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Topic : Problems of menopausal women and its remedial measures

Group : Middle aged women

Place :

Duration : 1hour

Method of teaching : Lecture cum discussion

Teaching aid : charts, Flash cards.


On completion of this Structured Teaching Programme, women will acquire adequate knowledge on
menopausal problems and its remedial measures and develop desirable attitude to comprehend it.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of this teaching programme, middle aged women will be able to,

 enumerate the meaning of menopause

 define menopause
 state the age of menopause
 enlist causes and risk factors
 explain the common problems of menopause
 describe remedial measures
1 2min To introduce INTRODUCTION Investigator
the topic introduces the
Menopause is a normal physiological topic and the
process, not a disease, but it can have a middleaged
big impact on a woman's wellbeing. It is women getting
helpful if women are able to learn what to ready to
expect and what options are available to receive the
assist the transition, if that becomes knowledge.

To review the Review of previous knowledge
2 2min asks questions
previous Have you heard about menopause?
knowledge and the
Do you know the problems of
regarding women
problems of menopause?
menopausal How will you manage problems of answer.
women and its menopause at home?
measures. enumerate the
meaning of
3 2min To enumerate MEANING OF MENOPAUSE menopause
the meaning of Investigator
menopause The word "menopause" literally means enumerates the
the "end of monthly cycles" from meaning of
the Greek word pausis (cessation) and the menopause
root men- (month), because the word and women
"menopause" was created to describe this listen.
change in human females. define
4 1min To define DEFINITION menopause?
Menopause is time in a woman's life Investigator
when her periods (menstruation) defines women
eventually stop and the body goes through understands
changes that no longer allow her to get
Investigator state the age of
To state the menopause ?
5 2min states the age
The age of menopause ranges between
45-55 years, average being 50 years. of menopause
and the
Perimenopause, oftern accompanied by women listens
irregularities in the menustral cycle along
with the typical symptoms of early
menopause, can begin up to 10 years prior
to the last menstrual period. Menopause is
complete when you have not had a period
for 1 year. This is called postmenopause.


To enlist enlist causes
6 4min Investigator
causes and Causes and risk factors
enlists causes,
risk factors of of menopause?
 Estrogen and progesterone are and risk
menopause factors of
female hormones naturally
produced by a woman's ovaries.. menopause
Estrogen and progesterone help and the
control a woman's menstrual women
cycle. As menopause nears, a understands.
woman's ovaries stop producing
estrogen and progesterone, greatly
lowering levels of these hormones
in the body. Lowered estrogen
levels might cause menopause
symptoms and can lead to changes
in a woman's body
Risk factors

 Certain surgeries and medical

treatment can induce menopause.
Surgical menopause is when
medical treatments cause a drop in
estrogen. This can happen if your
ovaries are removed, or if you
receive chemotherapy or hormone
therapy for breast cancer. explain the
7 22min To explain the COMMON MENOPAUSAL Investigator problems of
common PROBLEMS explains menopause?
problems of common
menopause PHYSIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS problems of
Hotflushes and night sweat and women
Hot flushes are the most common acute
change among women undergoing
menopause. It is a feeling of warmth that
spreads over the body and is often most
pronounced in the head and chest.. Hot
flushes usually last from 30 seconds to
several minutes. Women taking the breast
cancer treatment drug tamoxifen may
experience more severe and prolonged hot
flushes. Diseases that can cause hot
flushes are Panic disorder, Infection,
Cancer, Diabetes, Thyroid disease and
Abnormal menopause bleeding is one of
the most frequent complaints of women
during the perimenopause. It is not
unusual to have irregular bleeding
(bleeding usually decrease in amount and
frequency) for up to 6 months before
menstrual periods stop completely. Heavy
bleeding that is excessive or prolonged
(more than 7 days) should be investigated
by your doctor.
Vaginal symptoms may include vaginal
dryness, itching, or irritation and/or pain
with sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).
The vaginal changes also lead to an
increased risk of vaginal infections.
Hormonal imbalance during
perimenopause is one of the primary
causes of digestive problems. Some of the
common symptoms of digestive
problems: Cramps, Bloating, Gas,
Constipation, Diarrhoea
Osteoporosis is perhaps the most serious
symptom of menopause because it can
lead to severe health problems such as
chronic back pain and broken bones.
About 33% of women over 50 will
experience bone fractures as a result of
hormonal fluctuations. A hall mark of this
disease is an increase loss of bone mass
and strength.
Women in perimenopause often report a
variety of thinking (cognitive) and/or
emotional symptoms, including fatigue,
memory problems, irritability, and rapid
changes in mood. Some women face the
problem of memory loss and lack of
concentration before their menopause.

An initial loss or decrease in sexual desire

can be a strong indicator of menopausal
stage. Estrogendeficiency is a major cause
of decreased vaginal lubrication and
sexual dysfunction in menopausal
women. The elasticity of the vaginal wall
may decrease and the entire vagina can
become shorter or narrower

Insomnia is very common just before and
after menopause. Sometimes it is due to
night sweats, which are hot flashes.
Women often wake up in the wee hours in
the morning and have great difficulty
getting back to sleep.

Stress is the leading cause of depression
during menopause.Sometimes menopause
can make you feel more than a little sad;
often it can make you downright
depressed. Women who have gone
through surgical menopause are also at
increased risk for depression. Investigator describe the
describes the remedial
8 23min To describe REMEDIAL MEASURES remedial measures of
the remedial measures of menopause?
measures of Home Remedies for menopause : To menopause
menopause. increase your levels of estrogen try and women
increasing your consumption of plants comprehends.
which contain estrogenic substances:
soybeans, soy sprouts, crushed flaxseeds,
garlic, green beans, sesame seeds, wheat,
yams, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, corn,
apples, cabbage, beets, olive oil, papaya,
oats, peas, sunflower seeds, are all
important sources of natural estrogens .

1. Hotflush

 Drink atleast 3 litres of water

every day.
 Flaxseed and flaxseed oil
may decrease hot flashes.
 Keeping ice water or another
cold beverage on hand during
the day and night.
 It can be curable with vitamin
supplements and healthy diet
 Taking a cool shower before
 Take 800mg of evening prime
rose oil, 3 times a day.
 Do regular exercise.
 Wear lighter clothing.
 Keep your bedroom cool at night.
 Try to reduce your stress levels.
 Avoid potential triggers, such as
spicy food, caffeine, smoking and
 Breathing techniques where you
breathe slowly and deeply. This
sort of controlled breathing just as
you start a hot flush can shorten
and lessen it.It regulate your body
2. Abnormal and irregular
menopausal bleeding

Consult physician immediately.Pump up

your iron intake. Iron is found in lean red
meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dates, jaggery,
spinach, leafy green vegetables, nuts, and
enriched grain products. Sesame seeds
mixed with cumin seeds and served with
honey are thought to be a great home
remedy for irregular periods. Vegetable
and fruit juices are good for ensuring that
you have enough vitamins and nutrients
whilst also helping irregular periods.
Grape and carrot juice are two of the most
common examples if this. some people
have found that unripe green papaya can
normalize irregular periods during
3. Vaginal dryness

 Vitamin E oil(Cod liver

oli,Ground nuts)
 Vaginal moisturizers
 Water-based vaginal lubricants
may be a boon to sexual comfort.
 Increase your intake of vitamin
 Apply flaxseed oil
 800 IU vitamin E oil is used as a
toner for Dry skin.
 Practicing kegal exercise:Try to
stop the flow of urine when you
are sitting on the toilet. Imagine
that you are trying to stop passing
gas. Be careful not to tighten your
stomach, legs, or other muscles.
Don't hold your breath. Repeat,
but don't overdo it.. Lie on the
floor. Pull in the pelvic muscles
and hold for a count of 3. Then
relax for a count of 3. Work up to
10 to 15 repeats each time you

Digestive problems

Stress reduction by meditation, relaxation

exercises or counseling is necessary. Try
adding physical activities like walking or
biking to your daily routine.
By eating a diet lower in carbohydrates
(reducing rice products) and higher in fat
and protein, you can often ease symptoms
of heartburn and indigestion.. Eliminate
bread and baked good for one week.


 Walk, it is the best exercise during

this biological phase of a women’s
life. Add spurts of power during
brisk walking.
 Eating and drinking two to
four servings of dairy products,
richest source of calcium and
other calcium-rich foods a day
will help ensure that you are
getting enough calcium in your
daily diet.
 Make sure to get enough vitamin
 Avoid alcohol intake and
 Maintain a healthy weight


Emotional problems
Steps such as making sure to get regular
exercise, eating healthy and practicing
mind-body techniques such as meditation
or yoga alleviate emotional symptoms. By
simply including three 30 minute-long
sessions of physical activity such as
walking, and cycling into a weekly
routine a woman can greatly relieve her
milder symptoms of depression

Sexual dysfunction
During menopause, if your sex drive isn't
what it once was but you don't think you
need counseling, you should still take
time for intimacy with your partner.
Enjoy your time together -- you can take
long romantic walks, have candlelit
dinners, or give each other back rubs and
more foreplay.

 Take bath before sleep,read a

book,meditate.Sleep only in the
bedroom. Get up at the same time
each morning. Cool your bedroom

 Eat lot of fresh fruits and

vegetables,cut down on sugar
,alcohol and caffeine. Limit fluid
intake in the evening.

 . A short course of estrogen – less

than a year—can be taken as per
doctor’s order.. .


The pleasure of achieving something

overcomes distress or misery. Exercise
also plays an important role in the
treatment of depression. It is nature's best
tranquilliser. Meditation will enable the
hormonal glands to return to a correct
state of hormonal balance

Management tending to cure

Three approaches can be considered for
treating menopausal symptoms: (1)
lifestyle changes, (2) alternative remedies,
and (3) drugs and surgery

Lifestyle changes
These can include changes such as
reducing stress, exercising more
frequently, and eating a postmenopause-
friendly diet rich in calcium and other
essential nutrients.
Alternative treatments
Ranging from acupuncture and hypnosis
to the more common herbal remedies,
many women find that combining these
with lifestyle changes makes a significant
positive impact on their lives.
Prescription drugs
It usually involves some form of hormone
replacement therapy
(HRT),Vaginalestrogen therapy and
Calcium suppliments.Isoflavones, which
are natural oestrogens will be prescribed
by doctors.
Hormone therapy (HT) (consists
of estrogens or a combination of estrogens
and progesterone),is used to control the
symptoms of menopause
Vaginal estrogen therapy is an option in
the treatment of vaginal dryness, which
may be an alternative with a lower risk of
side effects than hormone replacement
therapy. Applying Betadine topically on
the outer vaginal area, and soaking in a
sitz bath or soaking in a bathtub of warm
water may be helpful for relieving
symptoms of burning and vaginal pain
after intercourse..
For some women, surgery is the another
alternative. Many women think that
hysterectomy is the only choice left.

9 2 min To conclude
the topic Menopause is an unavoidable change that
every woman will experience, assuming
she reaches middle age and beyond. It is
helpful if women are able to learn what to
expect and what options are available to
assist the transition, if that becomes

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