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2017 9749 JC2 H2 Physics Prelim Paper 2 Solution

1 ρ = M/V = M/(LBH)

Δρ/ρ = ΔM/M + ΔL/L + ΔB/B + ΔH/H

Δρ/2.50 = 0.1/25.0 + 0.01/5.00 + 0.01/2.00 + 0.01/1.00 C1
Δρ = 0.0525 g cm3 A1

Δρ = 0.05 g cm3 or 0.06 g cm3 If they leave it as 1 sf or 3 sf here, no marks

( ρ  Δρ ) = (2.50  0.05 or 0.06) g cm3 A1

2 (a) Change in momentum = Δp = area under F-t graph

= ½ [80 + 40] {[150 – 100] × 10-3} C1
= 3.00 kg m s1 A1

(b) Final momentum = pf = pi + Δp

= m vi + Δp
= (200/1000)(15) + 3.00
= 6.00 kg m s1 C1

vf = 30 m s1 A1

3 (a) From point of released of block till point of compression in spring

where net force on block is zero or point of maximum speed:

Gravitational Potential Energy of block is converted to Kinetic Energy of B1

block and Elastic Potential Energy of spring.

From point of compression in spring where net force is zero or point of

maximum speed till point of maximum compression:

Gravitational Potential Energy of block and Kinetic Energy of block

converted to Elastic Potential Energy of spring. B1

**At the point of maximum compression, the Kinetic Energy of block is zero,
the Gravitational Potential Energy of block is minimum while the Elastic B1
Potential Energy of Spring is maximum.
**From point of release to just before it hits the spring
Gravitational Potential Energy of block converted to Kinetic Energy of block.

(b) Initial Position: Where block is released

Final Position: Where spring is at its maximum compression
Reference Position: Where spring is at its maximum compression

By Principle of Conservation of Energy:

GPEi = EPEf M0
mg hi = ½ k x2
mg (s sin 30°) = ½ k x2
(12)(9.81) (4.3 sin 30°) = ½ k (1.3)2 C1
k = 300 N m1 A1

Closed loop of 4 forces 1 mark

Forces labelled correctly 1 mark
Correct arrow directions 1 mark

Value of P = 12 000 N (allow 100 N off)

If value of P = 11 900 N to 12 100 N  2 marks
If value of P = 11 800 N to 12 200 N  1 mark
If value of P exceeds the range  No mark for
5 (a) Heat exchange between water and ice:
Heat gained by ice = heat lost by water
(2.05  103) (0.5) (5 – 0) + (3.33  105) (0.5) + (4200) (0.5) (T – 0) = (4200) 1
(2.5) (30 – T)
T = 11.4 C 1
Heat exchange between water and steam:
Heat gained by water = heat lost by steam
(2.26  106) (0.2) + (4200) (0.2) (100 – T’) = (4200) (3) (T’ – 11.4) 1
T’ = 50.6 C 1

(b) The increase in the internal energy of a system is equal to the sum of heat 1
supplied to the system and the work done on the system.

(c) Since both bubbles are identical, n must be the same.

Since both bubbles experience the same water pressure P at the surface,
the volume of the ideal gas must be proportional to its temperature.
For bubble A, since there is no heat exchange, Q = 0. Therefore U = W. 1
As its volume expands, W and hence U must be negative. Since U is
proportional to T, T is negative. So the final temperature is lower than the
initial temperature.
For bubble B, since it remains in thermal equilibrium with the water, its 1
temperature will increase as the surface temperature will be warmer than
the temperature at the bottom. So the final temperature is higher than the
initial temperature.
Therefore, bubble B will be larger when they reach the surface. 1
6 (a) (i) Formed due to superposition/interference of the incident wave from
oscillator and reflected wave from Q. [1] 1

The two waves have the same speed, wavelength/frequency, same

amplitude and travel in opposite directions [1] 1

(ii) There is a 180/  radian phase change at Q [1] since it is a fixed 1


Hence there is destructive interference between the incident and

reflected wave, [1] since they are  radian out of phase. – this mark 1
given only if they are able to explain about the phase change.

(iii) 1. ½  = 0.30 m
 = 0.60 m 1

= 120 (0.60)
= 72 m s−1 1

2. Phase difference is zero. 1

(b) ***Light diffracts at the aperture, giving rise to a single slit diffraction 1
pattern at the film or screen.
** = /b or  = 1.22/b where  is the wavelength of the light and b is
the dimension of the aperture.

In order to be able to observe the lights as different entities, the angle

between the headlights have to be larger than a critical value, 1
according to Rayleigh criterion.
When the car is far away, the angle between the headlights are
smaller than the critical . When the car is nearer, the angle between
the headlights is larger than the critical .
7 (a) Work done per unit positive charge in bringing a point charge from infinity 1
to that point

(b) (i) Neutral point is on the left side of P. 1

(ii) Electric field strength due to P = electric field strength due to Q

6μ 9μ
4πεo x 4πεo (50+x)2
x = 223 mm = 0.223 m

(iii) Work done = final EPE – initial EPE

(6μ)(−9μ) 1 1 1
= 4πεo
((223+50)×10−3 − 50×10−3 )
= 7.9 J

(c) (i) (4+1)

Electric force = (0.0025) = 0.125 N

Weight = (0.005) (9.81) = 0.049 N

Net force = √(0.1252 + 0.0492) = 0.134 N
a = 0.134/0.005 = 27 m s−2

(ii) s = ut + ½ a t2
s = 0 + ½ (27) (0.05)2 1
s = 0.034 m = 3.4 cm 1
θ = tan‒1 (0.049/0.125) θ

= 21  a 1
8 (a) Diagram:
Cell, Variable Resistor, Filament Lamp connected in series +
Ammeter connected in series to Filament Lamp
Voltmeter connected in parallel to Filament Lamp
Correct Circuit Diagram Symbols B1

By adjusting resistance of variable resistor to a specific value R, the current B1
I flowing through filament lamp can be obtained from ammeter.

The corresponding potential difference across filament lamp V can be

obtained from voltmeter.

Decrease or increase R to obtain another 7 sets of (V, I). Plot the I-V
characteristic graph using the 8 sets of (V, I) and draw a best fit curve. B1

(b) (i) I1 = Q1/t

= [(N1)/t] × e M0
= (2.58 × 1016) (1.60 × 1019) C1

= 4.13 × 103 A A1

(ii) IT = I1 + I2
Q2/t = IT – I1
[(N2)/t] × p = IT – I1 M0
N2)/t = (IT – I1)/p
= {(8.16 – 4.13) × 103}/(3.2 × 10-19) C1

= 1.26 × 1016 s1 A1

9 (a) 𝑁𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑠 ℎ𝑐
Power = 𝑡

𝑁𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑠 1.2(530×10−9 )
= (ℎ𝑐) 1
= 3.2  1018 / s 1

(b) ℎ𝑐
Energy of each photon = 530×10−9 = 2.35 eV
Since energy of photon is greater than work function, photoelectrons will be

(c) ℎ 1
𝑝 = 530×10−9 = 1.25  10−27
𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚
Pressure = =
𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎

(1.25  10−27 )(3.2  1018 )

= 3.8  10−6

= 1.1  10−3 Pa 1
10 (a) (i) When an electron collides with one of the target atoms, it may lose an amount B1
of energy that corresponds to the energy of an X-ray photon.

The electron may continue to lose energy in a series of collisions with other
atoms, thereby giving off X-ray photons of different energies. Since different X-
ray photons correspond to different wavelengths, the continuous spectrum is
thus formed.

(ii) Min wavelength corresponds to max frequency and thus energy of photons.
Hence max loss of energy due to most energetic (not important) electron losing
all its KE to a single photon.

(b) (i) An empirical relation is one which is guided by experimental observations rather B1
than by theory.

(ii) Units of a = s-1

Units of b = dimensionless B1

(iii) A material with a large atomic number will result in a braking radiation of higher
intensity, or
Elements of small atomic number will not result in large enough energy loss of
the incoming electrons via braking radiation and so photons produced will not
be X rays

(c) (i) M1
f  a  Z  b

f  a  Z  b   aZ  ab

(ii) As the atomic number (Z) of elements increases, the frequency (f) of the B1
emitted x-rays will increase.

Since energy of x-rays is proportional to its frequency (E = hf), the energy of B1

the x-rays will increase with increasing atomic number.

(d) (i) M1
13.6  742
E 
12 eV A1
= – 1.19 × 10-14 J
(ii) When an electron from the K shell is displaced, for electron in shell M:

Zeff ,3  74  1  8  65 B1

13.6  652
EM   M1
32 eV
= – 1.02 × 10-15 J

E  Ek  EM M1

= |(– 1.19 × 10−14) – (– 1.02 × 10−15)| A1

= 1.09 × 10−14 J

(e) (i) Left peak : K B1

Right peak : K

(ii) Since the L shell is closer than the M shell to the K shell, the closer transition is B1
more likely to occur.
Intensity depends on the number of photons emitted per unit time and hence it
is dependent on the probability of the transition.
Although the transition K results in the emission of a x-ray photon with lower
energy, the probability of this transition happening is higher than that of
transition K.This higher probability mitigates the lower energy of each x-ray
photon emitted, resulting in higher intensity of x-ray with this wavelength being

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