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This employment contract is made on ……………………………………………

Name : ……………………………………….
Passport No. : ……………………………………….
Position No. : ……………………………………….


1. Completed work for 12 months: (a) 1 month/30 days leave
(b) Return air ticket
2. If work less than 1 year, all the related expenses incurred (including work permit & air ticket) will be boned by
the worker himself. Upon the company have been apply PNG work permit and if employee refuse to go and
work then the employees have to or refund a total amount of RM 8,000 that the passport will be returned.
3. Minimum two (2) years contracts needed (depend on work permit). If the worker visits home within the period
of work permit, the total balance of annual salary only be calculated & paid. The company keeps the right to
hold RM 8,000 for the work permit fee & air ticket fee until you return to working base.
4. Drinking wine & gambling are strongly prohibited and if get caught at the camp site and the said worker will be
terminated by company within 24 hour.
5. Company will compound/fine RM 20,000. Thus worker who engage/marry with local girls/women, and the said
worker will be terminated by company within 24 hour.
6. Ration provided by company
Contract fee as follows:
a. Skidding logs: 1m³ - 1000m³ = RM 5.00
1000m³ and above = RM 6.00
b. Culvert logs = RM 300.00
c. Foundation logs = RM 10.00
d. Bridge = RM 500.00
e. Basic salary = RM 2000.00


………………………………………… ……………………………………………….

MONTHLY ALLOTMENT : ……………………………………………..

BANK NAME : ……………………………………………..
BANK ACCOUNT NO. : ……………………………………………..
BANK PARTICULAR NAME : ……………………………………………..
BANK PARTICULAR IC : ……………………………………………..
HOME ADDRESS : ……………………………………………..
BANK ADDRESS : ……………………………………………..
TELEPHONE CONTACT : ……………………………………………..
This employment contract is made on ……………………………………………
Name : ……………………………………….
Passport No. : ……………………………………….
Position No. : ……………………………………….


1. Completed work for 12 months: (a) 1 month/30 days leave
(b) Return air ticket
2. If work less than 1 year, all the related expenses incurred (including work permit & air ticket) will be boned by
the worker himself. Upon the company have been apply PNG work permit and if employee refuse to go and
work then the employees have to or refund a total amount of RM 8,000 that the passport will be returned.
3. Minimum two (2) years contracts needed (depend on work permit). If the worker visits home within the period
of work permit, the total balance of annual salary only be calculated & paid. The company keeps the right to
hold RM 8,000 for the work permit fee & air ticket fee until you return to working base.
4. Drinking wine & gambling are strongly prohibited and if get caught at the camp site and the said worker will be
terminated by company within 24 hour.
5. Company will compound/fine RM 20,000. Thus worker who engage/marry with local girls/women, and the said
worker will be terminated by company within 24 hour.
6. Ration provided by company
Contract fee as follows:
a. Hauling 0km – 15 km = RM 1.80m³
b. Sundries hours = RM 10.00 per hour
c. Basic Salary = RM 2000.00


………………………………………… ……………………………………………….

MONTHLY ALLOTMENT : ……………………………………………..

BANK NAME : ……………………………………………..
BANK ACCOUNT NO. : ……………………………………………..
BANK PARTICULAR NAME : ……………………………………………..
BANK PARTICULAR IC : ……………………………………………..
HOME ADDRESS : ……………………………………………..
BANK ADDRESS : ……………………………………………..
TELEPHONE CONTACT : ……………………………………………..

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