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ΔL = -2.511 + 0.1684 Color + 0.8139 Pressure in bars + 0.

0963 Speed in mpm
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.720511 53.66% 51.54%

Δa = -0.599 + 0.0647 Color + 0.1791 Pressure in bars - 0.0262 Speed in mpm

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.690880 8.84% 6.48% 3.52%

Δb = -0.228 + 0.0538 Color - 0.1973 Pressure in bars + 0.0228 Speed in mpm

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.882835 5.30% 2.85% 0.00%

Δc = 1.579 - 0.1211 Color + 0.2530 Pressure in bars - 0.0411 Speed in mpm

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.610234 25.48% 23.55% 20.21%

K/S = 64.21 - 0.736 Color - 4.583 Pressure in bars - 0.899 Speed in mpm

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
4.37860 49.90% 48.61% 46.77%

R2adj R2pred

ΔL = -4.768 + 1.243 C + 1.201 P+ 0.358 S- 0.131 C*C

- 0.119 C*P- 0.1054 C*S+ 0.00476 C3 + 0.0058 P C2+ 0.00834 S C2

Δa = -0.415 + 0.189 C - 0.246 P+ 0.025 S- 0.069 C2

+ 0.208 C*P- 0.0315 C*S+ 0.00631 C3 - 0.0200 P C2+ 0.00358 S C2

Δb = 3.323 - 3.413 Color - 0.662 P+ 0.299 S+ 0.865 C*C

+ 0.226 C*P- 0.1346 C*S- 0.06185  C3 - 0.0216 P C2+ 0.01291 S C2

Δc = 4.024 - 1.339 C - 0.869 P- 0.077 S+ 0.1838 C*C

+ 0.452 C*P+ 0.0120 C*S- 0.01020  C3 - 0.0357 P C2-0.00069 S C2

K/S = 59.44 + 4.12 C - 4.31 P- 0.89 S- 0.895 C*C - 0.629 C*P- 0.106 C*S+ 0.0355  C3

+ 0.100 P C2+ 0.0181 S C2

————— 04-07-2020 10:35:01 ————————————————————

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Regression Analysis: ΔL versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 73.085 24.3618 46.93 0.000
Color 1 17.869 17.8686 34.42 0.000
Pressure in bars 1 52.991 52.9914 102.08 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 2.225 2.2253 4.29 0.041
Error 116 60.220 0.5191
Total 119 133.305

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.720511 54.83% 53.66% 51.54%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant -2.511 0.258 -9.74 0.000
Color 0.1684 0.0287 5.87 0.000 1.00
Pressure in bars 0.8139 0.0806 10.10 0.000 1.00
Speed in mpm 0.0963 0.0465 2.07 0.041 1.00

Regression Equation

ΔL = -2.511 + 0.1684 Color + 0.8139 Pressure in bars + 0.0963 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs ΔL Fit Resid Std Resid

6 -2.780 -0.619 -2.161 -3.07 R
21 1.080 -0.451 1.531 2.16 R
22 1.160 -0.354 1.514 2.13 R
28 2.130 0.556 1.574 2.22 R
29 2.390 0.652 1.738 2.46 R
56 -0.810 0.700 -1.510 -2.14 R
76 0.850 -0.591 1.441 2.04 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δa versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 5.3670 1.7890 3.75 0.013
Color 1 2.6358 2.6358 5.52 0.020
Pressure in bars 1 2.5669 2.5669 5.38 0.022
Speed in mpm 1 0.1643 0.1643 0.34 0.559
Error 116 55.3686 0.4773
Total 119 60.7356

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.690880 8.84% 6.48% 3.52%

Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF
Constant -0.599 0.247 -2.43 0.017
Color 0.0647 0.0275 2.35 0.020 1.00
Pressure in bars 0.1791 0.0772 2.32 0.022 1.00
Speed in mpm -0.0262 0.0446 -0.59 0.559 1.00

Regression Equation

Δa = -0.599 + 0.0647 Color + 0.1791 Pressure in bars - 0.0262 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Δa Fit Resid Std Resid

40 -1.550 -0.178 -1.372 -2.01 R
71 1.630 0.235 1.395 2.06 R
72 1.760 0.209 1.551 2.27 R
73 1.690 0.183 1.507 2.21 R
82 -1.380 0.095 -1.475 -2.15 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δb versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 5.0603 1.6868 2.16 0.096
Color 1 1.8231 1.8231 2.34 0.129
Pressure in bars 1 3.1126 3.1126 3.99 0.048
Speed in mpm 1 0.1247 0.1247 0.16 0.690
Error 116 90.4101 0.7794
Total 119 95.4705

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.882835 5.30% 2.85% 0.00%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant -0.228 0.316 -0.72 0.473
Color 0.0538 0.0352 1.53 0.129 1.00
Pressure in bars -0.1973 0.0987 -2.00 0.048 1.00
Speed in mpm 0.0228 0.0570 0.40 0.690 1.00

Regression Equation

Δb = -0.228 + 0.0538 Color - 0.1973 Pressure in bars + 0.0228 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Δb Fit Resid Resid
9 1.510 -0.477 1.987 2.29 R
81 1.530 -0.277 1.807 2.08 R
86 1.780 -0.474 2.254 2.61 R
87 1.570 -0.451 2.021 2.32 R
88 1.680 -0.428 2.108 2.42 R
89 1.440 -0.405 1.845 2.12 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δc versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 14.7714 4.9238 13.22 0.000
Color 1 9.2456 9.2456 24.83 0.000
Pressure in bars 1 5.1207 5.1207 13.75 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 0.4051 0.4051 1.09 0.299
Error 116 43.1968 0.3724
Total 119 57.9682

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.610234 25.48% 23.55% 20.21%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 1.579 0.218 7.23 0.000
Color -0.1211 0.0243 -4.98 0.000 1.00
Pressure in bars 0.2530 0.0682 3.71 0.000 1.00
Speed in mpm -0.0411 0.0394 -1.04 0.299 1.00

Regression Equation

Δc = 1.579 - 0.1211 Color + 0.2530 Pressure in bars - 0.0411 Speed in mpm

Regression Analysis: K/S versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 2215.3 738.45 38.52 0.000
Color 1 341.0 341.05 17.79 0.000
Pressure in bars 1 1680.3 1680.31 87.64 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 194.0 193.99 10.12 0.002
Error 116 2224.0 19.17
Total 119 4439.3

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

4.37860 49.90% 48.61% 46.77%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 64.21 1.57 40.99 0.000
Color -0.736 0.174 -4.22 0.000 1.00
Pressure in bars -4.583 0.490 -9.36 0.000 1.00
Speed in mpm -0.899 0.283 -3.18 0.002 1.00
Regression Equation

K/S = 64.21 - 0.736 Color - 4.583 Pressure in bars - 0.899 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs K/S Fit Resid Std Resid

21 42.870 52.670 -9.800 -2.28 R
22 42.610 51.771 -9.161 -2.12 R
46 67.740 55.782 11.958 2.78 R
47 67.430 54.883 12.547 2.90 R
56 55.760 46.616 9.144 2.13 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: ΔL versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 9 79.107 8.78966 17.84 0.000
Color 1 2.254 2.25441 4.58 0.035
Pressure in bars 1 7.415 7.41469 15.05 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 1.978 1.97754 4.01 0.048
Color*Color 1 0.691 0.69058 1.40 0.239
Color*Pressure in bars 1 0.279 0.27857 0.57 0.454
Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.659 0.65914 1.34 0.250
Color*Color*Color 1 0.202 0.20196 0.41 0.523
Color*Color*Pressure in bars 1 0.056 0.05566 0.11 0.737
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.350 0.35017 0.71 0.401
Error 110 54.198 0.49271
Total 119 133.305

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.701933 59.34% 56.02% 52.28%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant -4.768 0.933 -5.11 0.000
Color 1.243 0.581 2.14 0.035 431.91
Pressure in bars 1.201 0.310 3.88 0.000 15.57
Speed in mpm 0.358 0.179 2.00 0.048 15.57
Color*Color -0.131 0.111 -1.18 0.239 1339.72
Color*Pressure in bars -0.119 0.158 -0.75 0.454 230.71
Color*Speed in mpm -0.1054 0.0912 -1.16 0.250 198.84
Color*Color*Color 0.00476 0.00744 0.64 0.523 399.01
Color*Color*Pressure in bars 0.0058 0.0171 0.34 0.737 179.71
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 0.00834 0.00989 0.84 0.401 147.84
Regression Equation

ΔL = -4.768 + 1.243 Color + 1.201 Pressure in bars + 0.358 Speed in mpm

- 0.131 Color*Color
- 0.119 Color*Pressure in bars - 0.1054 Color*Speed in mpm
+ 0.00476 Color*Color*Color
+ 0.0058 Color*Color*Pressure in bars + 0.00834 Color*Color*Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs ΔL Fit Resid Std Resid

6 -2.780 -1.213 -1.567 -2.43 R
21 1.080 -0.614 1.694 2.49 R
22 1.160 -0.434 1.594 2.31 R
28 2.130 0.734 1.396 2.04 R
29 2.390 0.915 1.475 2.17 R
56 -0.810 0.932 -1.742 -2.60 R
57 -0.560 1.002 -1.562 -2.29 R
58 -0.300 1.072 -1.372 -2.00 R
60 -0.280 1.212 -1.492 -2.22 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δa versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 9 7.2378 0.804204 1.65 0.109
Color 1 0.0520 0.051991 0.11 0.744
Pressure in bars 1 0.3113 0.311314 0.64 0.425
Speed in mpm 1 0.0093 0.009333 0.02 0.890
Color*Color 1 0.1915 0.191451 0.39 0.532
Color*Pressure in bars 1 0.8557 0.855737 1.76 0.187
Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.0590 0.058998 0.12 0.728
Color*Color*Color 1 0.3544 0.354356 0.73 0.395
Color*Color*Pressure in bars 1 0.6748 0.674803 1.39 0.241
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.0644 0.064429 0.13 0.717
Error 110 53.4977 0.486343
Total 119 60.7356

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.697383 11.92% 4.71% 0.59%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant -0.415 0.927 -0.45 0.655
Color 0.189 0.577 0.33 0.744 431.91
Pressure in bars -0.246 0.308 -0.80 0.425 15.57
Speed in mpm 0.025 0.178 0.14 0.890 15.57
Color*Color -0.069 0.110 -0.63 0.532 1339.72
Color*Pressure in bars 0.208 0.157 1.33 0.187 230.71
Color*Speed in mpm -0.0315 0.0906 -0.35 0.728 198.84
Color*Color*Color 0.00631 0.00739 0.85 0.395 399.01
Color*Color*Pressure in bars -0.0200 0.0170 -1.18 0.241 179.71
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 0.00358 0.00982 0.36 0.717 147.84
Regression Equation

Δa = -0.415 + 0.189 Color - 0.246 Pressure in bars + 0.025 Speed in mpm

- 0.069 Color*Color
+ 0.208 Color*Pressure in bars - 0.0315 Color*Speed in mpm
+ 0.00631 Color*Color*Color
- 0.0200 Color*Color*Pressure in bars + 0.00358 Color*Color*Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Δa Fit Resid Std Resid

40 -1.550 -0.095 -1.455 -2.15 R
72 1.760 0.379 1.381 2.04 R
82 -1.380 0.078 -1.458 -2.13 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δb versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 9 43.2974 4.8108 10.14 0.000
Color 1 16.9893 16.9893 35.82 0.000
Pressure in bars 1 2.2527 2.2527 4.75 0.031
Speed in mpm 1 1.3794 1.3794 2.91 0.091
Color*Color 1 29.9363 29.9363 63.12 0.000
Color*Pressure in bars 1 1.0085 1.0085 2.13 0.148
Color*Speed in mpm 1 1.0735 1.0735 2.26 0.135
Color*Color*Color 1 34.0828 34.0828 71.86 0.000
Color*Color*Pressure in bars 1 0.7861 0.7861 1.66 0.201
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.8396 0.8396 1.77 0.186
Error 110 52.1730 0.4743
Total 119 95.4705

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.688695 45.35% 40.88% 36.30%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 3.323 0.916 3.63 0.000
Color -3.413 0.570 -5.98 0.000 431.91
Pressure in bars -0.662 0.304 -2.18 0.031 15.57
Speed in mpm 0.299 0.175 1.71 0.091 15.57
Color*Color 0.865 0.109 7.94 0.000 1339.72
Color*Pressure in bars 0.226 0.155 1.46 0.148 230.71
Color*Speed in mpm -0.1346 0.0894 -1.50 0.135 198.84
Color*Color*Color -0.06185 0.00730 -8.48 0.000 399.01
Color*Color*Pressure in bars -0.0216 0.0168 -1.29 0.201 179.71
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 0.01291 0.00970 1.33 0.186 147.84

Regression Equation

Δb = 3.323 - 3.413 Color - 0.662 Pressure in bars + 0.299 Speed in mpm

+ 0.865 Color*Color
+ 0.226 Color*Pressure in bars - 0.1346 Color*Speed in mpm
- 0.06185 Color*Color*Color
- 0.0216 Color*Color*Pressure in bars + 0.01291 Color*Color*Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Δb Fit Resid Resid
21 0.490 -1.047 1.537 2.31 R
30 0.400 -1.018 1.418 2.16 R
86 1.780 0.342 1.438 2.18 R
88 1.680 0.255 1.425 2.12 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δc versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 9 26.9060 2.98955 10.59 0.000
Color 1 2.6149 2.61491 9.26 0.003
Pressure in bars 1 3.8778 3.87781 13.73 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 0.0925 0.09249 0.33 0.568
Color*Color 1 1.3506 1.35060 4.78 0.031
Color*Pressure in bars 1 4.0357 4.03567 14.29 0.000
Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.0086 0.00857 0.03 0.862
Color*Color*Color 1 0.9274 0.92736 3.28 0.073
Color*Color*Pressure in bars 1 2.1471 2.14715 7.60 0.007
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.0024 0.00243 0.01 0.926
Error 110 31.0622 0.28238
Total 119 57.9682

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.531398 46.42% 42.03% 38.30%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 4.024 0.706 5.70 0.000
Color -1.339 0.440 -3.04 0.003 431.91
Pressure in bars -0.869 0.234 -3.71 0.000 15.57
Speed in mpm -0.077 0.135 -0.57 0.568 15.57
Color*Color 0.1838 0.0841 2.19 0.031 1339.72
Color*Pressure in bars 0.452 0.120 3.78 0.000 230.71
Color*Speed in mpm 0.0120 0.0690 0.17 0.862 198.84
Color*Color*Color -0.01020 0.00563 -1.81 0.073 399.01
Color*Color*Pressure in bars -0.0357 0.0130 -2.76 0.007 179.71
Color*Color*Speed in mpm -0.00069 0.00749 -0.09 0.926 147.84

Regression Equation

Δc = 4.024 - 1.339 Color - 0.869 Pressure in bars - 0.077 Speed in mpm

+ 0.1838 Color*Color
+ 0.452 Color*Pressure in bars + 0.0120 Color*Speed in mpm
- 0.01020 Color*Color*Color
- 0.0357 Color*Color*Pressure in bars - 0.00069 Color*Color*Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Δc Fit Resid Std Resid
29 2.530 1.451 1.079 2.10 R
58 0.850 1.935 -1.085 -2.09 R
59 0.660 1.895 -1.235 -2.39 R
60 0.820 1.854 -1.034 -2.04 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: K/S versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 9 2345.93 260.659 13.70 0.000
Color 1 24.73 24.726 1.30 0.257
Pressure in bars 1 95.35 95.345 5.01 0.027
Speed in mpm 1 12.10 12.099 0.64 0.427
Color*Color 1 32.03 32.031 1.68 0.197
Color*Pressure in bars 1 7.82 7.818 0.41 0.523
Color*Speed in mpm 1 0.66 0.662 0.03 0.852
Color*Color*Color 1 11.23 11.232 0.59 0.444
Color*Color*Pressure in bars 1 16.87 16.868 0.89 0.349
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 1 1.66 1.656 0.09 0.769
Error 110 2093.38 19.031
Total 119 4439.31

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

4.36242 52.84% 48.99% 45.20%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 59.44 5.80 10.25 0.000
Color 4.12 3.61 1.14 0.257 431.91
Pressure in bars -4.31 1.92 -2.24 0.027 15.57
Speed in mpm -0.89 1.11 -0.80 0.427 15.57
Color*Color -0.895 0.690 -1.30 0.197 1339.72
Color*Pressure in bars -0.629 0.981 -0.64 0.523 230.71
Color*Speed in mpm -0.106 0.567 -0.19 0.852 198.84
Color*Color*Color 0.0355 0.0462 0.77 0.444 399.01
Color*Color*Pressure in bars 0.100 0.106 0.94 0.349 179.71
Color*Color*Speed in mpm 0.0181 0.0614 0.30 0.769 147.84

Regression Equation

K/S = 59.44 + 4.12 Color - 4.31 Pressure in bars - 0.89 Speed in mpm

- 0.895 Color*Color
- 0.629 Color*Pressure in bars - 0.106 Color*Speed in mpm
+ 0.0355 Color*Color*Color
+ 0.100 Color*Color*Pressure in bars + 0.0181 Color*Color*Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs K/S Fit Resid Std Resid

21 42.87 53.03 -10.16 -2.40 R
22 42.61 52.00 -9.39 -2.19 R
46 67.74 57.62 10.12 2.43 R
47 67.43 56.60 10.83 2.56 R
56 55.76 47.18 8.58 2.06 R
R Large residual

Regression Analysis: ΔL versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 73.085 24.3618 46.93 0.000
Color 1 17.869 17.8686 34.42 0.000
Pressure in bars 1 52.991 52.9914 102.08 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 2.225 2.2253 4.29 0.041
Error 116 60.220 0.5191
Total 119 133.305

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.720511 54.83% 53.66% 51.54%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant -2.511 0.258 -9.74 0.000
Color 0.1684 0.0287 5.87 0.000 1.00
Pressure in bars 0.8139 0.0806 10.10 0.000 1.00
Speed in mpm 0.0963 0.0465 2.07 0.041 1.00

Regression Equation

ΔL = -2.511 + 0.1684 Color + 0.8139 Pressure in bars + 0.0963 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs ΔL Fit Resid Std Resid

6 -2.780 -0.619 -2.161 -3.07 R
21 1.080 -0.451 1.531 2.16 R
22 1.160 -0.354 1.514 2.13 R
28 2.130 0.556 1.574 2.22 R
29 2.390 0.652 1.738 2.46 R
56 -0.810 0.700 -1.510 -2.14 R
76 0.850 -0.591 1.441 2.04 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δa versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Regression 3 5.3670 1.7890 3.75 0.013
Color 1 2.6358 2.6358 5.52 0.020
Pressure in bars 1 2.5669 2.5669 5.38 0.022
Speed in mpm 1 0.1643 0.1643 0.34 0.559
Error 116 55.3686 0.4773
Total 119 60.7356

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.690880 8.84% 6.48% 3.52%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant -0.599 0.247 -2.43 0.017
Color 0.0647 0.0275 2.35 0.020 1.00
Pressure in bars 0.1791 0.0772 2.32 0.022 1.00
Speed in mpm -0.0262 0.0446 -0.59 0.559 1.00

Regression Equation

Δa = -0.599 + 0.0647 Color + 0.1791 Pressure in bars - 0.0262 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Δa Fit Resid Std Resid

40 -1.550 -0.178 -1.372 -2.01 R
71 1.630 0.235 1.395 2.06 R
72 1.760 0.209 1.551 2.27 R
73 1.690 0.183 1.507 2.21 R
82 -1.380 0.095 -1.475 -2.15 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δb versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 5.0603 1.6868 2.16 0.096
Color 1 1.8231 1.8231 2.34 0.129
Pressure in bars 1 3.1126 3.1126 3.99 0.048
Speed in mpm 1 0.1247 0.1247 0.16 0.690
Error 116 90.4101 0.7794
Total 119 95.4705

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.882835 5.30% 2.85% 0.00%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant -0.228 0.316 -0.72 0.473
Color 0.0538 0.0352 1.53 0.129 1.00
Pressure in bars -0.1973 0.0987 -2.00 0.048 1.00
Speed in mpm 0.0228 0.0570 0.40 0.690 1.00

Regression Equation

Δb = -0.228 + 0.0538 Color - 0.1973 Pressure in bars + 0.0228 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Δb Fit Resid Resid
9 1.510 -0.477 1.987 2.29 R
81 1.530 -0.277 1.807 2.08 R
86 1.780 -0.474 2.254 2.61 R
87 1.570 -0.451 2.021 2.32 R
88 1.680 -0.428 2.108 2.42 R
89 1.440 -0.405 1.845 2.12 R

R Large residual

Regression Analysis: Δc versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 14.7714 4.9238 13.22 0.000
Color 1 9.2456 9.2456 24.83 0.000
Pressure in bars 1 5.1207 5.1207 13.75 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 0.4051 0.4051 1.09 0.299
Error 116 43.1968 0.3724
Total 119 57.9682

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

0.610234 25.48% 23.55% 20.21%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 1.579 0.218 7.23 0.000
Color -0.1211 0.0243 -4.98 0.000 1.00
Pressure in bars 0.2530 0.0682 3.71 0.000 1.00
Speed in mpm -0.0411 0.0394 -1.04 0.299 1.00

Regression Equation

Δc = 1.579 - 0.1211 Color + 0.2530 Pressure in bars - 0.0411 Speed in mpm

Regression Analysis: K/S versus Color, Pressure in bars, Speed in mpm

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 3 2215.3 738.45 38.52 0.000
Color 1 341.0 341.05 17.79 0.000
Pressure in bars 1 1680.3 1680.31 87.64 0.000
Speed in mpm 1 194.0 193.99 10.12 0.002
Error 116 2224.0 19.17
Total 119 4439.3

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

4.37860 49.90% 48.61% 46.77%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 64.21 1.57 40.99 0.000
Color -0.736 0.174 -4.22 0.000 1.00
Pressure in bars -4.583 0.490 -9.36 0.000 1.00
Speed in mpm -0.899 0.283 -3.18 0.002 1.00

Regression Equation

K/S = 64.21 - 0.736 Color - 4.583 Pressure in bars - 0.899 Speed in mpm

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs K/S Fit Resid Std Resid

21 42.870 52.670 -9.800 -2.28 R
22 42.610 51.771 -9.161 -2.12 R
46 67.740 55.782 11.958 2.78 R
47 67.430 54.883 12.547 2.90 R
56 55.760 46.616 9.144 2.13 R

R Large residual

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