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Name Rakan Alnasser

Assignment 1
Question No.1
What is the maximum number of electrons that an M shell may Contain ?

Ans = 18


For M shell n=3, So according to formula 2n2 = 2(32) = 18

Question No.2
The electron that occupy the outermost Filled shell are Called ………… electrons.

Ans = Stable Electrons.


The number of electrons in the outermost shell of a particular atom determines its reactivity,
or tendency to form chemical bonds with other atoms. This outermost shell is known as the
valence shell, and the electrons found in it are called valence electrons.

Question N0.3
Which subshell are found in each of the following shell?

Electrons subshell-M shell

a) M shell



Question No.4 :
The atomic number of an electrically neutral atom is equal to the number of

Ans = Proton:


The atomic number of an electrically-neutral atom is equal to the number of (c) protons.

An atomic number is defined as the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Every atom has
different numbers of protons in its nucleus.
Question No.5
Which type of bonding would be expected for each of the following material? For bond that share
ionic and covalent character Choose the one that would predominate.


Sodium is an element and has no charge and is held together by metallic bonds
For solid xenon, the bonding is van der Waals since xenon is an inert gas.

Question N0.6:
Which type of Bonding would be expected for Rubber?


For rubber, the bonding is covalent with some van der Waals. (Rubber is composed primarily of
carbon and hydrogen atoms.)

Question No.7
An element that has an electronic configuration 1 s2 2 s2 2 p5 has how many electrons?

The given electronic configuration shows a total of 2 + 2 + 5 = 9 electrons in the atom.

Question No.8
An element that has an electronic configuration 1 s2 2 s2 2 p6 3 s2 3 p6has how many electrons?
The given electronic configuration shows a total of 2 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 6 = 18 electrons in the atom.

Question N0.9
The nucleus of an atom Contain which of the following?

A. Proton
B. Electrons
C. Neutrons
D. All of The above
E. Both A and C

Anwer :
Both proton and Neutron (Option E)

The nucleus, that dense central core of the atom, contains both protons and neutrons.
Electrons are outside the nucleus in energy levels. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no
charge, and electrons have a negative charge. A neutral atom contains equal numbers of protons and

Question No.10
What type of electron sub shell does an L shell contain?
A. d
B. p
C. f
D. s
E. s and f
F. s and p
G. All of these

s and p ( option F)
The L shell, which contains an s and a p, can hold up to 2 + 6 = 8 electrons, and so forth; in
general, the nth shell can hold up to 2n2 electrons.

Question No.11
What is the difference between atomic mass and atomic weight?

Atomic mass is the mass of individual atom, whereas atomic weight is the average (weighted) of
atomic masses of an atom naturally occurring isotopes.

Question No.12
Calculate the % IC of the interatomic bond for the intermetallic compound TiAl3. b) on the basis of this
result what type of interatomic bonding would you expect to be found in TiAl3

% IC = 0 %
metallic Bonding

Justification: a)
(Xa −Xb )
Ionic Character (%age) = (1- e−¿ ¿ ) *100

Electronegativity of Ti = Xb = 1.5 From the table given in lecture:

Electronegativity of Al = Xa = 1.5
Ionic Character (%age) = (1- e−¿ ¿ ) *100

Ionic Character (%age) = 0%

Metalic Bonding is preferred:

Question N0.13
The Cs+ Ion has an electron structure that is identical to which inert gas?



The Cs+ ion is just a cesium atom that has lost one electron; therefore, it has an electron
configuration the same as xenon

Question No.14
Which of the following Electronic Configuration is for an inert gas?


1 s2 2 s2 2 p6 3 s2 3 p6
Question No.15:
What type of Bonding Would be expected for brass (a Copper-Zinc Alloy)


Metallic Bonding


For brass, the bonding is metallic since it is a metal alloy

Question N0.16
Compute the percent ionic character of the interatomic bonds for the following compound: FeO.


IC (%age) =51.44%


(Xa −Xb )
Ionic Character (%age) = (1- e−¿ ¿ ) *100

Electronegativity of Ti = Xb = 1.8 From the table given in lecture:

Electronegativity of Al = Xa = 3.5
Ionic Character (%age) = (1- e−¿ ¿ ) *100
Ionic Character (%age) = 51.44%

Bonding type is ionic Covalent

Question N0.17:
Classify each of the following materials as to whether it is a metal, ceramic, polymer


Brass: (Metal)

Magnesium oxide (Mg0): (Ceramic)

Plexiglass: (Polymer)

Polychloroprene: (polymer)

Boron Carbide (B4C): (ceramic)

Cast Iron: (Metal)

Question N0.18:
Relative to electron and electron states, what does the ms quantum number specify?


The spin moment on each electron

Question No.19:
Give the electronic configuration of O−2


1 s2 2 s2 2 p6

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