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Title: Filter Circuit 09/29/2018

Laboratory 2

Group 4
Ajusan, Vanessa Joy O.
De Leon, Karen Shane C.
Galorpot, Mary Joy T.
Jerusalem, Jasmin R.

Objectives: Design a code for a filter circuit.

Problem 1: A simple low-pass filter circuit is shown in figure 3.8. This circuit of a resistor and
capacitor in series, and the ratio of the output voltage V 0 to the input voltage V, is given by the
V0 1
V i 1+ j2 πfRC

Where V i is a sinusoidal input voltage of frequency f, R is the resistance in ohms, C is the

capacitance in farads, and j is √ −1 (electrical engineers use f instead of i for √ −1, because the
letter i is traditionally reversed for the current in a cicuit)
Assume that the resistor R = 16kΩ, and capacitance C = 1 µf, and plot the amplitude and
frequency response of this filter.
Figure 3.8
A simple low-pass filter circuit
Output Result:

% Problem:
% A simple low-pass filter circuit shown in Figure 3.8.
% This circuit consist of a resistor and capacitor in series, and the
% ratio of the output voltage Vo to the input voltage Vi is given by the
% equation
% Vo/Vi = 1/(1 + j*2*pi*f*R*C)
% where Vi is a sinusoidal input voltage of frequency f, R is the
% resistance in ohms, C is the capacitance in farads, and j is (-1)^-2
% (electrical engineers use j instead of i for (-1)^-2, because the letter
% i is traditionally reserved for the current in a circuit).
% Initialize R & C
R = 16000; % 16k ohms
C = 1.0E-6; % 1 uF

% Create array of input frequencies

f = 1:2:1000;

% Calculate response
res = 1 ./ (1 + j*2*pi*f*R*C);

% Calculate amplitude response

amp = abs(res);

% Calculate phase response

phase = angle(res);

% Create plots
loglog (f, amp);
title ('\bfAmplitude Response');
xlabel ('\bfFrequency (Hz)');
ylabel ('\bfOutput/Input Ration');
grid on;

subplot (2,1,2);
semilogx (f, phase);
title ('\bfPhase Response');
xlabel ('\bfFrequency (Hz)');
ylabel ('\bfOutput-Input Phase (rad)');
grid on;

This is all about low-pass filter is a filter that passes signals with a frequency lower than
a selected cut-off frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies higher than the cut-
off frequency. In other words, low-frequency signals go through much easier and with less
resistance and high-frequency signals have a much harder getting through, which is why it's a
low pass filter. Low pass filters can be constructed using resistors with either capacitors or
inductors. A low pass filter composed of a resistor and a capacitor is called a low pass RC filter.
And a low pass filter with a resistor and an inductor is called a low pass RL filter.
To be able to make the graph shown above which is the amplitude response and phase
response we must be able to construct the codes well and then after you input the codes correctly
the graph shown above will be the result.
In making this experiment our objective is to construct basic matlab codes which we
already conducted to be able to find and make the graph of both the amplitude response and
phase response. While the second objective is to appreciate the application of matlab in
engineering, by doing different experiments like this we will be able to appreciate and consider
different things and properties related to matlab.
We can learn matlab easily with the objectives. In low-pass filter we learned how to how
to apply filters to remove unwanted frequency components from a signal, and how to down
sample a signal after limiting its bandwidth with a low-pass filter. We also learned how to
differentiate and integrate a signal using digital filter designs.
Therefore we need to be well familiarized to the different codes we have to use to be able
to make a simple low-pass filter circuit.

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