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Excel-based Energy Audit Tool

The Energy Efficiency Management Office (EEMO) had an excel-based Energy Audit tool
developed under a GOM-UNDP/SIDSDOCK funded project ‘Removal of Barriers to Energy
Efficiency and Energy Conservation in Buildings and in Industry’ project.
The Energy Audit tool has been developed to help Energy Auditors in carrying out energy audits.
The tool follows the ISO 50002 standard for carrying out an energy audit.
The tool has been structured to follow a step-by-step approach, where processes and deliverables
recommended by the ISO 50002 standard are addressed. It has been designed with ease of use in
mind, clearly separating input cells from analysis data to facilitate the Energy Auditor’s task in a
time-efficient and user-friendly manner.
The copyright of the tool is held by the EEMO.
The tool being an xlsm file, it is not supported by sharepoint. Accordingly, it is not possible to
place a copy on EEMO’s website for free download. A copy of the tool may, however, be obtained
freely by putting a request on . The tool will be emailed to you promptly.
The system requirements for the tool are: Windows 7 or up, Microsoft Office 10 or up (capable of
running macro-enabled workbooks with .xlsm extension).
The tool is provided with a comprehensive user manual to help users make the most out of the tool
and answer any queries pertaining to the operation of the software.
Users of the tool are kindly requested to report bugs, if any, and propose enhancements to the
EEMO by email on They may make use of snapshots if this is easier for them
to make any reporting to the EEMO.
Your views on the tool are welcomed.

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