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Msgr. Lino Gonzaga St., Jaro, Leyte


YEAR LEVEL: Grade 11

Contemporary Arts

Activity Title: Drawing

Learning Targets: To define what is drawing.
Reference Title: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region for Senior High School
Author: Wilson K. Panisan, et. al. Page Numbers: 131-134

Concept Notes
 Drawing materials
 Sketchbook (9 x 12 or smaller depending on the artist’s preference)
 Graphite Pencils (2H, HB, 2B, 4B and 6B or mechanical pencil .5 mm and .3 mm)
 Erasers (vinyl and kneaded)
 Pencil Sharpener
 Ruler
 Charcoal (vine and compressed)
 Spray Fixative (Spray Fix)
 Portfolio
 Kinds of Drawing
 Life Drawing
 Emotive Drawing
 Sketching
 Perspective Drawing
 Shading techniques
 Hatching
 Cross-Hatching
 Blending
 Stippling
A. Drawing with Graphite Pencils
B. Drawing with Charcoal
 Stages of Drawing
 Look
 Transfer the information
 Block in the background
 Add a third dimension with volume
 Finish the drawing


I. Recall: Read the items and write on the blanks what the statements refer to:
1. A type of charcoal that creates a much darker black and
comes in square sticks or pencil form.
2. A kind of drawing that is based on the artist’s observation
of his subject. Examples are figure drawings.
3. A shading technique that uses dot patterns to create dark
4. This is used to preserve the drawing and protects it from
being smeared.
5. The recommended paper support for charcoal.


Msgr. Lino Gonzaga St., Jaro, Leyte

YEAR LEVEL: Grade 11
Contemporary Arts

Activity Title: Painting

Learning Targets: To determine the different kinds of paint
Reference Title: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region for Senior High School
Author: Wilson K. Panisan, et. al. Page Numbers: 138-145

Concept Notes
1. Pigments
2. Binder
3. Solvent

Different Kinds of Paints

 Oil Based paints
 Basic techniques for painting with oils
 Oil paints
 Solvent
 Brushes
 A pallete and pallete knife for blending paints
 Canvas
 An easel or something to support painting
 Space
 Basic steps in oil painting
 Start with a simple sketch
 Plan your design
 Find the light source
 Look closely at your composition and consider the actual colors being
 Work in layers
 Check for movement in your subject
 Determine what painting technique to use
 It takes three (3) days for a layer of paint to dry
 Water-soluble paints
 Tempera
 Acrylic Paints
 Kinds of Acrylic
1. Professional acrylic
2. Student Acrylic
3. Scholastic Acrylics


I. Matching Type: Write the letter of the medium being described.

a. Oil paint
b. Water color
c. Gouache
d. Tempera
e. Acrylic

1. This uses a linear technique.

2. The support should be positioned horizontally when painting
3. Water is the solvent but paint becomes water resistant when dry
4. Fresh eggs should be used for this paint
5. Turpentine is its solvent
6. Painting that should avoid using bristle brushes because it tends to loosen the
7. Painting that uses varnish as a fixative
8. This paint makes use of retarders to slow water evaporation
9. Wet-on-wet technique
10. Pigment is mixed with synthetic emulsion


Msgr. Lino Gonzaga St., Jaro, Leyte

YEAR LEVEL: Grade 11

Contemporary Arts
Activity Title: Other Two-Dimensional Media
Learning Targets: To identify other two-dimensional media
Reference Title: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region for Senior High School
Author: Wilson K. Panisan, et. al. Page Numbers: 149-157

Concept Notes
Other Two-Dimensional Media
 Pastel painting
 There basically are three kinds of pastels
 Soft pastels
 Hard pastels
 Oil pastels
 Techniques of manipulating Pastel
 Stippling
 Impasto
 Sgrafitto
 Scumbling
 Feathering
 Dry wash
 Caring for pastels
 Collage
 Printmaking
 Creating the matrix or the printing plate
 Inking the plate
 Transferring the image
 Materials used in Printmaking
 Solvents
 Inks and additives
 Paper
 Printing techniques
 Relief printing
 Intaglio
 Lithography
 Etching
 Seregraphy
 Mixed Media
 Mixed Media Art

I. Recall: Read the following statements and test your ability to remember important
parts of the lesson.

1. The binder used for pastels

2. This art was invented by Picasso and involves pasting or
gluing found objects onto the support.
3. A kind of printing in which the paint/ink is on the raised part
is on the matrix
4. In serigraphy, this is the tool that spreads the paint on the
5. A print that is made by carving out the images from the wood
6. A pastel technique using scraped, powdered pastel which is
blended onto the support
7. These organic grains are very useful in cleaning dirty pastel
8. This art results from a combination of pastel, oil paints and
found objects
9. This tool is made of compressed, rolled paper that is very
useful for blending pastel onto the support
10. The main difference between soft and hard pastel in terms of


Msgr. Lino Gonzaga St., Jaro, Leyte

YEAR LEVEL: Grade 11

Contemporary Arts

Activity Title: Technology as Art Media

Learning Targets: To define what are the technologies to be used in art media
Reference Title: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region for Senior High School
Author: Wilson K. Panisan, et. al. Page Numbers: 160-161
Concept Notes
Technology as Art Media
 Photography
 Photography is considered as both a science and an art. Photography is “writing
with lights”. Taking pictures has become a part of this generation’s everyday
routine with the influx of advance mobile technology. No special training
nowadays is necessary to take a good picture, judt aim at the image and press the
capture button and done.
 Basic features of camera
 The aperture
 The lens
 The film
 The digital camera
 Digital art
 Paint program
 Draw program

I. Do this:
1. The instructor tells the students to form 4 groups and research on the evolution of
the following technology starting from the time it was invented to the present.
Assign one topic per group.
2. Make a flowchart based on the researched data. Visuals should be included.
a. Camera
b. Mobile phone
c. Personal computer
d. Drawing tablet
3. Students should creatively present their work in class.
4. After all presentations are done. Instructor processes the activity through the
following questions:
a. What factors led to the invention of these technologies? Discuss briefly.
b. What factors led to their constant improvement? Explain.
c. Imagine and create a new media technology and indicate what it can do.

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