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February 3, 2020

Dear Parents,

Greetings of Peace!

I am writing this letter to inform of the upcoming meeting of the Parent-

Teacher Association officials at the Moot Court of St. Thomas More

Montessori School on February 7, 2020 at 1:00 PM. You are hereby invited to

attend the said together with the Principal.

Your presence is highly requested and will be deeply appreciated. I am

looking forward for your favorable response regarding this matter.

Thank you and Good day!



PTA President
STMMS Parents’ Association Meeting
Minutes February 7, 2020 @ STMMS Moot Court

I. Attendees:
Vina M. Zaragoza
Sopphia Faye Chloe F.
Semplecio T. Cagna-an

II. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Sopphia Faye Chloe F. Calope
at 1:00 PM
III. Approve minutes from the last meeting: The December 2019 meeting
minutes were reviewed by attendees and approved pending spelling
correction to the attendees list.
IV. Reports of Officers:
a) Principal’s Report/ Teacher’s Report:
 Dr. Zaragoza, on behalf of the school, presented the
annual budget and expenditures for the past three (3)
 The school proposed a tuition fee increase starting school
year 2020-2021
b) Presidents Report:
 Ms. Calope and the PTA acknowledge and noted that there
is a need to increase tuition fee and to collect other fees
considering that the present fees collected meagerly
sustain the operational expenditures of the school.
 The said increase on the tuition fee and other fees for the
school year 2020-2021 was agreed by the STMMS PTA
body in support to realize the needs of the school and
promoting the total well-being of our children.

Prepared by:

PTA Secretary

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