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‫جامعة دمشق‬

‫كلية اإلعالم‬
‫قسم العالقات العامة‬

‫‪Opinion paragraph‬‬

‫إشراف األستاذة‪:‬‬ ‫إعداد الطالبة‪:‬‬

‫غادة يوسف‬ ‫جودي قطرميز‬

‫‪2021- 2020‬‬

‫‪The topic sentence:‬‬

In my opinion , I think the technology that was supposed to connect us and bring us closer
together actually seems to be having the reverse effect.
The supporting details:
it made us forget how to show our affection to our beloved ones.
social media is making us less social in real life.
we are now more lonely.
The concluding sentence:
we’re more connected than ever but through our smartphones and not in actual life.

The paragraph:
In my opinion , I think the technology that was supposed to connect us and bring us closer
together actually seems to be having the reverse effect.
First, it made us forget how to show our affection to our beloved ones. for instance, when a
couple’s anniversary is coming they tend to show their emotions through screens, rather than
facing each other’s.
Second, social media is making us less social in real life. Such as in a group gathering we spend
most of the time glued to our phones, instead of interacting with people.
In addition, we are now more lonely. Because when we’re alone, with internet we feel together.
And then when we’re with each other, we put ourselves in situations where we feel alone
In conclusion, nowadays we’re more connected than ever but through our smartphones and not
in actual life.

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