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Fundamentals of

Structural Dynamics III

Andres W.C. Oreta
De La Salle University - Manila

Part III
Forced Vibration (SDOF)

Forced Vibration

m( &x&) + cx + kx = F (t )

Harmonic Vibration with Damping (h<1):

F(t) is sinusoidal
m&x& + cx + kx = Fo sin αt
c k F
&x& + x + x = o sin αt
m m m
&x& + 2hωx + ω 2 x = o sin αt
k c
ω2 = 2 hω =
m m

Harmonic Vibration with Damping (h<1)

x(t ) = x(t ) complementary + x(t ) particular

x(t ) complementary is the solution for damped free vibration :
c k
&x& + x+ x =0
m m
&x& + 2hωx + ω 2 x = 0
x(t ) complementary = e − hωt [A1 cos ω D t + A2 sin ω D t ]

Harmonic Vibration with Damping (h<1)

† The particular solution takes the form of the forcing
function. Thus:
x(t ) particular = B1 sin αt + B2 cos αt
† Substitute this in the equation of motion and
solve for B1 and B2:
m&x& + cx + kx = Fo sin αt
&x& + 2hωx + ω 2 x = o sin αt

Harmonic Vibration with Damping (h<1)
x(t ) particular = B1 sin αt + B2 cos αt
 
F 
B1 = o 
1 − ( )
α 2
ω 

( ) [ ( )] 
k  α 2 α 2
  ω  + 2h ω
 
B2 =
Fo  ( )
− 2h α
ω 
 
( ) [ ( )]
k  α 2
 α 2

  ω  + 2h ω 

Harmonic Vibration with Damping (h<1)

x(t ) = e − hωt [ A1 cos ω D t + A2 sin ω D t ]
+ B1 sin αt + B2 cos αt
Plot the equations for various
1. ω > α, vary h
2. ω very close to α, vary h
3. ω < α, vary h
Observe the effect of h.

Harmonic Vibration without Damping
m&x& + kx = Fo sin αt
k F
&x& + x = o sin αt
m m
&x& + ω 2 x = o sin αt
ω2 =

Harmonic Vibration w/o Damping (h=0)

x(t ) = x(t ) complementary + x(t ) particular
x(t ) complementary is the solution for undamped free vibration :
x(t ) complementary = [A1 cos ωt + A2 sin ωt ]
x(t ) particular takes the form of the forcing function
x(t ) particular = B1 sin αt + B2 cos αt
Fo  1 
B1 =
m  ω 2 − α 2 
B2 = 0
Fo  1 
x(t ) complementary = [A1 cos ωt + A2 sin ωt ] +  ω 2 − α 2  sin αt

Harmonic Vibration w/o Damping
Resonance (α very close to ω)
Fo  1 
x(t ) complementary = [A1 cos ωt + A2 sin ωt ] +  ω 2 − α 2  sin αt

Resonance occurs
when the frequency
of forcing function or
ground motion is very
close or equal to
frequency of the
structure. The
amplitude will
increase with time.

Harmonic Vibration w/o Damping

Resonance (α very close to ω)
m&x& + kx = Fo sin αt
if α = ω
m&x& + kx = Fo sin ωt
x(t ) = x(t )comp + x(t ) par
x(t ) = [A1 cos ωt + A2 sin ωt ]comp +[B1t sin ωt + B2t cos ωt ]par
Since the particular solution is multiplied by t, then
the amplitude increases linearly with time.

Damping reduces the effect of resonance.

Forced Vibration:
Effect of Support Motion
m( &x& + u&&g ) + cx + kx = 0
m( &x&) + cx + kx = − mu&&g
F (t ) = − mu&&g

The solution is the same as damped forced motion except for

the negative sign in the force function. This is the model used
for structures subjected to earthquake ground motion.

Forced Vibration:
Effect of Ground Motion

Building Stiffness & Ground Shaking

† A high frequency earthquake will produce larger displacements in a

building with short or long period?
† A low frequency earthquake will produce larger displacements in a
building with short or long period?
† A high frequency earthquake will produce larger displacements in a
building with low or high frequency?
† A low frequency earthquake will produce larger displacements in a
building with low or high frequency?

How does the fundamental period of a
structure affect its dynamic behavior?

† Depending on the value of T

of the structure and on the
characteristics of earthquake
ground motion (i.e., the
periods and amplitude of the
earthquake waves), some
structures will be shaken
more than the others.

Problem: SDOF System

(Forced Vibration)
The 2D structural frame is rigid jointed and fixed at its supports. The mass of the
structure of 500 kg is concentrated at the top beam which is assumed to be rigid.
The two columns are 3.0 m long and each column has a flexural stiffness
EI = 4.5 x 106 N-m2. The structures has a damping of 4%. Consider the horizontal
displacement at the top due to flexure only as the DOF. A force F(t) = 500sin25t
(N) was applied while the frame was at rest.. Derive the solution for x(t) and plot.

F(t) m = 5000kg x(t)

12 EI 12 EI
L3 L3

Problem: SDOF System
(Ground Motion)
The 2D structural frame is rigid jointed and fixed at its supports. The mass of the
structure of 500 kg is concentrated at the top beam which is assumed to be rigid.
The two columns are 3.0 m long and each column has a flexural stiffness
EI = 4.5 x 106 N-m2. The structures has a damping of 4%. Consider the horizontal
displacement at the top due to flexure only as the DOF. The ground accelerates
at a(t) = 500sin25t (N) while the frame was at rest. Derive the solution for x(t) &
m = 5000kg x(t)

12 EI 12 EI
L3 L3


Numerical Solution for m( &x&) + cx + kx = F (t )

Forced Vibration

The force function can take various forms – harmonic, periodic, shock or
random. In real cases, an analytical solution is not possible. To solve the
differential equation, numerical integration is applied. Various methods
Can be used: Duhamel integral, time step methods, central difference and
Newmark’s methods.

Direct Integration of Equation of Motion
m( &x&) + cx + kx = F (t )
xi , x&i , &x&i - displ., vel., & acc. at time t i
xi +1 , x&i +1 , &x&i +1 - displ., vel., & acc. at time t i +1
Fn is the applied force at time tn
Fn Fn+1

Let ∆t = time interval

tn = n ∆t

0 1 ……
∆t tn tn+1

An Example of a Numerical Solution:

Newmark’s Constant Acceleration Method

An Example of a Numerical Solution: Newmark’s
Constant Acceleration Method

† A spread sheet software can be used to obtain

a tabular solution:
Time (s) Force(N) Disp (m) Vel(m/s) Acc(m/s2)
ti fi xi vi ai
0 f0 x0 v0


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