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Reflected by:
Name: ……………………….. Pacha Khan Khogyani

Country: ……………………. Afghanistan

Nationality: ……………….. Afghan

Course: ………………………. M.Tech (Structural Engineering)

Institute: …………………… Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

Address: …………………… International Students Hostel, JNTH Main Campus

Email: ……………………….

Phone: …………………….. 009100128973

Date: April 27, 2020


Knowledge is the mMaster-key for of opening the doors of yourto successes and improvements
enlightenment in your one’s life which can be acquired by studying in a richn environment of
mutual respect and cordial appreciation of talent and profession. where person is respected,
talent is groomed, and profession is appreciated. When I I got to knowfound about the
multiculturality, rapid advancement in technology in India,ical development and theits impact
standard of the educational system and a multi-culture environment of India, I immediately
decided, about India being the right place, to pursue my studies to enhance my professional
background and personal skillsthat this is the place where the above criteria are fulfilled.
Therefore, I am optimistic enough that I can enhance not only the circle of my field of study but
also my personal capabilities.
It has been proven thatis a proven fact that , studying in a multicultural environment helps in
increasing the rate of adoptionenhances our adaptability to the surroundings to combat against
the odds and intrigues us to perform at our best in any circumstancesin which one will have to
perform his future responsibilities. In such case, I consider myself very fortunate to have been
provided the chancegiven the opportunity to pursue my postgraduate studies in Hyderabad,
India. I immediately started grabbing the opportunity via mingling and associating with others
and Taking the opportunity, I magnified my skills of embracing others and joining them in every
single event. Though, I have not spent much time in Indiaam still new to India and much more
to explore, but just in a short span of single yeartime, I felt improvement in various fronts
especially my intellectual and interpersonal skills through exposure to various invaluable
experienceshave witnessed tons of experience in every aspect of my live. As it is seen in
practice, a country having world’s largest democracy, paves the way for someone like me to
experience and explore the developments and the transformations of the civilizations, but and
is still keeping the centuries-old traditions and history alive and young. You will never feel
yourself down and will always be respected and distinguished by the people around you. The
concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is one of the greatest philosophies of the Indian
traditions which I have observed and is being implemented in the societies in India. As a result,
the people from any part of the world are treated with love and care. The respect towards
foreign students or visitors especially Afghans is remarkable compare to other parts of the
world, and this amazing notion of admiring everyone like his one’s own family member has
centuries of history. I have been so touched and inspired by the Such attitude Indian people
towards foreigners has inspired me a lot and Iand have made my mind clearwill surely to take
this message back home besides the great lessons and experiences I would accumulate over the
course of my study. and tell my people that in India, beside my relevant studies, I have
experienced many things to be shared with you.


It’s an absolute honor to study in
To talk about the institution, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, where I
joined just an year ago, but I have been for the last 12 months or so, the admirations, and
regards and love that I have received from my classmates are unparallel and will always remain
at the top of the pile of my best memories. I have be showcased whenever and wherever I have
been given the chance to express my thoughts about the people of India and their friendship
with foreignersAfghans and will do as long as I live. In additionaddition, to the esteem from the
friends, the assistance and guidance of the professors is are an obvious role to be
mentionedunmatchable in comparison to those professors/teachers I have been taught by, so
far, in other academic institutions. Professors, having mountainous vast and immeasurable
experience and updated with latestavant-garde technological information, play a key critical
role in charming the talents of students. Furthermore, the kindness of the professors makes the
students feel comfortable to share their concerns, standpoints and reflections ask for any kind
of help without any hesitations when and as needed. The professors, approached for
assistance, make sure that the students are properly and thoroughly guided and are able to
crack the required solution to their problem and In response to the call for assistance of the
students, they are being guided in a very smooth and gentle way in order to crack the solution
as well as improve their critical learn the technique of lateral thinking. And more
importantlyMoreover, the professors give the opportunities/facilitate platform for the students
in the laboratory are provided the chance to correlate theoretical studies with practical models
and ensure that the student properly understood the process and technicalities at the
laboratory in presence of professors. In the same way, the institute in coordination with
professors arranges field visits for students in order to better understand the concept of
transformation of ing theories into realities. Subsequently, these techniques and cooperation of
professors helped me think out of the box and start for building my career stronger. have
reinforced my professional background, career and critical thinking.
Since India has emergedis as one of the world’s top countries of the world in providing the low-
cost Internet or telecommunication services to its citizens., Tthe academic institutions are one
of those departments who have profoundly profited more from these services, for they have
empowered the institutions to grant access to libraries/e-libraries to their students across the
globe . Because of these facilities, students have been given access to digital libraries or e-
libraries which has now become one of the greatest platforms for remote studying. Having
Similar importance, online classes, seminars and webinars are being held frequently in order to
facilitate and assist the students. By the help of these services, students are not only reaching
to their intra-curriculum subjects but also having the upper hand on the updates of the latest
developments in their field of studies. In the same way, study tours are programmed for the
students to help enlarge the learning curve of visualization and have a glance at the
transformation of abstract into real-life representation. Consequently, these tours and field
visits make the students to think out of the box and will certainly provide them a helping hand
in their practical projects ahead. Studying at such an institution, where you are being taught
and cooperated by highly experienced professors and trained through the comprehensive
techniques of teaching, is certainly be everyone’s dream. Indeed, I have thoroughly enlightened
enhanced my skills from through the offered facilities at the institution. To be precise, I am one
of those who has always dreamed for of studying at an institution, where I can sparkle and
polish my talent that I possess and thus further reinforce my career.
Along with studying at an institution, I have realized that I can add more to elevating my
fortune by taking advantage of India’s enormous market for practical knowledge to be
procured. As the world has accepted the potential that India carries, most of the worldwide
reputed companies have launched their offices here. In result, this has opened the window for
many individuals of any profession to obtain experience in their relevant fields by attending
workshops or working as interns or trainees. For a person of my caliber who can get more out
of less, it was not less than a god gifted opportunity when I attended a couple of workshops
conducted by the Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers. During the workshops, the interaction
with eminently experienced engineers, listening to their lectures and sharing their practical life
examples with students were so beneficial to us and were worth everything. Obviously, these
kinds of workshops nourished hopes in my mind that the studies and efforts I make, will not go
in vain and thus pulled me work harder to get closer to my goals. Accordingly, the chances for
internship are now looking brighter after attending these workshops which answered many
questions in my mind regarding the challenges in practical life. Similarly, I am hoping to get an
internship at a company where I will add more to my experience and implement what I have in
my box of knowledge. In fact, I am confident enough that the ongoing massive infrastructural
development would lead me to bringing experience and growth into my vision.

Another chapter of personal development is the refinement of communication skills which is
the fuel for almost all the components of life. Soon after landing in India, the first and most
essential flair, that I targeted, was the art of communicating with othersinterpersonal
communication. As mentioned earlier, India’s behemoth and diversified structure of societies is
almost equal to a university for of learning and concreting the artistry of interacting with
various types of people. For instance, the quality of listening to others and then giving them the
feedback in a very polite way, was something noticeable. Another example of an effective
approach for of communicating with others that has inspired me a lot, was the open
mindedness and confidence while facing someone who is very new and unfamiliar to
themstrangers. In person, I loved it whenever I was encountered by such practices which are to
be seen frequently in Indian societies compare to other parts of the world. Moreover, the
power of communication rises stronger and shines brighter at academic institutes and
organizations. To illustrate, when we joined the hostel at our institute, immediately we were
called by the concerned department and a thorough information regarding our stay at hostel
was presented to us. In presentation, the comprehensive and well-organized network of
communication was explained which had permeated to all the sections of the hostel life. Even,
the interaction and behavior of the staff was so peerless that we were amazed and everyone of
us commended the way we were addressed. I would clearly say that the expertise of
communication which has penetrated my attentions is indelible and has unquestionably
impacted my skills as well.


When it comes to entertainment and leisure, you would rarely find a country to compare with
India. Even though, your main orientations would be the professional studies for which you
have traveled miles of distance, India offers more in terms of the freedom to enjoy the life and
relax your mind. From the historical Charminar in Hyderabad to the tall walls of Lal Qila in Delhi
and to the romantic view of Taj Mahal in Agra and so on are the places where you would forget
anything and feel beyond your current presence. Beside those awesome moments, I would
never let my mind decay the memories of sheer bliss that I had in Manali, Himachal Pradesh.
Right after the first semester examinations, I desperately needed a break to provide peace and
tranquility to my body and mind. Then, I was suggested to visit and discover the beauty of the
nature that has blanketed Manali. Just like in dreams, the mountains covered with snow, the
soothing fresh air and calm environment were all the reasons for providing my mind more
relieve and rest than ever. Truly, it was an adventure full of joys and jubilations where every
second of life was giving years of composure. As far as recreation is concerned, it is not fair to
not mention Indian cinema when the center of discussion is entertainment. Since theatres and
cinemas are the most frequently visiting places in India regarding amusement and fun, you will
surely relish the time you spend there. Now, watching movie at weekends is something regular
for me, which is not only the source of enjoyment but also the place to forget any lateral
stresses on my mind. In the context of relaxation, I enjoyed touring different places, and as a
result, it helped me in keeping my mind fresh and more focused throughout my studies.


Furthermore, one of the massive advantages of pursuing studies in India, is to become the
bridge between the two nations and tighten the relationships of people of both countries. In
the case of relations, you convey the message and respect of your own people towards others
by working together with them in a gracious way. Similarly, the response that you receive with
equal love and admiration, which you transfer it back home, add more to cementing the ties
between common people of the nations. Prior to coming to India, I was briefed by one of my
friends, who had studied here, about the mentality and friendship of the people of India
towards Afghans and vise versa. Hence, I consider him as my role model, because he is still in
connection with his friends and they have huge respect for him. Now, I am following him so
that I can contribute to building and strengthening the bond of affection of the two nations.
Taking those lessons into account and implementing them, now I am considered as the
representative of Afghanistan in my class, because I have presented many topics relating to
Indo-Afghan friendship. At the same time, attending and participating at the events of cultural
exchanges, conducted by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, has facilitated a productive
platform to stiffen the nodes of relationships of the nations. Such programs and gatherings are
unquestionably forcing me to go back home with a strong message of warmth and devotion
from the brothers of India and exhibit the broad picture of real brotherhood of nations.

I would like to conclude that, studying in India helped me cross overcome all the barriers which
were coming across my education, skill development, personal relations and self-satisfaction.
From joining the institute to field visits, from participating in cultural event to exploring
historical places and from attending workshops to benefiting from telecommunication facilities
were all the elements of experience and progress that I have achieved. During my stay here, my
strengths have been further reinforced, knowledge has been broadened and character has
become more flexible. Therefore, I would never hesitate to admire the system of education,
approaches of teaching and the encouragement given to the students, which has have had an
immense impact on my postgraduate studies so far. At the end, I would wholeheartedly suggest
that India is a country where not only your dreams will not only become true, but will shine

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