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Republic of the Philippines

Region III
San Pedro Elementary School

Detailed Lesson Plan

(Quarter 2- WEEK 1, DAY 1-5 SY 2020-2021)

Learning Competencies:
a. Analyze relationships presented in analogies
b. Transcode information from linear to non-linear text and vice-versa
I. Content:
a. Concepts:
a. Analogy a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of
explanation or clarification.
b. Linear Text is the most common type of text. It needs to be read from start
to end.
c. Non-Linear Text- having an orderly sequence is not required. Nonlinear
texts use visuals to assist the reader to capture their meaning.

a) References: English CG- May 2016,

b) Instructional Materials: pictures/illustrations, graphs, video clip

II. Procedure:
A. Reviewing of Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson
Today you will learn what the meaning of ANALOGY is.
 Answer the following questions by
supplying the correct words in the
Bridge Type: Degree

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

 For this lesson, copy this link given to you and watch the video online!
YouTube Source:

 Analogy is a comparison of two things to show their similarities. Sometimes the

things being compared are quite similar, but other times they could be very
different. Nevertheless, an analogy explains one thing in terms of another to
highlight the ways in which they are alike.

 You will find word analogies, or verbal analogies, used in standardized tests and
sometimes in job interviews where you must show the relationship between two
objects or concepts using logic and reasoning. These analogies are set up in a
standard format.
For example:
tree : leaf :: flower : petal
This analogy is read aloud as:
“Tree is to leaf as flower is to petal.”
 Answer the following by supplying the words in an Analogy
1. hammer : nail :: _____ : hair 5. bees : hive :: _____ : den
2. white : black :: up : _____ 6. _____ : sing :: walk : dance
3. mansion : shack :: yacht : _____ 7. _____ : food :: sculptor : stone
4. short : _____ :: long : heavy 8. like : love :: dislike : _____

 As you watch the clip, answer the following questions.

What is the importance of Analogy in Writing?
What makes it difficult to analyse? What makes it easy?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson (DAY 2)

Analogies, Similes and Metaphors

A simile compares two things using the words "like" or "as" to create a new meaning.
These comparisons are direct and typically easy to understand.
-As sly as a fox -Crazy like a fox
-As stubborn as a mule -Quick like a cat
-As blind as a bat
Metaphors are a figure of speech used to make comparisons. These comparisons
describe one thing in terms of another, but without using the words "like" or "as". For
example, describing a woman in terms of a flower can highlight her beauty:
"Her petal-soft smile blossomed in the morning sun."
In this case, the woman's lips are described as petals that blossom, so the comparison
creates an association between the qualities of a woman and a flower without directly
saying it. While metaphors are often extensive.
-You are the wind beneath my wings. -America is the great melting pot.
-He is a diamond in the rough. -My mother is the warden at my house.
-Life is a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs.

Compare at least 5 parts of your body to a thing.

Example: My hair is as black as the night sky.
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________

D. Discussing New Concepts (DAY 3)

Reading Path
-It is the way that the text or text plus other features, can determine or order
the way that we read it.
Linear Text
-Most common type of reading
-It focuses on the arrangement of the words, both grammatically and
Story, Speech, Letter, Newspaper Report, etc.
Non-Linear Text
-Text combined with visual elements
-The Reading path is non-sequential
-Pictures, Graphs, Tables and Graphic Organizer
 Based on the definition above! Identify among these text which is
linear and non-linear. Encircle LINEAR and underline Non-Linear

a. b.

Examples of Non-Linear TEXT:

-Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Graph, Histogram, Graphic Organizer, Venn
Diagram, Concept Diagram

E. Continuation of the Discussion of New Concepts

Directions: Answer the questions below. Use the PIE GRAPH for

1. What is the most common language used in Australia?______________

2. What is the total percentage of the languages English and Italian
combined? ______________
3. What is the second most common language used in Australia? ___________
4. What is the average percentage of the people using English and other
languages combined? ______________
5. What is the percentage of people using Chinese language? ______________
F. Developing Mastery
 Answer the following questions.
Directions: Supply missing word in these ANALOGIES.
1. ________ stands to cow as wool stands to _________ (Product-Producer)
2. ________ stands to small as long stands to _________ (Opposites)
3. ________ stands to plane as train driver stands to ________ (User-Object used)
4. ________ stands to looking as radio stands to ________ (Action-Demand)
5. ________ stands to food as thirst stands to _________ ( Necessity/Demand)

Directions: Answer the questions below. Use the MATRIX for INFORMATION
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skill in Daily Living
 Give 5 examples of Linear Text and Non-Linear Text found in your
Linear Text Non-Linear Text
1. __________________ 6. __________________
2. __________________ 7. __________________
3. __________________ 8. __________________
4. __________________ 9. __________________
5. __________________ 10. __________________
H. Making Generalization and Abstractions about the Lesson
You are at the end of this module! Answer these questions at the back of your paper!
1. How do we apply analogy in reading?
2. Why does understanding the word important in reading?
3. What is the importance of UNDERSTANDING a GRAPH?
4. Why do we need to understand the information from the graph?

I. Evaluating Learning
Directions: Study the bar chart carefully. Then write the answers to the questions
below about the bar chart.

1. What does the bar chart show?

2. What are the top three reasons for choosing a university and their percentages?
3. What two other university-related factors that are crucial when deciding on a
4. What are two most important non-teaching related reasons for choosing a university?
5. Which two reasons for choosing a university are rated as equally important at 65%?
6. What are the least important reasons or factors when deciding on a university?
7. The reasons for choosing a particular university can be grouped into two main
reasons. What are they?
8. According to the chart, what is the main factor for choosing a university?
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

 Create your Bar Graph here. Containing these information.

Most Owned Pet by Kids

Animals Number of Owners (Scale of 1-10)

1. Dog 8
2. Cat 6
3. Pig 2
4. Hamster 5
5. Bird 7

Prepared and submitted by: Noted By:


English Teacher Principal II

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