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Below are statements strongly associated with a theory. Identify the proponent and shade the appropriate circle
of the letter of your answer.
1. The concrete person in a concrete situation can be B. Rogers D. Sullivan
represented mathematically.
A. Lewin C. Rogers 10. Motivation is usually complex.
B. Kelly D. Maslow A. Maslow C. May
B. Rogers D. Sullivan
2. People’s ways of interpreting and explaining events
hold the key to predicting their behavior. 11. The only motive people possess is to move toward
A. Lewin C. Sullivan completion or fulfillment of potentials.
B. Kelly D. Maslow A. Lewin C. Kelly
B. Rogers D. May
3. Each of us is responsible for who we are and what
we become. 12. Anxiety is a state of uneasiness or tension whose
A. Maslow C. Sullivan cause is unknown.
B. Rogers D. May A. Lewin C. Kelly
B. Rogers D. May
4. All matter, both organic and inorganic, evolve from
simpler to more complex forms. 13. Anxiety is the subjective state of the individual’s
A. Lewin C. Kelly becoming aware that his existence can be
B. Rogers D. May destroyed.
A. Maslow C. Sullivan
5. The whole person is constantly being motivated by B. Rogers D. May
one need or another.
A. Maslow C. May 14. People search for some meaning to their lives.
B. Rogers D. Sullivan A. Maslow C. Sullivan
B. Rogers D. May
6. A personality can never be isolated from the
complex of interpersonal relations in which the 15. A person’s processes are psychologically
person lives and has his being. channelized by the ways in which events are
A. Lewin C. Sullivan anticipated.
B. Kelly D. May A. Lewin C. Sullivan
B. Kelly D. Maslow
7. Anxiety is more diffuse and vague and calls forth
no consistent actions for its relief. 16. Anxiety is the recognition that the events with
A. Lewin C. Sullivan which one is confronted lie outside the range of
B. Kelly D. May convenience of one’s construct system.
A. Lewin C. Sullivan
8. Reduce feelings of insecurity or anxiety resulting B. Kelly D. Maslow
from an endangered self-esteem.
A. Lewin C. Sullivan 17. Behavior is a function of the field that exists at the
B. Kelly D. May time the behavior occurs.
A. Lewin C. Rogers
9. All people everywhere are motivated by the same B. Kelly D. Maslow
basic needs.
A. Maslow C. May
18. Tension is the state of an inner-personal region 28. Disorganization sets in when there is a discrepancy
relative to other inner-personal regions. between people’s organismic experience and their
A. Lewin C. Rogers view of self.
B. Kelly D. Maslow A. Lewin C. Kelly
B. Rogers D. May
19. Tension is a potentiality for action that may or may
not be experienced in awareness. 29. Self-esteem is based on real competence.
A. Lewin C. Sullivan A. Maslow C. May
B. Kelly D. May B. Rogers D. Sullivan

20. Needs can be arranged on a hierarchy. 30. Needs are tensions brought on by biological
A. Maslow C. May imbalance between a person and the
B. Rogers D. Sullivan physiochemical environment, both inside and
outside the organization.
21. We misinterpret an experience in order to fit it into A. Lewin C. Sullivan
some aspect of our self-concept. B. Kelly D. May
A. Lewin C. Kelly
B. Rogers D. May

22. Healthy adult relationships blend all 4 forms of

A. Maslow C. Sullivan
B. Rogers D. May

23. Threat is the awareness of imminent comprehensive

change in one’s core structures.
A. Lewin C. Rogers
B. Kelly D. May

24. Need is a motivational concept equivalent to

motive, wish, drive and urge.
A. Lewin C. Rogers
B. Kelly D. Maslow

25. Psychological forces are properties of the

A. Lewin C. Rogers
B. Kelly D. Maslow

26. We define ourselves in terms of who we really are.

A. Lewin C. Rogers
B. Kelly D. May

27. Existentialists are basically anti-theoretical.

A. Maslow C. Sullivan
B. Rogers D. May
Shade the circle of the letter of your choice.
1. Is produced when there is an increase of tension in 9. Is the desire of the perceived self to reach
one part of the system relative to the rest of the fulfillment.
system. A. Levels of awareness
A. Differentiation C. Valence B. Self-actualization
B. Energy D. Vector C. Need for maintenance
D. Actualizing Tendency
2. The extent to which people revise their constructs is
related to the degree of permeability of their existing 10. Is built on the foundation of philia.
constructs. A. Sex C. Love
A. Construction Corollary B. Agape D. Eros
B. Differentiation
C. Modulation Corollary 11. Leads to nonproductive symptoms such as sexual
D. Vector impatience, depression, cruelty to others or inability
to make choices.
3. Is the design of the universe speaking through the A. Guilt C. Anxiety
design of each one of us. B. Fear D. Neurotic guilt
A. Freedom C. Life Space
B. Energy D. Destiny 12. Is similar to Bandura’s collective efficacy.
A. Construction corollary
4. The only motive people possess. B. Fragmentation corollary
A. Self-actualization C. Commonality corollary
B. Actualizing Tendency D. Modulation corollary
C. Awareness
D. Levels of Awareness 13. When persistently prevents a person from feeling
secure, psychological disturbance occurs.
5. Realization of one’s potential. A. Anxiety C. Fear
A. Self-actualization B. Guilt D. Will power
B. Actualizing Tendency
C. Self-concept 14. Leads to profitable actions.
D. Ideal self A. Neurotic anxiety C. Fear
B. Basic anxiety D. Normal guilt
6. Characterized by attempts to run away from one’s
destiny. 15. Influence decreases as the number of intervening
A. Jonah Complex region increases.
B. Metamotivation A. Differentiation
C. Desacralizing Attitude B. Nearness-remoteness
D. Metapathology C. Fluidity-rigidity dimension
D. Firmness-weakness dimension
7. Experienced by adults when they are unsuccessful in
their safety needs despite all the efforts. 16. Psychological means by which tension becomes
A. Basic anxiety C. Anxiety equalized.
B. Neurotic anxiety D. Normal anxiety A. Process C. Valence
B. Field D. Vector
8. Is the chief disruptive force blocking the
development of healthy interpersonal relations. 17. Is the totality of existing facts which are conceived
A. Neurotic anxiety C. Anxiety of as mutually interdependent.
B. Neurotic guilt D. Basic anxiety A. Psychological factors
B. Field B. Levels of awareness
C. Valence C. Self-actualization
D. Vector D. Need for maintenance

18. Is brought about by repeatedly using a personal 24. Intense mythical experience.
construct despite of its consistent validation. A. Peak experience C. agape
A. Disequilibrium B. Self-actualization D. existential freedom
B. Disorganization
C. Disorder 25. Leads to stagnation and pathology.
D. Psychological disturbance A. Neurotic needs C. Neurotic guilt
B. Neurotic anxiety D. Metapathology
19. In Kelly’s theory, we define ourselves in terms of
who we really are. 26. Is meaningful interpersonal communication.
A. Self-concept C. Core role A. Eigenwelt C. Syntaxic
B. Role D. Ideal self B. Valence D. Intimacy

20. When it is proportionate to threat, it does not involve 27. Behavior patterns that characterize a person
repression and can be confronted on the conscious throughout a lifetime.
level. A. Psychological traits C. Dynamism
A. Guilt C. Basic anxiety B. Formative Tendency D. B=f(L)
B. Fear D. Normal anxiety
28. Medium of a region is its floor or surface quality.
21. A static, immutable substance that signifies A. Differentiation
stagnation and finality. B. Nearness-remoteness
C. Fluidity-rigidity dimension
A. Guilt C. Threat
D. firmness-weakness dimension
B. Existence D. Essence
29. Synonymous with consciousness and symbolization.
22. Is similar to Maslow’s basic needs. A. Need for maintenance
A. Self-actualization B. Awareness
B. Need for maintenance C. Levels of awareness
C. Levels of awareness D. Actualizing Tendency
D. Awareness
30. Usually results in productive actions.
23. Experiences are accurately symbolized and freely A. Quasi-needs C. Needs
admitted to the self-structure. B. Conative needs D. Neurotic needs
A. Awareness
Below are samples manifesting/exhibiting certain terms. Choose the appropriate term referred to by the samples
and shade the circle of the letter of your choice.
1. Robert and Bobby are strangers standing side by C. Eidetic personification
side waiting for the stop light to turn red. Suddenly, D. Rebellion
a suspicious character, seemingly a snatcher, passes
by. Both Robert and Bobby tightly holds on to their 8. Despite so many evidences/witnesses, a girl refuses
bags. Which corollary is exhibited by the two? to believe that her boyfriend is cheating on her
A. Choice C. Individuality saying that the boy is just too friendly with
B. Dichotomy D. Commonality everybody.
A. Disorganization C. Lying
2. A call center agent who joggles all aspects of her life B. Distortion D. Incongruence
(career, studies, family, etc) eventually feels
alienated from her real self. Which dasein mode is 9. Bobby is determined to pass all his subjects. He
affected? plans for his final exams and studies very hard.
A. Mtiwelt C. Eigenwelt Which concept is referred to?
B. Quikmelt D. Umwelt A. Care C. Intentionality
B. Love D. Sex
3. An adolescent boy who has a face that only a mother
can love cannot understand why he gets basted by all 10. Robert, who was brought up in a convent and has a
girls when he sees himself as handsome as Richard very strong religious foundation attempts to cheat in
Gutierrez. This is an example of _______? his biochemistry exams for fear of failing the
A. Self-actualization subject. Which corollary is referred to?
B. Incongruence A. Modulation C. Dichotomy
C. Positive self-regard B. Choice D. Fragmentation
D. Need for maintenance

4. An artist with very creative ideas refuses to join art

contests for fear of facing further responsibilities is
demonstrating ______?
A. Jonah Complex
B. Self-actualization
C. Desacralizing Attitude
D. Expressive Behavior

5. Physically abused at age 3, street children who feel

that they are living among their enemies are
exhibiting ______?
A. Malevolence C. Neurotic anxiety
B. Isolation D. Metapathology

6. A student who attempts to commit suicide because

he finds life meaningless is manifesting _____?
A. Metapathology C. Neurotic needs
B. Desacralizing attitude D. Coping behavior

7. An infant who is unable to communicate his/her

needs/wants is demonstrating _______?
A. Prototaxic
B. Lust

Analogy: Below each numbered statements are corresponding terms with letters. Choose the right pair that is best
described by the numbered statement
1. Uses objective data to make evaluations: perceive a. Extraverted intuitive : extraverted sensing
external stimuli objectively. b. Extraverted sensing : extraverted intuitive
a. Extraverted thinking : introverted sensing
b. Extraverted feeling : extraverted sensing 6. Martha Bernays: Frieda Reichmann
a. Freud : Jung
2. Rely heavily on concrete thoughts: oriented b. Freud : Fromm
toward facts in the external world.
a. Introverted sensing : introverted thinking 7. Raissa Epstein: Joan Serson
b. Extraverted thinking : extraverted intuitive a. Adler : Erikson
b. Erikson : Adler
3. Reaction to external stimuli is colored by internal
meaning: subjective unconsciousperception of 8. Alexandra: Cornelia: Sabina: Toni
facts with no resemblance to external reality a. Jung : Adler
a. Introverted thinking : introverted sensing b. Freud : Jung
b. Introverted thinking : introverted intuitive
9. Jean Martin: Anna: Kai: Sue
4. Influenced by subjective sensations of sight, a. Erikson : Freud
sound, etc.: ignores traditional opinions and b. Freud : Erikson
a. Introverted sensing : introverted feeling 10. February 07, 1870: June 06, 1961: Sept. 15, 1885:
b. Introverted feeling : introverted sensing Dec. 04, 1952
a. Adler : Horney
5. Are guided by hunches/guesses contrary to b. Horney : Adler
sensory data: sensations are not greatly
influenced by subjective attitude

Choose the answer referred to by the following phrases/statements and shade the circle of the letter of your choice
on the answer sheet.
1. Apprehension about an unknown danger. 10. Objective of Fromm’s defense mechanism is to
a. Basic anxiety c. Inhibition protect the:
b. Conscious d. Destructiveness a. Self-esteem from public disgrace
b. Self from being alone in a hostile world
2. An expression of needs for privacy, independence c. Self from isolation and aloneness
and self-sufficiency. d. Ego from anxiety brought about by
a. Inhibition destructive fantasies
b. Basic anxiety
c. Destructiveness 11. Horney’s defence mechanism
d. Moving away from people a. Psychic defence mechanism
b. Protective devices/mechanism
3. Is rooted in feelings of aloneness, isolation and c. Mechanism of escape
powerlessness. d. Safeguarding tendencies
a. Basic anxiety c. Inhibition
b. Destructiveness d. Conscious 12. Objective of Horney’s defense mechanism is to
protect the:
4. Antipathy of purpose a. Self-esteem from public disgrace
a. Basic anxiety b. Self from being alone in a hostile world
b. Inhibition c. Self from isolation and aloneness
c. Destructiveness d. Ego from anxiety
d. Moving away from people
13. Adler’s defense mechanism
5. Mental elements in awareness at any given point in a. Psychic defense mechanism
time. b. Protective devices/mechanism
a. Inhibition c. Destructiveness c. Mechanism of escape
b. Conscious d. Basic anxiety d. Safeguarding tendencies

6. Aggressive people take for granted that everyone is 14. Objective of Adler’s defense mechanism is to
hostile. protect the:
a. Moving away from people a. Self-esteem from public disgrace
b. Early childhood b. Self from being alone in a hostile world
c. Moving toward people c. Self from isolation and aloneness
d. Oral phase d. Ego from anxiety

7. Desperately striving for affection and approval of 15. Klein’s defence mechanism
others. a. Psychic defense mechanism
a. Moving against people b. Protective devices/mechanism
b. Early childhood c. Mechanism of escape
c. Moving toward people d. Safeguarding tendencies
d. Anarchic phase
16. Objective of Klein’s defense mechanism is to
8. Objective of Freud’s defence mechanism is to protect the:
protect: a. Ego from anxiety
a. Self-esteem from anxiety b. Ego from anxiety brought about by
b. Self-esteem from public disgrace destructive fantasies
c. Ego from anxiety c. Self from public disgrace
d. Self from anxiety d. Self from being alone in a hostile world

9. Fromm’s defence mechanism 17. Fromm’s lover

a. Psychic defense mechanism a. Toni Wolffe
b. Protective devices/mechanism b. Martha Bernays
c. Mechanism of escape c. Karen Horney
d. Safeguarding tendencies d. Freida Reichmann

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