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Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology

B.Tech. (2nd year) ,4th sem. (2020)

(Discrete Mathematics - PC-CS202A)
MM:-75 Time:-3 hrs.

Note: All questions in Part-A and Part-B are compulsory. Attempt

four questions from Part-C selecting one question from each Unit.
Part-A (15 Marks)
1. Short Answer Questions
a) P, Q, R are three sets prove that with help of Venn
diagram. (3)
b) State and prove pigeonhole principle.. (3)

c) Check which type of proposition is this? (3)

d) Define and explain bijective function with the help of example? (3)
e) Define the ring with zero divisors. Give example. (3)

Part-B (20
Marks) Unit-I

1. State and prove material equivalence law. (5)


2. (A, ≤ ) be a partially ordered set. Let ≤R is a binary relation such that for a and b a
≤R b if and only if b ≤ a.Show that if (A, ≤ ) is a lattice, then (A, ≤R ) is also a lattice.
≤R is a partial ordering relation. (5)

3. Determine the generating function of

(b) 1,3,32……………… (5)

4. Let (A, *) be an algebraic structure such that for all a,b,c,d in A a*a =
a and (a*b) * (c*d) = (a*c) * (b*d)
then show that a * (b*c) = (a*b) * (a*c) (5)

Part-C (40
Marks) UNIT-I

5. Prove . (10)

6. Among first 1000 positive integers :

(i) Determine the no. of integers which are not divisible by 5 nor by 7 nor by 9
(ii) Determine the no. of integers which are divisible by 5 not by 7 not by 9 (10)


7. Consider the following relations on set of integers

R = { (x,y) / x – y ≥ 0} (10)
S= { (x,y) / gcd (x,y) = 1}
T = { (x,y) / x – y < 1}
For each relation check for reflexive, symmetric, transitive and antisymmetric property.
8. What do you mean by transitive closure? Find the transitive closure of relation R on set
{1,2,3,4}: R = { (2,2), (3,3), (1,3), (2,1)} using Warshall algorithm.

9. Solve the difference equation (10)
10. In a box there are 6 balls of which 3 are white and 3 are black. They are drawn
successively (i) without replacement (ii) with replacement. What is the chance that
colours are alternate?

12. Define a group and semigroup. Prove that a semigroup G is a group if and only if ax = b
and ya = b have solutions in G for arbitrary a,b belonging to G.
13. Prove that the order of sny subgroup of a finite group divides the order of the group.

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