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Dialogues, Readings, and Structures

Cilia M. Arellano B.

Student: Argelis Pérez

ID: 8-890-1879


A: I hate looking for an apartment.
B: Me, too.
A: We have a 2 o'clock appointment to see the one on Main Street.
B: We'd better get ready to go.
A: It's an upstairs unit.
B: That's good, because I don't want to live under people with loud feet.
A: And it's a corner unit.
B: That's great. We won't have neighbors on both sides of us.
A: No pets are allowed.
B: Perfect. We don't have to listen to barking dogs.
A: And there are only six units in the whole building.
B: Where's the checkbook? I'm ready to rent it without even seeing it.


English Conversation Problems for Engineering Students

The English language is coming under the light of importance

gradually and speaking this language is becoming very necessary. People

from various professions are personally taking different courses as they are

not equipped with the sense of this language. Most of them do focus on

their technical and subjective skills. They, unfortunately, do not find the

importance of learning the English language in their academic career.

Consequently, it becomes tough for them to learn in their professional

career later. So, as they cannot convey their knowledge to the wider

community without English language knowledge, they feel helpless in

career. It becomes very tough for them to get promotion or appraisal also.

The idea of learning the English language as part of our career is becoming

very vital. It has become a supreme requirement in this modern age. This

problem is arising mostly as English conversation problems for engineering

If we evaluate this above context we will certainly find that students

and professionals from all fields are facing these problems. But, the

majority of these people are only belonging to the engineering fields.

Students from mechanical, civil, electrical, aeronautical, and automobile

engineering fields are standing visible in not being able to express their

thoughts properly. Their content of the subject is unbelievably tough and it

needs their sole focus on the technical part only. Most of their books only

contain formulas and mathematical analysis which do not help them to

learn expressive languages. If you observe the working professionals of the

engineering field, then you will certainly realize that their communication is

lacking the major potential of expressive tone. It is just because they are

customized to learn only the technical part most of the time.


Go to Coursera link and listen to the video.


Game 3: Simple Present or Present Progressive


Directions: Decide if the following sentences should use the present simple or the present
progressive. Choose the best answer.

1.Question 1
At this moment, Pedro _______ (work) part-time, but he
________ (want) to find full-time employment soon.

is working, wants

is working, is wanting

works, wants
works, is wanting
2.Question 2
This year, Abdul _______ (study) to be an engineer at university.
Next year he will graduate.


is studying


3.Question 3
Sara _______ (be) an architect. She _______ (work) for a
construction company. Right now, she _______ (work) on the
design of a new office development.

is being, is working, is working

is, works, is working

is, works, works

is ... is working ... works

4.Question 4
I _______ (apply) for a new job at the moment. Every day I
_______ (look) in the newspaper for job advertisements.

apply, look

am applying, am looking

apply, am looking

am applying , look

Daniel: Hey, I'm really sorry I'm late. I came as fast as I could.
Hana: It's OK. Nobody has really come yet.

Daniel: Why? Where are they?

Hana: Well, John is shopping. He is getting some food.

Daniel: OK, what about Emma? Where is she?

Hana: Emma has an exam, so she is studying and she is going to come

Daniel: OK, how about Alex? I don't see him around.

Hana: Oh, Alex is over there. He is preparing for the BBQ.

Daniel: Oh, yeah, that's right. And how about Marcus and Emily?

Hana: They are over there. They are playing.

Daniel: Oh, so how many people are left? Who else is coming?

Hana: Uh, I don't know. No one has really contacted me yet.

Daniel: Oh, well, let's hope we can get around ten people maybe.

Hana: Yes, I hope so.

Daniel: Cool!

Task: Check the audio of this lesson here.


Set SMART goals to get ahead in your career.

Where would you like to be in one year? In five years? What experiences
will help you achieve that? What interests and skills would you like to use in
your career? Setting a career goal is about deciding where you want to
head in your career, and identifying the smaller steps needed to reach that

What are examples of common career goals?

1. Increase professional knowledge and training. This is a common goal

for many people who are looking for work or those who have a job.
Some ways to increase training are taking a college class, going to a
workshop offered by an employer, or getting a certification.
2. Increase salary. Being underpaid often makes people less interested
in their work. Making changes to earn more money increases
excitement for most jobs, and motivates a job search.
3. Improve a difficult process or relationship-This goal area can make
the daily work experience more positive and rewarding.
4. Have new experiences. Whether volunteering in your community or at
work, joining a professional association to meet new people in your
field, or introducing yourself to people you never talk with, new
experiences create interest in your career.
5. Be a leader . Many people feel their biggest goal is to lead in their
career or organization. Establishing the steps to achieve a leadership
role makes it possible.

How to set goals

To help you write effective goals, try the SMART system for each career
goal.Each letter in the word represents an important part of your goal.

Specific – Make a specific, clear focus for your goal or steps. For example,
“make ten job search calls after the conference in April” is much more
specific than “make some networking connections.”

Cómo establecer metas

Probar el sistema SMART nos ayuda a escribir metas efectivas. Cada letra
de la palabra representa una parte importante de su meta.

Específico: haga un enfoque específico y claro para su objetivo o pasos.

Por ejemplo, "hacer diez llamadas de búsqueda de empleo después de la
conferencia en abril" es mucho más específico que "hacer algunas
conexiones de red".

Measurable – To see if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as:

how much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? These
questions usually focus on something that can be counted, for example,
time, people, or specific things.

Attainable – Goals are attainable, or possible, when steps are planned

clearly and allow enough time. How do you plan to complete your goal?
Which actions follow on other actions? Is the goal realistic from your
starting point? It should be a challenge, but also achievable.

Relevant – A relevant goal is one that really matters to you and is

important. Is it worth the effort? Is this the right time? Does your goal relate
to other efforts or timelines? Does it require resources or things that are
currently available?

Timely - A goal should be set within a certain time period to be clear and to
keep you focused on the goal. When do you want to begin? When do you
want to complete each step?

Tips to reach your goal

 Write down the steps. Write down your career goal and the steps to
get there. This will help you remember and achieve each step. Put your
list where you will see it often.
 Set deadlines. Give yourself a date to complete your goals. Write the
date when you actually finish each step.
 Reward yourself. Taking steps toward goals is hard work. Think of
small rewards to give yourself when you complete any step, to help you
stay motivated.
 Have a goal partner. Find someone to help you: a friend, co-worker,
a job coach, or someone else. Discuss your goals, and meet with them
when you complete steps. If possible, do the same for your partner!


Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
He Him His His
She Her Her hers
It It Its none
We Us Our Ours
You You Your Yours
They Them Their theirs

Instructions: Choose the correct pronoun. Fill in this box.Q1 - I saw ____.

her Q3 - She kissed ____.

Q2 - Give it to ____. him

they Q4 - He took ____.

it Q8 - She's faster than ____ am.
Either could be used here.

Q9 - I saw you and ____ there.

Q5 - Did anyone see ____?
Either could be used here. Q10 - Between you and ____, I really
didn't like it.

Q6 - _____ arrived on time.
Q11 - My brother and ____ went there.
Either could be used here. I

Q12 - He gave it to me and ____.

Q7 - What did ____ say?
her her
Either could be used here.

Pronouns: Practice Sheets
a) Is this (your, yours) coat?

b) You can't have (my, mine) cookie.

c) It is (our, ours) turn.

d) Look at (her, hers) funny hat.

e) That ring has lost (its, it's) shine.

f) This car is (my, mine).

g) Are you sure this is (your, yours)?

A: Before you go to that interview, check yourself.
B: What's to check?
A: Are your nails clean?
B: Yes, they are.
A: Did you double-check your nose and teeth?
B: They are clean, too.
A: Did you shine your shoes?
B: My shoes are shined.
A: Do your socks match?
B: Of course they match.
A: No, they don't. One is black and one is dark blue.
B: Yikes! Thank you.

The Chinese technology company Huawei will set up Russia's 5G
communications network. (La compañía tecnológica china Huawei
establecerá la red de comunicaciones 5G de Rusia.) A deal was signed
between the two countries on Wednesday following a meeting between
Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian president Vladimir Putin in Moscow.
(El miércoles se firmó un trato entre los dos países luego de una reunión
entre el líder chino Xi Jinping y el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin en
Moscú.) Huawei will develop the very latest next-generation 5G network in
Russia over the next year. (Huawei desarrollará la última red 5G de
próxima generación en Rusia durante el próximo año.) Reporters say the
deal will see, "the development of 5G technologies and the pilot launch of
fifth generation networks in 2019 and 2020" (Los reporteros dicen que el
acuerdo verá "el desarrollo de tecnologías 5G y el lanzamiento piloto de
redes de quinta generación en 2019 y 2020"). This will bring cutting-edge
technology and high-speed Internet to Russia. Huawei's chairman Guo
Ping said he was "very happy" with the agreement "in an area of strategic
importance like 5G" (Esto traerá tecnología de punta e Internet de alta
velocidad a Rusia. El presidente de Huawei, Guo Ping, dijo que estaba
"muy contento" con el acuerdo "en un área de importancia estratégica
como 5G".).

The Huawei deal with Russia comes as a relief for the tech company,
which has had a turbulent time in recent months (El acuerdo de Huawei
con Rusia es un alivio para la compañía de tecnología, que ha tenido un
momento turbulento en los últimos meses.). The USA has blocked the
company, citing it as a national security risk (Estados Unidos ha bloqueado
a la compañía, citando como un riesgo de seguridad nacional.). This
resulted in Google denying key services to Huawei phones. Huawei gets
half of the chips it uses from US suppliers (Esto provocó que Google
negara los servicios clave para los teléfonos Huawei. Huawei obtiene la
mitad de los chips que usa de proveedores estadounidenses). Some
journalists say the US banning of Huawei could be the beginning of the
biggest trade war ever (Algunos periodistas dicen que la prohibición
estadounidense de Huawei podría ser el comienzo de la mayor guerra
comercial de la historia). In addition, the UK-based technology company
ARM has cut ties with Huawei (Además, la empresa de tecnología con
sede en el Reino Unido ARM ha cortado lazos con Huawei.). ARM was a
key supplier of semi-conductors for Huawei's phones. Australia, Japan and
New Zealand have followed suit in banning Huawei from participating in
government contracts due to security concerns (ARM fué un proveedor
clave de semiconductores para teléfonos Huawei. Australia, Japón y
Nueva Zelanda han seguido el ejemplo al prohibir a Huawei participar en
contratos gubernamentales debido a preocupaciones de seguridad).


 1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).
1. A deal was signed between Russia, China and the USA.     T / F

2. The leaders of China and Russia met in Moscow ahead of the deal.     T / F

3. Huawei will pilot Russia's 5G network in 2022.     T / F

4. Huawei's chairman said he wasn't so happy with the deal.     T / F

5. The article said the deal was a relief for Huawei.     T / F

6. Huawei gets over 75 per cent of its chips from the USA.     T / F

7. A UK-based company called ARM cut off ties with Huawei.     T / F

SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. set up (configurar) 4. pilot (probar)
2. deal (trato) 5. cutting-edge (vanguardia)
3. develop (desarrollar) 6. relief (alivio)
7. turbulent (turbulento)
8. denying (negando)
9. key (clave)
10. banning (prohibición)

a. reassurance (seguridades)
b. test (prueba)
c. state-of-the-art (estado del
d. prohibiting (prohibiendo)
e. agreement (acuerdo)
f. crucial (crucial)
g. refusing (reusar)
h. establish (establecer)
i. rough (áspero)
j. expan (expandir)
Comprehension questions
1. When was the deal between Huawei and Russia signed?
It was signed in 2019 on the Wednesday
2. Where did Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin meet?
They meet in moscow
3. When will Huawei pilot the 5G technology?
In 2019 and 2020
4. What will 5G bring to Russia besides cutting-edge technology?
High- speed internet
5. What were the feelings of Huawei's chairman towards the deal?
He was of happiness
6. What kind of time did the article say Huawei has had recently?
It has had it at turbulent time

7. What did the USA call Huawei?

It called it a National Security Risk.

8. What company denied services to Huawei?

ARM did.

9. What could the banning of Huawei be the beginning of?

It could be the Trade war

10. What did the company ARM supply Huawei with?

It was the suppliers or semi-conductors phone.


Let / Make / Have / Get

The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of: verbs "let," "make," "have," and "get."
After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises.
Let (permitir)
FORM: [let + person + verb]
USE: This construction means "to allow someone to do something."
 John let me drive his new car.
 Will your parents let you go to the party?
 I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.
Make (Forzar)

12 | P a g e
FORM: [make + person + verb]
USE: This construction means "to force someone to do something."
 My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
 Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
 She made her children do their homework.
Have (Responsabilidad de hacer algo)
FORM: [have + person + verb]
USE: This construction means "to give someone the responsibility to do something."
 Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature.
 Please have your secretary fax me the information.
 I had the mechanic check the brakes.
Get (convencer o engañar para hacer algo)
FORM: [get + person + to + verb]
USE: This construction usually means "to convince to do something" or "to trick someone into doing
 Susie got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
 How can parents get their children to read more?
 The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.
Get vs. Have
Sometimes "get someone to do something" is interchangeable with "have someone do something," but
these expressions do not mean exactly the same thing.
 Examples:
 I got the mechanic to check my brakes.
At first the mechanic didn't think it was necessary, but I convinced him to check the brakes.
 I had the mechanic check my brakes.
I asked the mechanic to check the brakes.

Let / Make / Have / Get Exercise
Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the verbs
"let," "make," "have," "get,"

1. Sam really wanted a dog, but his parents wouldn't him have a pet.
2. I can't believe she you look at her vacation pictures again last night. We have to look at those

stupid pictures every time we go to her house.

13 | P a g e
3. I don't know how you convince your children to clean up their rooms. I couldn't my children to

clean up their rooms if my life depended on it.

4. Professor Yu each of her students write an essay describing their future goals in life.
5. Professor Yu her students use a dictionary while they were taking the test.
6. Debbie's husband hates the opera. But after days of nagging, she finally him to go see the

new production of La Boheme.

7. Sally me take off my shoes before I went into her house. She said she wanted to keep the

carpet clean.
8. Rebecca Smith requested a copy of that expense report, so I the courier take one over to her

last week.
9. Diane thinks television is a waste of time, so she won't her children watch TV.
10. Mr. Levine his secretary call Ms. Jackson and reconfirm their meeting on Thursday.
11. Marcus me drive his new BMW. I couldn't believe how quickly it picked up speed.
12. How did you the doctor to make a house call? I haven't heard of a doctor actually going to a

patient's house in years.

13. My boss me get him coffee, pick up his dry cleaning and buy presents for his wife. He can't

do anything by himself!
14. Tommy didn't want to go to his cousin's birthday party, but his mom him go.
15. I can't believe the zoo keeper you feed the snake. That was so cool!

16. The contract was very detailed, and it was essential that the wording be absolutely correct.
Therefore, I the translator recheck his work several times to make sure there would be no

17. Cheryl didn't want to wash her car, so with a little smooth talk she her boyfriend to wash it

for her.
18. If you ask me nicely, I'll you lick the bowl after I make the cookies.
19. Dr. Jackson the nurse monitor the patient's condition overnight.

20. The news coveraTge of the recent tornado was incredibly moving. The interview with the little boy
who lost his family in the tragedy everyone cry.

14 | P a g e


Taking a Message
Receptionist: Janson Wine Importers. Good Morning. How can I help you?
Caller: Could I speak to Mr. Adams, please?

Receptionist: Who's calling please?

Caller: This is Anna Beare.

Receptionist: Sorry, I didn't catch your name.

Caller: Anna Beare. That's B(bi) E(i) A(ei) R(ar) E(i)

Receptionist: Thank you. And where are you calling from?

Caller: Sun Soaked Vineyards

Receptionist: OK Ms Beare. I'll try and put you through. … I'm sorry but the line's busy. Would you like
to hold?
Caller: Oh, that's a shame. This concerns an upcoming shipment and it's rather urgent.

Receptionist: He should be free in half an hour. Would you like to call back?
Caller: I'm afraid I'll be in a meeting. Could I leave a message?

Receptionist: Certainly.
Caller: Could you tell Mr. Adams that our shipment will be postponed and that the 200 (twohunder)
cases ordered should arrive next Monday.

Receptionist: Shipment delayed … arriving next Monday.

Caller: Yes, and could you ask him to call me back when the shipment arrives?

Receptionist: Certainly. Could you give me your number please?

Caller: Yes, it's 503-589-9087

Receptionist: That's 503-589-9087

Caller: Yes, that's right. Thanks for your help. Goodbye

Receptionist: Goodbye.

Task 1 Learn the pronunciation and study by heart the dialogue.


Since the end of March, the UK has been in lockdown to stop the Covid 19 virus. (Desde
finales de marzo, el Reino Unido ha estado bloqueado para detener el virus Covid 19.)

So, what are Britons doing at home? They're baking! (Entonces, ¿qué hacen los
británicos en casa? ¡Están horneando!)

Home baking is now such a popular hobby that supermarkets have run out of flour.
15 | P a g e
(La repostería casera es ahora un pasatiempo tan popular que los supermercados se
han quedado sin harina.)

And visits to one baking website have increased by 900% compared to last spring.
(Y las visitas a un sitio web para hornear han aumentado en un 900% en comparación
con la primavera pasada.)

The most popular recipes are for simple and traditional foods that remind people of their
childhood, like scones and cakes.
(Las recetas más populares son las comidas simples y tradicionales que recuerdan a
las personas su infancia, como los bollos y los pasteles.)

People are also making their own bread. (La gente también está haciendo su propio

Why baking? There are many reasons. (¿Por qué hornear? Hay muchas razones.)

Some people wanted to learn a new skill. (Algunas personas querían aprender una
nueva habilidad.)

Making something to eat helps people feel better when they're anxious. (Hacer algo para
comer ayuda a las personas a sentirse mejor cuando están ansiosas.)

Producing a loaf of bread takes hours and this helps people plan their day. (Producir una
barra de pan lleva horas y esto ayuda a las personas a planificar su día.)

Many people enjoy using their senses of smell, taste and touch when they're baking.
Finally, baking is an activity that people can share. (A muchas personas les gusta usar
sus sentidos del olfato, el gusto y el tacto cuando hornean.
Finalmente, hornear es una actividad que la gente puede compartir.)

Some home bakers are making bread to give away. (Algunos panaderos están haciendo
pan para regalar.)

One baking teacher in London gives 30 loaves of bread every week to staff at local
hospitals, to thank them.
After working 48 hours, one doctor was so grateful to receive a loaf of bread that she
started to cry. (Un profesor de panadería en Londres da 30 barras de pan cada semana
al personal de los hospitales locales, para agradecerles.
Después de trabajar 48 horas, un médico estaba tan agradecido de recibir una barra de
pan que comenzó a llorar.)

Other people are sharing what they bake with friends and neighbors. (Otras personas
comparten lo que hornean con amigos y vecinos.)

People are also sharing recipes and photos of their baking through social media.( La
gente también comparte recetas y fotos de su horneado a través de las redes sociales.)

There have been online meetings, so people can teach each other new skills. (Ha
habido reuniones en línea, para que las personas puedan enseñarse nuevas

Other people are using social media to post photos of themselves enjoying gifts from
neighbors. (Otras personas están utilizando las redes sociales para publicar fotos de
ellos mismos disfrutando de los regalos de los vecinos.)

16 | P a g e
Home bakers say that making other people smile helps them find some happiness at
this difficult time. (Los panaderos en casa dicen que hacer sonreír a otras personas les
ayuda a encontrar algo de felicidad en este momento difícil.)

The British have been in love with baking since the TV programme The Great British
Bakeoff started in 2010. (Los británicos han estado enamorados de la repostería desde
que comenzó el programa de televisión The Great British Bakeoff en 2010)

Millions of people enjoy watching this weekly baking competition to find the country's
best home baker. (Millones de personas disfrutan viendo esta competencia semanal de
repostería para encontrar el mejor panadero casero del país.)

It looks like British baking is here to stay.

And even though it might be hard to buy flour at the supermarket at the moment, there's
actually plenty of flour in the UK. (Parece que la repostería británica llegó para
quedarse. Y aunque puede ser difícil comprar harina en el supermercado en este
momento, en realidad hay mucha harina en el Reino Unido.)

It just takes time to put the flour into small bags to sell at the supermarket. (Solo lleva
tiempo poner la harina en pequeñas bolsas para vender en el supermercado.)

The Passive Voice
Active Passive:
The subject performs the action. The doer-action-receiver of action
Present. Past
1. Sing: The virus causes the disease. The disease is caused by the virus
Plu: Viruses cause diseases. Diseases are caused by viruses.
2. Sin: The antibiotic cures the Disease The disease is cured by the antibiotic.
Plu: Antibiotics cure many deseases Many diseases are Cured by antibiotics
3. Sin: The doctor gives penicillin The patient is given penicillin (by the
to the patient doctor).
Patients are given penicillin (by the
Plu: Doctors give penicillin to patients.
4. Sing: The father takes the child to the The child is taken to the doctor (by the
doctor father).
Plural: Fathers take children to the Children are taken to the doctor (by
doctor. fathers).

Identify each sentence as active or passive.
17 | P a g e
1. Good nutrition prevents deficiency disease. A
Deficiency disease is prevented by good nutrition
2. Deficiency diseases are cured by proper diet. P
Proper diet cures deficiency diseases
3. Measles and smallpox are caused by viruses. P
Viruses cause Measles and smallpox
4. Harmful parasites cause communicable diseases. A
Communicable diseases are caused by harmful parasites
5. Some mental disorders are caused by difficulties in a patient’s life. P
Difficulties in a patient’s life cause some mental disorders

Task: Change from active to passive voice.

6. Careless people cause accidents.
Accidents are caused by careless people
7. Doctors prevent many diseases.
Many diseases are prevented by doctors
8. Paralytic polio affects the patient’s ability to walk.
The patient's ability to walk is affected by paralytic polio
9. An injury to the spine can paralyze a part of the body.
A part of the body can paralyzed by an injury

The following sentences are written in the passive voice. Rewrite each sentence in
the active voice.
1. Beriberi is caused by poor diet.
A poor diet causes beriberi

2. Diseases are caused by roundworms and hookworms.

The roundworms and hookworms cause diseases

3. Free medical care is provided by some community health centers.

Some community health centers provide free medical care

4. Scurvy is caused by vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin C deficiency is causes scurvy

5. Communicable diseases are treated with many medicines.

Many medications treat communicable diseases

6. Some diseases of the respiratory system are transmitted by infected people.

Infected people transmit some diseases of the respiratory system

7. The intestines are damaged by hookworms.

Hookworms damage the intestines

18 | P a g e
8. Severe burns are treated by a doctor.
A doctor treats severe burns

9. Malnutrition may be caused by diet deficiency.

Diet deficiency causes malnutrition may

10. Some infections are destroyed by white blood cells.

White blood cells destroy some infections

The following sentences are written in the active voice. Rewrite each sentence in
the passive voice.
1. Poor diet causes deficiency disease.
Deficiency disease is caused by poor diet
2. Penicillin cures many diseases.
Many diseases are cured by penicillin
3. Personal problems cause some mental disorders.
Some mental disorders are caused by Personal problems
4. Sick people infect healthy people.
Healthy people are infected by sick people
5. The birth process harms some babies.
Some babies are harmed by the birth process
6. Arthritis causes painful, stiff joints.
Painful, stiff joints are caused by Arthritis


1. Good morning. How can I help you?

2. Could I speak to Ms. Devon, please?
3. Who's calling, please?
4. This is Kevin Trundel.
5. I'm sorry, I didn't This your name.
6. I'm sorry. She's back. Can I take a back ?
7. Could you ask her to call me number?
8. Could I have your 890-234, please?
9. Thanks for your help.

1. help
2. speak

19 | P a g e
3. calling
4. This
5. catch
6. back
7. number


COVID-19: Managing Supply Chain Risk and Disruption

Coronavirus highlights the need to transform traditional supply chain models.

This article explains the supply chain challenges from the global spread of COVID-19 ─
and how to look ahead to the longer-term solution of digital supply networks.

Could COVID-19 be the black swan event that finally forces many companies, and entire
industries, to rethink and transform their global supply chain model? One fact is beyond
doubt: It has already exposed the vulnerabilities of many organizations, especially those
who have a high dependence on China to fulfil their need for raw materials or finished
China’s dominant role as the “world’s factory” means that any major disruption puts
global supply chains at risk. Highlighting this is the fact that more than 200 of the
Fortune Global 500 firms have a presence in Wuhan, the highly industrialized province
where the outbreak originated, and which has been hardest hit. Companies whose
supply chain is reliant on Tier 1 (direct) or Tier 2 (secondary) suppliers in China are likely
to experience significant disruption, even if, according to the most optimistic reports,
conditions approach normalcy in China by April.

Present Real Conditional

[If / When ... simple present ..., ... simple present ...]

[... would + verb ... if ... simple past ...]

The present real conditional (also called conditional 0) is used to talk about what you normally do in
real-life situations.

20 | P a g e

 If I go to a friend's house for dinner, I usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers.
 When I have a day off from work, I often go to the beach.
 If the weather is nice, she walks to work.
 Jerry helps me with my homework when he has time.
 I read if there is nothing on TV.
 A: What do you do when it rains?
B: I stay at home.
 A: Where do you stay if you go to Sydney?
B: I stay with my friends near the harbor.


Both "if" and "when" are used in the present real conditional. Using "if" suggests that something
happens less frequently. Using "when" suggests that something happens regularly.


 When I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach.

I regularly have days off from work.
 If I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach.
I rarely have days off from work.

Present Unreal Conditional


[If ... simple past ..., ... would + verb ...]

[... would + verb ... if ... simple past ...]


The present unreal conditional (also called conditional 2) is used to talk about what you would generally
do in imaginary situations.


 If I owned a car, I would drive to work. But I don't own a car.

 She would travel around the world if she had more money. But she doesn't have much money.
 I would read more if I didn't watch so much TV.
 Mary would move to Japan if she spoke Japanese.
 If they worked harder, they would earn more money.
 A: What would you do if you won the lottery?
B: I would buy a house.
 A: Where would you live if you moved to the U.S.?
B: I would live in Seattle.

EXCEPTION If I were ...

In the present unreal conditional, the form "was" is not considered grammatically correct. In written
English or in testing situations, you should always use "were." However, in everyday conversation,
"was" is often used.


 If he were French, he would live in Paris.

 If she were rich, she would buy a yacht.
21 | P a g e
 I would play basketball if I were taller.
 I would buy that computer if it were cheaper.
 I would buy that computer if it was cheaper. Not Correct (But often said in conversation.)

IMPORTANT Only use "If"

Only the word "if" is used with the present unreal conditional because you are discussing imaginary
situations. "When" cannot be used.


 I would buy that computer when it were cheaper. Not Correct

 I would buy that computer if it were cheaper. Correct

EXCEPTION Conditional with Modal Verbs

There are some special conditional forms for modal verbs in English:

would + can = could

would + shall = should

would + may = might

The words "can," "shall" and "may" cannot be used with "would." Instead, they must be used in these
special forms.


 If I went to Egypt, I would can learn Arabic. Not Correct

 If I went to Egypt, I could learn Arabic. Correct

 If she had time, she would may go to the party. Not Correct

 If she had time, she might go to the party. Correct

The words "could," should," "might" and "ought to" include conditional, so you cannot combine them
with "would."


 If I had more time, I would could exercise after work. Not Correct

 If I had more time, I could exercise after work. Correct

If he invited you, you really would should go. Not Correct

If he invited you, you really should go. Corre

Conditional Exercise 3

Present Real Conditional and Present Unreal Conditional

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate conditional form.

Michael: Sharon, I am having some problems at work, and I was wondering if you might
be able to give me some advice.

Sharon: Sure, what's the problem?

22 | P a g e
Michael: The computer sales business is more difficult than I thought. When customers
(come) come in to look at the new computer models, they often (ask) ask me which
model they should buy. If they (ask) ask me to suggest a model, I (be) am usually
quite honest with them. Most computer users don't need a very advanced computer;
they just need a basic model which they can use for word-processing, bookkeeping and
Internet access. If I am honest and I (recommend) Recommend one of the cheaper
models, my boss (get) gets angry at me. He always says that a good salesperson
can convince a customer to buy one of the more expensive advanced models. I don't
really feel comfortable doing that. What would you do in my situation? Isn't it wrong to
make them buy something which they don't need?

Sharon: I think you should help your customers make an intelligent decision. If I (be)
Were you, I (educate) would educate the customers. I (teach) would teach them
how to make a good decision by themselves. I (make, not) would not make the decision
for them. When a customer (ask) asks a question, answer it honestly. You don't need to
lie to the customer, and you don't need to make the decision for them.

Michael: When I (sell) sell an inexpensive computer to a customer, my boss

(complain) complains that I am not trying hard enough. What would you tell him?

Sharon: If I (be) were in your situation, I (tell) would tell him that I wasn't comfortable
forcing customers to buy products which they don't need. Tell him that you don't want to
lie to honest people, and that you want to provide them with good service. Remind him
that when customers (get) get good service, they (return) return to a store and spend
more money.

Michael: I think that's a great idea. He (might) might change his mind if I said that to
him. Maybe he (realize) would realize that good service is the most important thing to
consumers. And, of course, I (feel) would feel much more comfortable if I (be) were able
to be honest with the customers. Thanks for your advice.

Go online to do the exercise and check your answers .

An Interview at the Shopping Mall
Interviewer: Good evening, I hope you don't mind answering a few questions.
Alice: How long will it take?
Interviewer: Just a few questions.
Alice: I guess I can manage to answer a few questions. Go ahead.
Interviewer: I'd like to ask your opinion about consumer electronics. As far as consumer
electronics is concerned, which is the most reliable brand?
Alice: I'd say that Samsung is the most reliable brand.

23 | P a g e
Interviewer: Which brand is the most expensive?
Alice: Well, Samsung is also the most expensive brand. I guess that's why it's the best.
Interviewer: Which brand do you think is the worst?
Alice: I think LG is the worst. I really can't remember using any of their products that I
Interviewer: And which brand is the most popular with young people?
Alice: That's a difficult one to answer for me. I think that Sony is probably the most
popular with young people.
Interviewer: One last question, Have you tried using any HP products?
Alice: No, I haven't. Are they good?
Interviewer: I enjoy using them. But I didn't stop you to tell you what I think. Thank you
for your time.
Alice: Not at all.

Task 1 Learn the pronunciation and study by heart the dialogue.


Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to
fame in the silent era. He is mostly famous for his screen persona “the tramp”. Born on
April 16, 1889 in London, Chaplin is considered one of the most important figures in the
history of the film industry. He had been a productive and creative film maker for about
75 years before he died in 1977.

Charlie Chaplin fue un actor cómico, cineasta y compositor inglés que que fué muy
famoso en el cine mudo, mas por el personaje "el vagabundo", nació 16 de abril de
1889 en Londres, el es considerado una de las más importantes figuras en la historia
de la industria del cine. Había sido un productor de cine productivo y creativo durante
unos 75 años antes de morir en 1977.

Early life

Chaplin suffered from poverty and hardship in his childhood. He was sent to
a workhouse twice before the age of nine. His mother struggled financially
when his father was absent. When he was 14, his mother was sent to a mental asylum.

Vida temprana

Chaplin en su infacia sufrió pobreza y dificultades, a los nueve años fue enviado a una
casa hogar, por el abandono de su padre, su madre tuvo problemas financieros, a la
edad de 14 años, su madre fue enviada a un manicomio.

24 | P a g e

Chaplin’s first performances were at music halls as a stage actor and comedian at the
age of 19. He went to the USA where he was scouted for the film industry, and began
appearing in 1914 for Keystone Studios. He soon developed the Tramp persona and
formed a large fan base. Chaplin directed his own films from an early stage, and
continued to hone his craft.. By 1918, he was one of the best known figures in the film

Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in, and composed the music for most
of his films. He was a perfectionist, and his financial independence enabled him to
spend years on the development and production of a picture.


Las primeras actuaciones de Chaplin fueron en musicales como actor de teatro y

comediante a la edad de 19 años. Fue a los EE. UU. Donde fue explorado por la
industria del cine y comenzó a aparecer en 1914 para Keystone Studios. Pronto
desarrolló el personaje de Vagabundo y obtuvo muchos admiradores. Chaplin dirigió
sus propias películas desde sus inicios, y continuó perfeccionando su oficio. En 1918,
era una de las figuras más conocidas de la industria del cine.

Chaplin escribió, dirigió, produjo, editó, protagonizó y compuso la música para la

mayoría de sus películas. Era un perfeccionista y su independencia financiera le
permitió pasar años en el desarrollo y la producción de una película.


1. Charlie Chaplin had a happy childhood.

a.   True

b.   False
2. Chaplin started his career in England.

a.   True

b.   False
3. Chaplin left the USA to live in Switzerland because he was ill.

a.   True

b.   False
4. Chaplin died at the age of 88.

a.   True

b.   False
25 | P a g e
This is a list of some irregular verbs in English. Of course, there are many others, but these are the
more common irregular verbs.

1. begin began begun

2. break broke broken
3. bring brought brought
4. buy bought bought
5. catch caught caught
6. choose chose chosen
7. come came come
8. cost cost cost
9. do did done
10. drink drank drunk
11. drive drove driven
12. eat ate eaten
13. feel felt felt
14. fight fought fought
15. find found found
16. forget forgot forgotten
17. get got gotten
18. give gave given
19. go went gone
20. have had had
21. hear heard heard
22. keep kept kept
23. know knew known
24. leave left left
25 lend lent lent
26. let let let
27. lose lost lost
28. make made made
29. mean meant meant
30 meet met met
31 pay paid paid
32. put put put

26 | P a g e
33. read read read
34. run ran run
35. say said said
36. see saw seen
37. sell sold sold
38. send sent sent
39. set set set
40. show showed shown
41. sit sat sat
42. sleep slept slept
43. speak spoke spoken
44. take took taken
45. teach taught taught
46. tell told told
47. think thought thought
48.understand understood understood
49. withdraw withdrew withdrawn
50. write wrote written

You can test yourself with fun irregular verbs quizzes at the link down here.


Irregular Verbs Quiz Example:

Choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence:

1. Have you Found your lost dog yet?

(Find / found)
2. She spoke too softly. I couldn’t hear her.
(Hear / heard)
3. But we heard everything she said.
(say /said)
4. We went shopping and I bought a new pair of jeans.
(Buy/ bought)
5. Did you sleep well last night?
(Sleep /slept)
6. I used to make a lot of money, but I don’t make much now.
(Make /made)
7. We were really surprised when we won the game.
(Win / won)
8. We thought we would Lose for sure.
(Lose /lost)
9. Have you ever met a movie star?
(Meet /met)
10. Mum taught our sisters how to cook, but she didn’t Teach us.
27 | P a g e
(Teach/ taught)

Go online and take it:

Past Tense Practice: Write the verb in the tense indicated and change it to interrogative
and negative forms.
1. We (bring – past) copies of the article.
A. We brought copies of the article.
Q. Did we bring copies of the article?
N. We didn’t bring copies of the article
2. The librarian (withdraw – pres.) money from the ATM.
A. The librarian withdraws money from the ATM.
Q. Does the librarian withdraw money from the ATM?
N. The librarian doesn’t withdraw money from the ATM
3. He (give- past.) the tenant the rent in advance.
A. He gaves the tenant the rent in advance
Q. Did he give the tenant the rent in advance?
N. He didn’t give the tenant the rent in advance.
4. Miss Jones (go -present) home.
A. Miss Jones goes home.
Q. Does Miss Jones go home?
N. Miss Jones doesn’t go home.
5. I (take – participle.) this train for years
A. I have taken this train for years
Q. Have I taken this train for years?
N. I haven’t taken this train for years
6. They (sit – past) in the last row.
A. They sat in the last row
Q. Did they sit in the last row?
N. They didn’t sit in the last row
7. He (be participle) ill for a week.
A. He has been ill for a week
Q. Has he been ill for a week?
N. He hasn’t been ill for a week
8. She (do – present) her work well.
A. She does do her work well
28 | P a g e
Q. Does she do her work well?
N. she doesn't do her work well
9. We (go – past) with them to the fair.
A. We went with them to the fair.
Q. Did We go with them to the fair?
N. We didn't go with them to the fair.
10. She (be – past) on vacation in April.
A. She was on vacation in April
Q. Was she on vacation in April?
N. She wasn’t on vacation in April.


A: I need to get my high speed internet installed.

B: You'll need to make an appointment.

A: Could I do that right now, please?

B: What day would you like us to do the installation?

A: Is Friday good?

B: We're only available at 3:00 pm.

A: You can't come any earlier than that?

B: I'm sorry. That's the only available time.

A: Are you available this Saturday?

B: Yes. Anytime on Saturday will be fine.

A: How does 11:00 sound?

B: We can do it. See you then.

My Office

29 | P a g e
Like most offices, my office is a place where I can concentrate on my work and feel

comfortable at the same time. Of course, I have all the necessary equipment on my

desk. I have the telephone next to the fax machine on the right side of my desk. My

computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor directly in front of me. I have a

comfortable office chair to sit on and some pictures of my family between the computer

and the telephone. In order to help me read, I also have a lamp near my computer which

I use in the evening if I work late. There is plenty of paper in one of the cabinet drawers.

There are also staples and a stapler, paper clips, highlighters, pens and erasers in the

other drawer. I like to use highlighters to remember important information. In the room,

there is a comfortable armchair and a sofa to sit on. I also have a low table in front of the

sofa on which there are some industry magazines.

Useful Vocabulary 

armchair - a comfortable, padded chair that has 'arms' on which to rest your arms

cabinet - a piece of furniture that holds objects

desk - a piece of furniture on which you write or use your computer, fax, etc.

drawer - a space which opens for you to store things in

equipment - items used to complete tasks

furniture - a word referring to all the places to sit, work, store things, etc.

highlighter - a bright pen with a thick tip which is usually green or bright yellow

laptop - a computer you can carry with you

paperclip - a metal clip that holds pieces of paper together

stapler - a piece of equipment used to staple papers together


30 | P a g e
Use either past or participle to complete the sentences. Use verbs given before the
Come 1. Alice has finally …...come…... home.
Go 2. Has Helen already …….gone..…... o the lab?
Ask 3. The dentist. …….Asked…... me to return Monday.
See 4. Last week we …...Saw…...that film twice.
Give 5. They ………..gave……... me the book last night.
Do 6. Carlos ……..did……. all he could to help.
Drink 7. Roger asked if I had ……...drunk……. the last soda.
Come 8. She …...came…... to see you yesterday.
Write 9. I didn’t know Mary has …...written…... the last part.
Take 11. The students have …..taken…... their books with them.
Withdraw 12. Have you …….withdrawn…….. some money form the bank?
Tell 13. Do you think Mary …….told…... the truth?
Sleep 14. I ...slept... very well last night.
Think 15. We ....thought...… she did it.
Say 16. The teacher ........said..........… we have to study.
Show 17. her picture.
Sit 18. We all .....sat..… on the floor last night.
Select the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis.

1. Yesterday he (came, come) in wearing purple socks.

2. They have all (went, gone) to see the play.
3. Has he (wrote, written) the two books?
4. Have they (mention, mentioned) his name before?
5. The team (did, done) its best to win.
6. Where have the girls (went, gone)?
7. When the rain started we (ran, run) for cover.
8. I (seen, saw) Gina at the game.
9. Mary (ask, asked) me about yesterday’s class.
10. They have (written, wrote) all the exercises on time.


31 | P a g e
Change the following sentences into question and negative forms.
1. The movie is starting now.
Q. Is the movie starting now?
N. The movie isn’t starting now
2. She has changed her mind.
Q. Has she changed her mind?
N. She hasn’t changed her mind
3. She was on vacation in April.
Q. Was she on vacation in April?
N. She wasn’t on vacation in April
4. The actress has forgotten her lines.
Q. Has the actress forgotten her lines
N. The actress hasn’t forgotten her lines
5. They travel to Florida every year.
Q. Do they travel to Florida every year?
N. They don’t travel to Florida every year.
6. She brought all the books to the library.
Q. Did she brought all the books to the library?
N. She didn’t brought all the books to the library
7. I have taken all my subjects this semester.
Q. Have I taken all my subjects this semester?
N. I haven’t taken all my subject this semester
8. I will attend the meeting tomorrow night.
Q. Will I attend the meeting tomorrow night?
N. I will not attend the meeting tomorrow night.
9. They watch television every night.
Q. Do they watch television every night?
N. They don’t watch television every night.
10. I will see the dean tomorrow morning.
Q. Will I see the dean tomorrow morning?
N. I will not see the dean tomorrow morning


32 | P a g e
In the space provided write the correct verb. Remember, first find the subject: then
choose the correct verbal form.
1. Each order (has, have) been received._____has_______
2. Each of the orders (has, have) been received.______has______
3. Nobody among the secretaries (seem, seems) capable of supervising tests.
4. My boss, together with his assistant, (was, were) able to attend the convention.
5. Mr. Jones and his wife (is, are) planning to take a holiday.______are______
6. A series of changes in office routines (is, are ) expected soon. _____are_______
7. News of the price decreases (has, have) reached the customers. ______have______
8. Six tons of coal (was, were) paid for on the last bill. _____were______
9. The number of marriages in the firm (is, are) increasing. ____is________
10. A number of filing clerks and secretaries (has, have) applied. _____has_______
Below is a list of 20 possessive phrases. Rewrite them using the correct possessive
1. the clothes of the ladies __The ladies’ clothes__
2. the ties of the men __The men’s ties_____
3. the books of the boy __The boy’s books____
4. the wool of the sheep __The sheep’s wool___
5. the father of John and Paul __The John an Paul’s father__
6. the policies of the University __The university’s policies___
7. the statement of the vice-president __The vice president’s statement_
8. the poetry of Burns __The Burns’ poetry___
9. the letters of the secretaries __The secretaries’ letters__
10. the territory of the lion and the tig __The lion and the tig’s territory__
11. the sisters of John __The John’s sisters___
12. the solution of the professor __The professor’s solution__
13. the children of my brother -in-law __The brother in law’s children__
14. the policy of R. M. Macy __The R.M. Macy’s policy___
15. the home of Dickens __The Dickens’ home___
16. the editorials of The New York Times __The New York Times’ editorial__
17. the engine of the old bus __The old bus’ engine___
18. the daughter my sister __The sister’s daughter__
19. the notes of the typist __The typist’s notes ___

33 | P a g e
20. the motor of the tape recorder __The tape recorder’s motor__
Fill in the form of the noun called for in each column singular possessive, plural and
plural possessive. book’s books books’
2. child Child’s children children’s general attorney general’s attorney generals attorney generals’
4. Smith & Smith Smith & Smith’s The Smiths The Smiths’
5. wife wife’s wives wives’
6. attorney attorney’s attorneys attorneys
7 brother-in-law brother in law’s brothers in law brothers in law’s
8.hero hero’s heroes heroes’
9 stockholder stockholder’s stockholders stockholders’
10. lady lady’s ladies ladies’


Scene 1

A. Mine is just about the same as yours.

B. Not really, you know

A: What’s the difference?

B: Well, you didn’t bring in all the dates.

A: Anyone can memorize dates. What about the different


B: She warned us that we’d have to have the chronology


A: Believe me, I’m going to see her about this.

bring in include; mention

1. What do you think is the relationship between the speakers?
R: Companion of class

34 | P a g e
2. Where might the conversation be taking place?
R: The classroom
3. What are the two speakers comparing?
R: The chronology
4. Why doesn´t A feel that dates are important? Why could they be important?
R: Anyone can memorize date
5. Who is “she”? that A and B, mention?
R: Their teacher
6- Why do you think A wants to see her? What might he say to her?
R: To compare

Scene 2

C: That guy’s always trying to get away with something.

B: Yeah. And the thing is he usually succeeds.
C: Do you think she’ll buy his argument?

B: She is a fool if she does.

C: I know I´ll really resent it if she changes his grade.

B: Sure. Anyone who studied will.

get away with: avoid punishment for something done.

get away with (informal): get by with; put one over
the thing is (informal) the point is; the problem
buy (slang): accept; agree with; go along with
1. What is the relationship between the speakers?
R: Companion of class
2. Who are they upset about? Why?
R: For a guy’s always trying to get away with something.
3. Who is the “she”? How could she be a fool?
R: the teacher, for she will buy his argument.

35 | P a g e
4. Why could C recent a grade change? Why would anyone else?
R: Because the teacher can choose the boy who always sells her own

Scene 3

B: You look a bit down today.

A: Yeah. Well, I’m sure you can guess why.

B: But you knew this had to happen sometime.

A: You realize the final’s in a week, and I’ve got a semester’s

work to do.

B: It’s like the fable of the ant the grasshopper

A: The what? B: You know. Winter comes, the hardworking and has his food
stored away; the carefree grasshopper starves

A: Spare me your moral judgments and lend me your notes.

final: final examination of a course
fable a story intended to enforce a useful truth

down (informal): depressed; worried

1. Do you think A looks “down”? How could B guess why? Why is A sure that B
would guess correctly?
R: Because they're friends
2. Why would A know it would have to happen?
R: because he already planned the situation
3. Explain what A must do before the final?
R: a work to do.
4. In what spirit do you think b mentions the fable? (i.e.: Is he serious? Joking?
Sarcastic?) How would the fable apply to A?
R: It was sarcastic because he didn't do his work for a while
5. What does A mean by his last remark? What do you think B will say?
R: to just hand over the homework, I shouldn't give it to him

36 | P a g e
Dialogue Completion

X: Look this is the third or fourth time you’ve given some excuse
for not getting a paper in.

Y: I know. I’ve taken on a few too many projects and.....

X: It’s not fair to the others. What

would____ the work______

Y: Oh, we all understand each other.

X: Don’t be so sure. One student told me that ____you were very carefree___

Y: He was talking about me?

X: Well, you were the ____one who had to_______

Y: I can’t believe it. He must be ____really carefree_____.

Guided Dialogue Two students are discussing the best way to study for a test. One
believes that you study a little every day throughout the course. The other waits until a
day or two before the test and “crams”; that is, tries to absorb all the information at one
time. Write a dialogue where each student expresses his pint of view and why he thinks
is best.

TEXTBOOK: English for Engineering Online Booklet. Cilia M. Arellano B. 2020.

Google Classroom for Risk Prevention Engineering Code: 2m6s2td

-Everything ESL:

- ESL Mania
- Edulang: One World, One Shared Language

Language Success Press

37 | P a g e
- English/English dictionary

- English/Spanish dictionary

Bibliographical Note: This brochure is a compilation of different sources.

38 | P a g e

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