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It's hard. Procrastination really got me this time. I am 33 lectures behind and I did no tutorials throughout the
entire semester. There are three weeks left. How is it even possible?

Every semester I tell myself not to leave everything till the very end. But yet I find myself in the same similar
situation. Rushing through the syllabus, trying to master the content and going in the exam hall, praying for the A.
This time, I'm not sure if I can do it.

I don't know if it was the stress or the lack of sheer determination. But I just didn't want to do anything. Thinking
about the workload made me push back work even further, leading me into this viscous cycle of stress, laziness
and stress all over again. All I wanted to do was go out, and play, just like all my other friends in their picture
perfect instastories.

I can't wait for finals to be over. I have my whole Winter Break planned out. 5 different trips in 5 weeks. It's gonna
be lit. And then it came to me, I'm going to have so much fun in December and I'm going to be wasting every
single second of my time. I need to do something that my December self would be proud off. 1 lecture down, 32
more to go. Let's Geddit.

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