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English Class

Practice this vocabulary and answer the following questions:

1-How You keep your mind and body healthy?
To keep the body healthy, eat low-fat and low-salt foods, always three hours before going to
bed, I eat plenty of well-washed and cooked fruits and vegetables.
To keep the mind healthy the word of God is best, also take time to reflect on the things that I
must change.
2- How do You free your mind?
To free my mind I listen to relaxing music with headphones and I don't think about anything
that can stress me out, I also talk to someone about things that plague me and thus I share
feelings that later disappear.
3- How do you manage your stress?
To manage stress I try to end its cause, that is, I always do the things that stress me first and
with the highest priority, I also look for a time of relaxation that allows me to reflect and on
those things.

Read this text and write a paragraph about How to use the technology avoiding
health problems using modals verbs like: MUST, SHOULD, HAVE TO.

Technology has brought with it many devices that contribute to our lives
but can also harm it if we do not use them correctly. For example, video
games are a means of entertainment, but before playing them you should
warm up and avoid them. Smartphones and computers should also be used
at a safe distance and for periods interrupted by breaks, it can be done
within the same room in which the computer is being used. The cell phone
must be disinfected periodically since it can have bacteria and more when
you loan it to other people, and these bacteria can cause problems such as
acne, skin infections and skin rashes.
Arthritis of the thumb is one of the consequences of sending many
messages using only the thumbs, for this you must send a not so high
number of messages or use different fingers.

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