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If You Did not know

there is edible
packaging and
edible utensils

Why A change
Plastic packaging is used by everyone in the
school. The plastic is not disposed properly and
is left lying on the ground.

Then the rubbish gets blown to other people

property all our school bush Then it will then
go to the little stream in the bush and the water
carries the rubbish to the Mellons Bay Beach Alternative
This is killing sea animals. Another reason is it
make the school a whole lot tidier. And Most
plastic is not recyclable.
to Plastic.
Alternative Packaging
Glad Wrap-Bees wax’s wrap
Yogurt container-Reusable Container
Snap Lock Bag Reusable sandwich bag
Drink Box - Reusable bottle
Chip Packets- Buy in bulk and buy compartments For Your Lunch
Fruit- Peel fruit before at home.
Lolly wrapper- put them in a lunch box compartment .
Bio degradable packaging.
Drink bottles – bio degradable drink bottles
Bio degradable lunch boxes
Even bio degradable umbrellas
Biodegradable stationary

These are the choice of Packaging that help

Save the environment.
Uncontrollable plastic Packaging
Why? /intro
Basically, everyone in the school use some sort of single use plastic packaging
like chipy packets zip lock bags single use bottles, wrappers and many more but
a lot of people aren’t considerate to pick up their waste after themselves. The
waste is then left on the ground a swoop of wind can come and blow all the
rubbish on to
Another people’s property and cause it piling up in one location. The most
concentrated parts of plastic packaging are the middle school sandpit a lot of year
4 kids dump there rubbish there or it is left on the ground and blown over the
fence. Another concentrated part of rubbish is the Mellons Bay School bush since
the school bush is so close to an eating area a swoop of windows picks it up and
land in the bush. There is a little stream that runs down there but know infected
with plastic bags and other waste. There is only one time that we clean this bush
up but since people eat every day the rubbish keeps piling up there. There is one
more place with concentrated rubbish the back of the field the reason for that is
the 2017-year sixes had a black market from food to parts for toys the black
market went out of control so it was shut down but still hasn’t been cleaned up.
When we cleaned it up there was a lot of plastic packaging we even found a
rusted knife. Since mellons bay is so close to a beach the rubbish can easily blow
in to the sea and a poor sea animal would eat it.

We have been cleaning up the concentrated parts of rubbish but still see rubbish
been dumped there we have recorded people doing this. We actually interviewed
on of them they said the rubbish bins were full so use the bush as a landfill we
told this person not to do it again if we catch him we would get a teacher to talk
to him/her (identity protected) We looked around the school for plastic bins the
only ones were near the staff room and only the teachers can use them. Our care
taker said that picking up rubbish was his job and he would like if people will
pick there rubbish up and put it in the bin he also wants people to use their
initiative to pick up other people’s rubbish on the school ground. We are also
putting out posters and signs saying not dumping rubbish here but it either blows
in the wind. We are actually trying to educate teachers because they put the
wrong items into the wrong bin it shameful to see that so my team are setting out
to put signs of what rubbish goes where. We also ask teachers from year 1 to year
4 to use your initiative pick up rubbish and put it in the bin most waste come
from the middle school sand pit and some people eat morning tea they don’t use
their initiative and the rubbish gets dumped on private property we are not legally
able to go into the property but our team filmed the cleanup and the place was
clean again.

The solution.

To solve this problem, we have to A. stop using plastic packaging

B. Use Alternative ways to control plastic C. Start using bio degradable
ecofriendly packaging. Let’s start with A. stopping to use plastic packaging is one
solution but completely stopping it is a bit stupid we can educate kids not to
leave rubbish on the ground
And use their initiative to pick up rubbish lying on the ground. Now B. We can
limit how much plastic each person can bring to school this can then reduce the
waste by at least 60% this can lead up to
A Reeducating them. Another way if to say our school to have specific plastic
bins soft plastic hard plastic this can then be recycled properly in a recycling
plant. The important things are to
That the students get the message that plastic is a problem.
c. Start Using Bio degradable packaging like bee’s wax wraps it’s easy to make
and reusable Bio degradable products aren’t popular among people because of its
bulkiness and high prices this detours people from using eco-friendly items.
Some people say using bio degradable plastic is the future but that’s false hope
bio degradable plastic can only be de composed in a special condition and dirt
meaning it won’t decompose in the ground like paper products.
We have Put one poster in every single middle school and senior school classroom We
have done a comparison before the posters were put up 1 rubbish bag full of rubbish
behind the middle sandpit but now less than a hand full of rubbish a big improvement.
The bush before the posters were put up it was 2 rubbish bags but now after the posters
its less than half a bag what an improvement. These posters are really working. We have
started to be the litter police every lunch time and morning tea we see who leaves their
rubbish on the ground if caught a warning would be given to him or her. We tried it out
and it was a success we gave out 20 warnings hope they learn their lesson or we will
catch them again. We started to talk to junior classes stopping it early means it won’t
develop into a habit I think it’s so far working let’s hope it does change because we will
have a dumpster school. The whole year sixes participated in the G.J gardener cleanup we
cleaned eastern beach room3 cleaned the east side there was a lot of rubbish 5 rubbish
bags to be exact we did not have time to pick all the rubbish up there was too much.

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