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lux = luxury, magnificence, glitter, abundance

the SI unit of illuminance, equal to one lumen per square meter.

Professional curators and conservators will look for work elsewhere, and amateurs will be hired who don't care
whether light levels are 50 lux or 500 lux.

Square = just,quadrate, foursquare,straight, right, righteous, upright  (patrat)

achita pay, pay off, discharge, pay down, acquit, square
ridica la pătrat square
îndoi bend, double, fold, crease, curve, square
îndrepta straighten, guide, direct, correct, right, square
pune în ordine tidy up, right, assemble, settle, make, square
ajusta adjust, adapt, fit, modulate, arrange, square
potrivi fit, match, accommodate, fit in, adjust, square
fi în concordanţă cu be in keeping with, meet, square
pune de acord agree, harmonize, attune, square, accord
tăia cut, crop, carve, chop, slice, square
netezi smooth, flatten, smooth down, sleek, tabulate, square
corespunde meet, tally, check, homologize, answer, square
cumpăra buy, purchase, buy off, bribe, take, square
pătrat square, quadrate, tetragon, regular tetragon
piaţă market, square, piazza, mart, circus
careu square, mess
scuar square
echer square
piaţă publică square
colţar corner, square, triangle, cupboard, quoin, crampon
grup de case square
cvartal block, square
ochi de geam pane, square, panel, a pane of glass

pătrat square, foursquare, quadrate
drept straight, right, righteous, just, upright, square
cinstit honest, fair, honorable, righteous, virtuous, square
lat wide, broad, flat, square, prone
solid solid, strong, sound, firm, reliable, square
egal equal, even, level, identical, uniform, square
net net, clear, flat, decided, square, plump
în ordine tidy, straight, square
just fair, just, right, correct, reasonable, square
deschis open, light, pale, outspoken, overt, square
bogat rich, wealthy, high, abundant, full, square
bondoc stocky, squab, stumpy, dumpy, square
corect correct, fair, right, accurate, honest, square
adevărat true, real, genuine, very, actual, square
categoric categorical, definite, emphatic, absolute, flat, square
substanţial substantial, rich, solid, cogent, square, well-groun

having the shape or approximate shape of a square.
a square table
sinonime: quadrilateral, rectangular, oblong, right-angled, at right
angles, perpendicular, straight, level, parallel, horizontal, upright, vertical, true, plane

(of two people) owing nothing to each other.

an acknowledgment that we are square

denoting a unit of measurement equal to the area of a square whose side is of the unit specified.
30,000 square feet of new gallery space

at right angles; perpendicular.

these lines must be square to the top and bottom marked edges

level or parallel.
place one piece of wood on top of the other, ensuring that they are exactly square

old-fashioned or boringly conventional.

Elvis was anything but square
sinonime: old-fashioned, behind the times, out of
date, conservative, traditionalist, conventional, conformist, bourgeois, strait-laced, fogeyish, stuffy, stick-in-the-mud, f

(of rhythm) simple and straightforward.

The opening sinfonia for strings and trombones is remarkably like several opera overtures of the time, with square


descărcare discharge, unloading, relief, dumping, debarkation, issue
scurgere drain, leakage, flow, leaking, running, discharge
debit flow, debit, output, discharge, delivery, yield
eliminare elimination, discharge, liberation
eliberare release, liberation, issue, deliverance, discharge, emancipation
achitare acquittal, discharge, redemption, clearance, disbursement, satisfaction
concediere dismissal, sack, discharge, ejection, deposition
îndeplinire accomplishment, achievement, implementation, completion, execution, discharge
scutire exemption, relief, sparing, release, remission, discharge
supuraţie suppuration, discharge, fester
împuşcătură shot, gun-shot, gunfire, shoot, discharge, fusillade
descărcare electrică discharge
eşapament exhaust, discharge, scapement
destituire removal, remove, deposition, displacement, discharge
consum consumption, intake, expenditure, discharge
trimitere la vatră discharge
punere în libertate release, discharge, enfranchisement
dare afară discharge
plată payment, pay, charge, fee, disbursement, discharge
foc fire, heat, shot, firing, light, discharge

descărca unload, discharge, empty, unburden, dump, debark
achita pay, pay off, discharge, pay down, acquit, satisfy
elibera release, issue, liberate, free, deliver, discharge
se achita de discharge
debarca land, disembark, unload, debark, discharge, go ashore
decolora discolor, discolour, bleach, fade, decolorize, discharge
emite issue, emit, give, release, send, discharge
supura fester, suppurate, discharge, maturate, matter
solda sell off, discharge
despovăra unburden, discharge
plăti o datorie satisfy, discharge, redeem a debt
scoate remove, take out, take off, bring out, pull out, discharge
emana emanate, emit, stream, exhale, discharge
da drumul let go, let out, dismiss, discharge, loose hold
pune în libertate release, loosen, set free, set at liberty, discharge, loose
da afară kick out, fire, expel, throw out, dismiss, discharge
destitui dismiss, remove, depose, discharge, displace
concedia fire, dismiss, sack, discharge, discard, boot
reabilita rehabilitate, vindicate, exonerate, whitewash, retrieve, discharge
se vărsa spill, empty, discharge, disembogue, regorge
se decolora discolour, discolor, discharge, weather
demobiliza demobilize, dismiss, demob, discourage, discharge, disembody
lăsa la vatră discharge
scăpa escape, drop, rid, miss, save, discharge
se uşura discharge
azvârli hurl, toss, sling, cast, throw, discharge
anula cancel, annul, undo, repeal, abolish, discharge
lansa launch, start, release, initiate, deploy, discharge

the action of discharging someone from a hospital or from a job.
his discharge from the hospital
sinonime:  dismissal, release, removal, ejection, expulsion, cashiering, the sack, the boot, the ax, a/the
pink slip
the action of discharging a liquid, gas, or other substance.
those germs might lead to vaginal discharge
sinonime:  leak, leakage, emission, release, flow

the action of doing all that is required to fulfill a responsibility or perform a duty.
directors must use skill in the discharge of their duties
sinonime:  carrying
out, performance, performing, execution, conduct, fulfillment, accomplishment, completion

the action of canceling an order of a court.

A motion to consolidate that action with the applications for discharge now before this court was
dismissed and the action is proceeding toward trial.

tell (someone) officially that they can or must leave, in particular.
They stressed that staff would not be actively discharging anyone and no programme was in place to
reduce the number of users by a set target.

allow (a liquid, gas, or other substance) to flow out from where it has been confined.
industrial plants discharge highly toxic materials into rivers
sinonime:  send out, release, eject, let out, pour out, void, give off

do all that is required to fulfill (a responsibility) or perform (a duty).

That was the only time that he was actually unable to perform or discharge the duties of the president.
sinonime:  carry out, perform, execute, conduct, do, fulfill, accomplish, achieve, complete

(of a judge or court) cancel (an order of a court).

It may well be that in the light of that report the authority will wish to apply to the High Court to discharge
the consent order made last year.


 dismissal, release, removal, ejection, expulsion, cashiering, the sack, the boot, the ax, a/the

pink slip
 release, liberation
 leak, leakage, emission, release, flow
 emission, secretion, excretion, seepage, suppuration, pus, matter,exudate
 shot, firing, blast, explosion, detonation
 carrying
out, performance, performing, execution, conduct,fulfillment, accomplishment, completion
 payment, repayment, settlement, clearance, meeting, liquidation
 outpouring, run
 emission
 waiver, release
 venting
 sacking, liberation, dismission, release, dismissal, firing, sack
 firing off, firing
 arc, spark, electric arc
 emission, expelling


 dismiss, eject, expel, throw out, give someone notice, release, let

go, fire, terminate, cashier, sack, give someone the sack, boot out, give someone the
boot, turf out, give someone their marching orders, show someone the door, send
packing, pink-slip, give someone the (old) heave-ho
 release, free, set free, let go, liberate, let out
 send out, release, eject, let out, pour out, void, give off
 emit, exude, ooze, leak
 fire, shoot, let off, set off, trigger, explode, detonate
 unload, offload, put off, remove
 carry out, perform, execute, conduct, do, fulfill, accomplish,achieve, complete
 pay, pay off, settle, clear, honor, meet, liquidate, defray, make good, square
 muster out
 exhaust, expel, eject, release
 free
 fire
 fire, go off
 dispatch, complete
 empty
 clear, exculpate, assoil, exonerate, acquit
 drop, put down, drop off, set down, unload

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