the AV node is picked. BUNDLE OF HIS
23. Another name for a heart attach. MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (MI)
24. Part of the conduction system of the heart that wraps around the outer wall of the
verntricles. PUKINGE FIBERS
25. This heart chamber receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. LEFT ATRIUM
Final exam Study guide
1. contractility- is the ability of the heart muscle to shorten in response to a electrical impulse
2. conductivity- the ability of the cardiac cells to receives and transmits an electrical impulse
3. Automaticity- the heart can generate/create its own electrical impulse
4. What is the rate for a weak and thread pulse? 1+
5. What do you need to tell the pt to do when checking their BP? Possible
 Relax your arm
 do not cross your legs
 no smoking
 caffeine
6. Endocarditis-Inflammation in the inner lining of the valves of the heart is. Endocarditis
7. List some common congenital heart d/o. Holes in the septum
8. After the pt. has a cardiac catheter put in. What are the most important things for the
nurse to check post-op. check for the presence and strength of peripheral pulses
9. What is it call when a pt. has pain that disappears on rest? Intermittent claudication
10. Low levels of HDL’s are a indicator of heart disease
11. Varicose vein, the way the veins are presented. They are large, jagged, visible, very
pronounced. Caused by standing. Not a lot of movement. Also, genetic. Treatment of
varicose veins:
 Wearing support hose
 Elevated legs
12. How long is a standard telemetry strip? 6 secs
13. If we have wide QRS complexes and rate of 20-40, where are those impulses coming
from. Bundle branches just above the purkinge fibers. They have the same rate
14. The nurse is analyzing a patient’s telemetry strip and observes a sawtooth appearance
with no P waves. How should the nurse document this finding? ile looking at an EKG
strip and you see sawtooth. Atrial Flutter
15. Which modifiable risk factors increase a patient’s risk for heart disease
 diet
 wt. loss
16. Arterial insufficiency in the legs sx: weakness,
17. Arthrosc starts to develop at 20 y/0
18. Is it okay to drink one glass of wine a day. Yes. 1 women/2 men
19. Why do old people have brownish discoloration in the legs or ankles. Venous
insufficiency. Valves not properly working, poor circulation
20. What is a complications of a DVT. It could lead to a pulmonary embolism.
21. How does a DVT present:
 They cant breath,
 chest pain,
 coughing up blood sometime w/pink frothy sputum
22. What are complications of uncontrolled hypertension: dialaysis, high risk for heart
attack, etc
23. What are the 6 P’s of arterial disease:
 Pallor
 Pain
 Parkineshia
 poykilathermia
24. Pt with abd aortic aneurism, bp has drop and pulse is rising. What do you do for pt. You
must contact HCP STAT. you really cant do anything for him
25. Person with renonion syndrome. What kind of teaching should you give him regarding
his disease process. Wear extras clothes espically in cold weather, becareful of hot
objects (b/c they have reduce sensation in hands) keep skin covered, no smoking
(vasoconstricts bloods flow)
26. The patient with angina asks the nurse how a daily dose of 81 mg of aspirin is helpful.
Which reply is best? Low-dose aspirin helps reduce clotting.
27. People on coumadin who have devices where they can check their blood at home. What
are they testing for PT/INR
28. Pt in hospital whose had a suspected MI. What lab report is specific for myocardial
damage. CKMB (myoglobulin)
29. Pt is having a CABG. Where do they get the vein to graft to the heart. The Savinous Vein
(found in leg)
30. The patient being evaluated for a heart transplant asks the nurse what the survival rate
is. Which response is best for the nurse to make? 82%
31. what other test are done to determine the pts. Readiness for a heart transplant.
32. What happens to some pts while they are waiting on a donor list. They may die
33. Pt had a STEMI and a cardia catheter. It the next day and now the pt. does not want to
do anything for themselves. The pt. is having dependency problems
34. Why do we give pts a large amt of fluids after a cardiograph? to flush the kidneys of the
35. After a MI why does the heart muscle pump less. Muscle damage or ischemia
36. What causes the pain of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Ischemia
37. The nurse is educating a patient on a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet after a myocardial
infarction (MI). Which food choice should the nurse recommend? Replace a serving of
red meat with a serving of fish.”
38. Sx. What are the symptoms of carcinogenic shock.
 Hypertension
 diaphoresis,
 pressure
 they feel cold
 skin is pale
39. how long can you take nitroglycerin tablets 3 tabs .
40. How many doses of nitroglycerin tablets can you take 5 mins apart
41. When do you call the doctor? When you have given the pt. all 3 doses and chest pain
has not gone away
42. what are your normal troponin levels. Between 0-0.4
43. what is a adverse effect of a patient who receives at Activase (alteplase). BLEEDING
44. What is the average life span of a red blood cell (RBC)? 120 days
45. how long to do you have once the blood leaves the blood bank that you have to hang it .
30 minutes
46. Why do old people catch so many colds. Because of decrease blood bone marrow
production which lowers your immune system response.
47. what is the normal lab value for platelets . 150,000 to 400,000
48. where do you check for signs of cyanosis on a patient with dark skin pt. Their mucous
membranes the gums and mouth
49. Increased ensiophils
50. True/false . You do not need another consent for a blood transfusion as long as the
patient has already signed a consent form to treat. That is false you need a consent
form for everything.
51. Which organ can help the body compensate in the event of a massive hemorrhagic
episode by contracting and adding blood to the circulating volume? spleen
52. The nurse is caring for an 80-year-old African American patient. On assessment, the
nurse observes yellow sclera. Which other finding would support the nurse’s suspicion
that hemolysis is occurring? Tea colored urine
53. Jaundice results from excessive release of which substance into the bloodstream?
54. The nurse is caring for a patient with pernicious anemia. The patient asks the nurse why
she experiences constant fatigue. Which response most accurately answers the patient’s
question? “Your anemia causes inadequate oxygen delivery to your cells, which causes
you to feel fatigue.”
55. Patient has Poison Ivy and you just gave them a bath what is the next appropriate action
to take in the drying pet process of the patient skin. Pat the skin dry
56. The nurse is caring for an older adult patient who is confused and irritable. The nurse
reviews the patient’s history and notes that it is negative for dementia. Which potential
underlying problem should the nurse suspect? Hypoxia
57. who should not use the medication Accutane. Pregnant people are those thinking
about getting pregnant
58. How is it 20 y/o college student going to clean their face with acne vulgaris. They should
use water and mild soap .
59. Tell me about shingles SX.:

60. How Shingles start? from a low grade fever.
61. what is shingles also known as? herpes zoster.
62. How does present? as a small group of vesicles
63. How do you Any items exposed to lice besides the hair of the patient . Stuff you can do
at home.
 You put the animals and pillows in a bag and tie it up for two weeks.
 You wash all linens in extremely hot water . And you dry them on the hottest
setting of your dryer

64. why do we give Whirlpool baths to patient with pressure ulcers. to stimulate
granulation tissue growth.
65. Tell me this drug is 6 hypertonic, 3 hypotonic , isotonic.

Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic

5% dextrose in 0.225% 0.45 percent Saline 5% dextrose in 0.45%
Saline Saline
lactated ringer's 5% dextrose in 0.9%
5% dextrose in water 5% dextrose in lactated
0.9% Saline isotonic 10% dextrose in water

66. The primary care provider writes an order for the patient to receive an Ivy of solution
that has the same osmotic pressure as intracellular fluid. The nurse would correctly
question which IV orders
 5% dextrose in 0.9% Saline hypertonic
 0.45 percent Saline hypotonic

67. The nurse is caring for a patient that has a potassium level of 5.0. The nurse should
carefully monitor the patient for which signs and symptoms. SATA.
 Cardiac dysrhythmias
 muscle weakness
 Hypotension
68. Which finding is most important for the nurse to confirm prior to hanging a IV bag
containing potassium? Check for urine output of at least 30 ml/hr.
69. The nurse assesses the patients Ivy insertion site and observes that the vein is hard, the
skin is red and tender, and a blood return in the IV line. After removing the Ivy catheter,
which action should the nurse take next? Apply a warm moist pack
70. The nurse is caring for a patient with atrial fibrillation who asks why she needs to take
warfarin. Which statement best answers the patient’s question? Warfarin prevents
clots from forming in the Atria
71. the QRS complex represents depolarization of the what. The ventricles
72. What is the intrinsic heart rate of the AV node? 40 to 60 beats per minute

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