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Nr. 242.

Moudsterne auf der Cracauer Sternwarte im Jahre 1832 beolachtet.


104 m Tauri
Mond I
Scheinb. AR.

5 6
- - --

1832 Oct. 1

Mond I
Scheinb. AR.
h i
1 8 29 36:35
18 47 44,09

119Tauri 5 22 21,86 5 39 o Sagittar. 18 54 38,26 3
130 N Tauri 5 37 38246 5 2 37 8 2 Sagitt. 18 47 43,81 5
I 1 43 {Geminor. 6 54 8,67 5 39 o Sagittar. 18 54 38,35 5
Mond I 7 12 . 9,85 5 Mond I 19 22 9,58 5
8 1g Geminor. 7 36 23,86 5 57 Sagiitar. 19 42 27,51 5
1 6 { Cancri 8 2 34,59 3 3 Mond I 20 14 12,06 5
12 8 1g Geminor. 7 36 23,88 5 15 u Capricor. 20 30 30,85 5
16 (Cancri 8 2 34,73 5 23 3 Capric. 20 56 32,OO 4
Mond I 8 1 5 10,58 5 16 /3 Geminor. 7 35 3y31 5
62 o ICamxi 8 47 53,07 5 Mond I1 8 3 55,42 5
Mai 8 47 p Leonis 10 23 58,04 5 Nov. 2 33 1Aquarii 2 1 57 23941 5
Mond I 10 34 49,23 5 45 D Aquarii 22 10 1,57 3
63~Leonie 10 56 21,52 5 Mond I 22 24 21,16 4
(12) Leonis I 1 5 18,54 5 70 Aquarii 22 39 41,76 5
9 63 x Leonis 10 56 21,67 5 29 49 6 Capric. 2 1 37 47,12 5
(12)Leonis 11 5 18,55 5 Mond I 22 4 10,73 5
Mond I ' I 1 28 31,23 5' 57 u Aquarii 22 2 1 46,74 5
Juni 7 29 7 I virgin. 12 33 10,23 5 70 Aquarii 22 39 41,16 5
Mond I 12 55 39,39 5 Dec. 1 (126) Aquarii 23 26 53,91 5
9 94 Virginis 13 57 25298 5 Mond I 23 40 21,54 5
Mond I 14 34 27976 5 (4) Ceti 23 59 10,lO 5
15 f 2 Librae 14 47 41,50 5 -seq. 23 59 38,03 3
54 Librae --- - (60) Ceti 0 15 57,05 5
Sept. 4 29 r Sagittar. 18 39 43,82 5 3 1 B9 fPiscium i 9 10,48 3
Mond I 18 50 10,05 5 98p Piscium I21 25,81 5
39 ofjagittar. 18 54 38979 5 (123) Pieciiim 1 27 18,31 5
6 7 a Capricor. 20 9 43Y59 4 Moiid I 1 44 58350 5
Capricor. LO 17 44,12 5 c225) Ceti I51 59,35 j 3
Mond I 20 34 15,46 5

Schreiben des Herrn Hendersons Directors der Sternwarte auf dem Vorgebiirge der guteu Hoffnung
an deu Herausgeber.
Observatory, Cape of Good Hope 1833. March 18.

1 take the liberty of inclosing some Astronomical Observa- serving the positions of 170 principal Stars in both He-
tions wkich I made at Edinburgh in the beginning of 1831, mispheres. Little progrels has yet been made in the com-
They should have been sent sooner, but were delayed by putations, but so far as they have been made they seem t o
circumstances connected with my departure from England. indicate that the Declinatipns observed here agree better
Since my arrival at this Observatory about twelve with those of Mr. B e s s d , than with those of Mr. Pond
months age, we have been assiduously employed in ob- or Dr. Brinkley.
27 Nr. 242. 28
I first observed Encke's Comet on the 2d June last, and vember 18, 22, 23, and 27, December 26 and 31 and Ja-
betwixt that day and the 28th of June obtained observations
of it on nixie different nights. It then disappeared. It was
very faint - much fainter than at its appearance in 1828
light -
nuary I , 4 and 3. It then became invisilJle in the 1Moon-
and after the Moon was gone, it could not be
seen. The observations will be sent in a few days to the
- consequently invisible to the naked eye, -
although Astronomical Society. Both Comets were observed with a
M. Encke expected the contrary. I have sent the Obser- Circular Micrometer applied to an Achromatic Telescope
vations to be communicated to the Royal Astronomical So- 45 inches in focal length and 38 inches aperture.
ciety of London. The following is a comparison of the
observed positions with those given in Nr. 210 of the
I make the Latitude of this Observatory 33'56' 3" South.

Its Longitude computed from Mr. Fullowr observations of
Amtr. Nachr
Mean Correction af Ephemeris Moon Culminating Stars, compared with those made in
A. R. Declination. Europe is l h 13m 56s East of Greenwich. I e s t i m a t e the
Observatory to be 13 seconds of time East of Cape Town -
June 2
June 23
June 8
0,7 -
+ so that this determination of the Longitude agrees alnlost
precisely with that of M. Encke in his Treatise on the
The Comet of 6,7 years was observed here on No- Transit of Venus in 1761.
T. H e n d e r s on.

Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory on the Calton Hill Ediuburgh.

Continued from Astronomische Nachrichten Nr. 196.

Observed Transits of the Moon a u d Stars nearly iu her parallel over the Meridian.

- Date 1831.

February 18 Moon I Limb

f Tauri
Nr. of True Sidereal
h m r
3 4 27989
3 21 33,06
of Berlin
- 09405
-Date 1831.

March 27 Moon 1LiIub

y Virginis *)
Nr. of True Siderea


12 12 59,05
12 33 7,55
of Berlin

- 412S

e- 4 3 39 0,58 6- 5 12 47 7,09
3 51 19,47

6 54 5,69
April 18 Moon 1Limb 5
- 7 29 0938 - 0,15

Moon I Limb 5 7 6 0,54 - 1,24 19 Moon ILimb 5

-- 8 2 7 59,73 - 0,20
A Geminornm 4 7 8 23,28 May 18 MoonILimb 5 10 0 40,99
Q4f 5 7 29 43,37

-3 Cancri 5 7 51 6,58 19 Moon ILimb 1

- 510 52 45,66 - 0,02
25 I--
23 g Geminorum o'Librae (faint) 5 15 13 39,02
<Cancri 2 8 2 31,78 <3 - Ii 5 15 21 11,16
15 26 7,08
Moon I Limb 3 8 5 56,75 0,99 Y - 5
- -.
Moon LLimb

5 15 40 45,95 - 0,07
March 23
-Moon ILimb 5 8 45 0,04 - 0,80 --
Mean Correction = - 0 ~ 4 0
27 (50) Leonis
(77) - 5
5 I 1 14
11 19
or -
6",0 of are.

91v - 5 11 28 19,27
fl Virginis 5 11 41 55,05 *) ?Virginis was nnt seen double.

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