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Dominican habits that opset me.

1. Take things without asking.

2. Skipping the lines of banks, supermarkets, stores, etc.

3. Not wait for their turn in more informal places like grocery
stores, coffee shops.

4. Speak loudly in closed places.

5. Speak loudly on public transportation.

6. Sometimes having bad body odors.

Think of an annoying situation that has happened

to you. Write your post. Write: who, when, where,
what happened, how did you feel.
One day minutes before the English class began, the light
had gone so it was getting very hot in my beroom, so I had
to go out and take it in the gallery of my house. But, when
I arrived there was music playing at full volume in the
house of my neighbors, therefore, I had to take it in my
room with the door and windows closed so that the noise
does not prevent me from taking the class so much. I was
very angry.

Study that vocabulary complaining and make a

short dialogue about any situation between You
and your neighbor.
A: Hello, my name is Carolyn.
B: Nice to meet you Carolyn, I'm Felix.
A: Nice to meet you Felix. Can I speak to you for a moment?
B: Sure, what can I do for you?
A: I have a complaint about the volume at which you listen to your music
and the time at which you listen to it, because I cannot sleep with so much
noise, nor can I speak on the phone or listen to my own music.
B: I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you mad.
A: it's fine.
B: I understand, it will not happen again.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome, and I'm sorry again.
A: No problem. Have a nice day.

Situation between You and your neighbor.

A very common situation among neighbors is when you listen to music at a
volume that angers others, preventing them from sleeping, talking on the
phone, or listening to their own music. A possible solution is to set an hour
to listen to music and at a prudent volume.

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