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Code: 408

Version: 2
Effective: 23.08.2019
Pages: 4
Signature Roanna
Updating the WOO S.O.P authorizer:

Updating the WOO

1. Setting up WOO for new category
a. Open WOO Template S:\Sales & Selling\Reports\Windows of Opportunity
b. Save as [Date of Report] WOO [Category] as highlighted below.

c. Change the name in A1 of the WOO tab to the name of the category

Woo reports are required for the below customer group categories:

(1) Engineering
(4) Transport
(5) Contracting
(8) Recruitment
(15) Manufacturing
(16) Building

d. On Infusion, produce 12 Month Sales report for that category

e. Select Customer Group, Manager is Group A – Group C, Sort order 1 is Customer Account,
Sort order 2 is Product Group, Set month to previous month.

a. Preview and save as excel in WIP – this report can be deleted at the end of the process.
b. Copy columns A – P from the new report from Infusion (The total should be in column P)
and paste over columns A – P on the second tab of the WOO.

c. Produce another excel report from Infusion as below. Select Customer Group, Manager is
Group A – Group C, Sort order 1 is Product Group, Set month to previous month.

a. Copy columns A – P from the new Infusion report and paste onto columns A – P on
the third tab of the WOO report. Totals should be in column P

2. Individual customer WOO within the category WOO

a. Write the name of the client at the top of the WOO. The easiest way to do this is copy
from tab two and paste in line 1 of WOO tab.

b. Alter the formula in row 2 for that client

i. Locate the client on the “Client” Tab.

ii. Take a note of the first and last row number for that customer

iii. On the WOO tab, click on row 2 on the cell below the name of the client
iv. Change the formula. Write the first row number from ii after the A$, and the last
row number from ii after P$. If you make a mistake in the formula, use the undo
function and repeat. E.g.
=VLOOKUP($A2,Clients!$A$2500:$P$2520,16,0) will become

If you run out of columns when completing this report, as some are larger and need to add more columns,
you will need to unprotect sheet to complete this step.

Go to review and click unprotect sheet. The password is woo then copy and insert copied cells:

Take care to copy equal cells starting with the N/A column and ending with a blank column

Then INSERT COPIED CELLS (not paste)

Remember to protect sheet again and enter password as requested.

Complete for all customers within this report.

Woo reports are required for:

(1) Engineering
(4) Transport
(5) Contracting
(8) Recruitment
(15) Manufacturing
(16) Building

Once all reports are complete, email Sales Reps and Sales support, George and Brendan to advise

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