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Covid-19 solutions


The goal of this document is to clear up the confusion about covid-19 and help you make good
decisions to protect your health.
The confusion generated on this topic is by design. Confusion arises from two conflicting data.
For each correct datum, the corrupt media, lapdog of the big pharma lobby, have advanced a
conflicting false datum to generate confusion. This document is the result of hundreds of hours
of research by an engineer and scientist who is trained in “\data evaluation” and “root cause
analysis” - another way of saying someone who is trained to seek the truth in an ocean of
conflicting data.
You may not have the time on your hands to do the necessary research, as this domain is
littered with traps and dead ends. I hope this document helps by providing you with verified
information. It is up to you to make your own evaluation of the data and decide what is true for

This is not medical advice. Too many doctors have betrayed their hippocratic oath, refusing life
saving treatment in order to keep their license. Your life matters to me, therefore I will not give
medical advice, instead I will provide life saving advice.

The author will remain anonymous due to the repercussions medical doctors and scientists
have suffered when they attempted to share the truth.

Origin of Covid-19
A virus is a little chunk of DNA that needs a host cell to replicate. Viruses do not multiply on their
own; they need to infect a host in order to multiply. A coronavirus is a type of virus that leads to
upper respiratory infections.
Covid-19 is a virus that causes respiratory distress, it concentrates preferentially in lung cells.
One of the earliest symptoms is loss of smell and taste. Other symptoms mimic the flu or a cold
(fever, cough, sore throat and headache), with more severe symptoms including difficulty
Covid-19 originated from Wuhan, China. There are strong indications that it originated from a
lab, which was researching coronavirus in bats, with funding from the NIH (National Institute of
Health), headed by Dr Fauci.
Understanding the risk
The most prevalent mode of transmission is airborne. Transmission by contact can happen too
(touching a contaminated surface, for example), but the most common mode of infection is by
breathing droplets or aerosol contaminated with covid-19.
Children do not get sick from covid-19 but the jury is still out concerning whether they can
transmit it to adults. Most infected people get mild to no symptoms. Outside of severe medical
conditions, there are two aggravating factors that can make covid dangerous:
1. Insulin resistance (pre-diabetes, diabetes) or, put simply, being fat. Being overweight
means insulin resistance, there’s no escaping that fact, you know what to do here.
2. Age. Above 65 the risk increases rapidly and is very significant above 75.



I won’t go over the following common knowledge: wash your hands, avoid touching surfaces
that have been touched by others, sanitize surfaces, etc.

Masks​: the virus never travels on its own, it is in aerosols and droplets. There is misinformation
online saying that masks don’t stop the virus because it’s microscopic. The size of the virus is
irrelevant. The goal is to stop droplets and aerosols. A good mask will limit the amount of
aerosols ejected. Aerosols are produced in great quantity when speaking, especially loudly, or
when singing. A crowd protesting produces a much larger quantity of aerosols than people
going about their business quietly. Outdoors is safe, unless in a big crowd shouting. Indoors,
especially if the air is not renewed (like in Florida during the summer where the A/C is on but
windows are closed), is a higher risk since aerosols are not dispersed by fresh air. Therefore,
wearing a mask indoors, especially if there’s no window open, can help.

UVc lamps​: this is an overlooked and probably best solution for indoor contamination. UV type
C is germicide and will destroy any virus. You can buy air filters with UVc light bulbs. Even
better, you can install a UVc bulb in the air handler of your AC. This is ideal, because the UV will
destroy the virus as your AC moves the air, sanitizing the air in the entire space every few
minutes. I strongly recommend businesses install UV light bulbs in their AC.
D7​: Decon 7 is the strongest decontamination agent on the market. It can be fogged to
completely sanitize spaces. This is great for businesses to sanitize their workspace overnight.
The UV lamp solution above may be a simpler and more effective solution because it can run
24x7 and addresses the main source of transmission (airborne particles).

The safest drug on the planet, bar none. Versions of chloroquine have been used for 65 years
to prevent and treat malaria or treat lupus. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is the modern form of
chloroquine, with no known adverse effect in the recommended dose. Individuals of any age
can take it, including the ederly and pregnant women. The only population that should avoid
HCQ are people with psoriasis.
HCQ has 5 modes of interaction with covid-19, preventing covid from entering the cell,
preventing it from multiplying in the cell and finally, with the adjunction of Zinc, it can destroy the
covid virus.
To anyone objecting to the safety of hydroxychloroquine, I say: Hydroxychloroquine was more
thoroughly tested than the vaccine they want to make mandatory for your baby…
HCQ was discovered in 2005 by the NIH as: ​Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS
coronavirus infection and spread​.
World renowned infectious disease expert, Dr Raoult in France, treated more than 3700 patients
with excellent results: ​​.
Many studies showing excellent results are available to anyone willing to look, for example:
Countries that use HCQ as their main treatment for covid (green) have fewer deaths than those
who do not (red):

​ ttps://
Source: h

A number of badly designed studies on HCQ and covid, some using toxic doses, have been
done in order to steer people away from this cheap and proven drug, where no profit can be
made. Some studies have been retracted. Science is for sale.
Did you know that HCQ can help prevent and treat the flu? It can also fight insulin resistance.
That’s a BIG deal. They didn’t want you to know. Now you know.
Prevention and treatment
As usual, there’s an ocean of conflicting data. What you will find here is the most important data
on this topic, by a very long shot.
Beyond these items, you can research how to boost your immune system and which
supplements can help against viral infections.

● Vitamin D - vitamin D levels are highly correlated to covid mortality. If you have healthy
levels of vitamin D, chances of deaths are near zero. Ideally, get a blood test to see your
levels. Unfortunately, most people are deficient. Unless you get a lot of sun exposure
daily, get 5000 IU a day. Add 100mg of vitamin K2, as Vit D increases calcium
absorption and K2 ensures it won’t deposit in your arteries or joints.
● HCQ: 200mg 2x a week week 1, 200mg 1x week 2 and following weeks. The frequency
can be modulated higher or lower depending on risk. For example, an 80 year old in an
area with a high infection rate could benefit from more frequent dosage. A 60 year old in
a low covid activity area could take 200mg once every two weeks.

It is extremely important to treat as soon as possible. Do not waste an hour, the earlier the
treatment starts with HCQ, the more effective it is.
● Vitamin D - 20000 IU a day for 3 days, 5000 IU thereafter
● Vitamin A - normal recommended dosage
● Vitamin C - 10g spread throughout the day
● HCQ: 200mg 2x a day for 5 days (prolong if symptoms persist)
● Zinc sulfate: 220mg for 5 days
● Zithromax (Z-pack) 500mg for 5 days
If symptoms persist:
● Budesonide applied with a nebulizer (very important), 5 minutes a day

HCQ may not work well for the late stage of illness, but budesonide will work best when people
suffer difficulty breathing.
Anyone who is very sick with covid should start immediately on Budesonide.

How do you procure HCQ?

If you are 60 or older and/or have arthritis, you can ask your doctor to prescribe it for arthritis.
Find a doctor who will work with you.
Alternatively, you can buy HCQ online from overseas pharmacies, as well as Zithromax and
Budesonide. For example:
Beware: buying from an online pharmacy may not be possible with your credit card, your
friendly bank may block such payment. You may have to use bitcoins. Also, shipment can take
weeks. Order early and stock up, unless you prefer putting your life in the hands of a doctor who
may not be inclined to prescribe you anything that works. Good luck with that.
Alternatively, find a doctor that is known to prescribe these life saving drugs and get in touch
with them, ready to be treated at short notice. More information on good doctors you can trust at

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