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Reflection Paper

Have it ever cross your mind that what if you were born as someone else? What

if you were born as one of those people who need help? What if you had no shelter , no

comfortable clothes, and no money even for buying food? I have thought about this at

some point in my life, and just by merely thinking about it I feel that it is really very

challenging, that is the reason why I support in helping the less fortunate .

Poverty is evident almost all around the world, third world countries which

includes our country is where poverty is clearly experienced. Here in the Philippines

poverty is really evident everywhere, may it be on the streets, public transportation, or

even outside different establishments. A lot of people don’t give much attention to these

people for they have their own problems to face. However, if we will compare the

situations the people asking for alms are facing more difficulties ; giving a little help to

them will not hurt.

On our class in CWTS our professor let us watch a clip about a blind beggar on

the side of the streets asking for alms to other people around him. And based on the

video clip that we’ve watched, I have realized one important thing . That is even the

simplest thing a person can do in order to help other people , can create a big impact;

not just physically but also emotionally. In addition, it can be of a great change in their

lives. Just like on what is shown in the clip at first the blind beggar was only getting
small amount of alms from other people until this boy came, which totally changed the

whole situation, the boy changed the words in the signage of the blind beggar , and it

was able to create a big change . More people who have read the signage decided to

give the beggar some alms, which in return made a huge impact in the life of the blind

beggar for he was able to accumulate more amount of money which can help him

survive for at least a day. Furthermore, the blind beggar surely had also felt that there

are still some people around him who care for him which are also willing to help him.

You don’t have to be a rich person in order to help others, the help you give does

not need to be extravagant, even a simple smile can help, as long as the help you are

giving them are sincere and it really came from our heart it can go a long way. We do

not need to expect anything in return, for it is now on the hands of God, he sees

everything, even what other people around us don’t. I attended a mass last Sunday and

once heard from the gospel of our priest that, “Kung sino ang nangpapakumbaba, ay

siyang tinataas ng Panginoon”. This made me surer that helping other people is what

our Lord wants us to do here on Earth. In addition, I think this only implies that we

should not focus on what other people will think or say and just continue fulfilling our

mission and help others in need with sincerity.

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