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Art, Craft and Calligraphy (EDU403)

Assignment 1 (Spring 2020)

Total Marks: 20
(Lesson No. 1-13)


 Late assignments will not be accepted.

 If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work
done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from
different sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.
 No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
 The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color should be
preferably black and font size should be 12 Times New Roman.

Question: 1
a. How is line defined in drawing?
b. Describe in detail the five basic kinds of lines and their usages in artwork with examples.
(2 marks +8 marks)
Question: 2
a. Define the colors of color spectrum and discuss the properties of a color.
b. Make a radial balance design with the help of elements or principle of art.
(5 marks + 5 marks)
Note: You can use Microsoft Word or Paint app to solve the question “Make a radial balance
design with the help of elements or principle of art.”

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