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AOAC Official Method 945.43
Moisture in Fig Bars
and Raisin-Filled Crackers
Gravimetric Method
First Action 1945
Final Action
Place 25–30 g prepared sand and short stirring rod in dish ca 55 mm
diameter and 40 mm deep, fitted with cover. Dry thoroughly, cover
dish, cool in desiccator, and weigh immediately. Remove cover, place
3–5 g prepared test portion, 926.04(b) (see 32.3.01), in dish, and
weigh accurately. Remove dish containing sand, stirring rod, and
weighed test portion from balance. Add 5–10 mL H2O and mix with
the sand. Heat carefully on water bath, stirring at 2–3 min intervals,
until excess H2O is removed and contents of dish are consistency of
heavy paste. Place uncovered dish in vacuum oven and dry ca 16 h at
70°C under pressure ≤50 mm Hg (6.7 kPa). After drying, cover dish,
transfer to desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh
immediately. (Note: Quartz sand that passes No. 40 sieve but is
retained on No. 60 sieve, has been digested with HCl, washed free of
acid, and ignited, is recommended. Al dishes with fit-over covers are
most convenient. Dish can be set in cover during heating on water
bath and during oven-drying period. After drying, cover can be
easily and quickly refitted on dish as it is transferred to desiccator.)


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