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- SPEAKING Our recommendations

I found out that you will come to visit Huancayo, well I would recommend that
you visit some places among them it can be The Huanca Identity Park This park,
as its name says, shows something of the identity of Huancayo as a culture, since
it has monuments to recognized artists and images that are part of the history of
the province and city as well as its folklore. It is very attractive for tourists
because it has a very attractive construction and different from other parks in
Peru. Or you can also visit the Snowy Huaytapallana, there you will be able to
observe a little of the flora and fauna of the Peruvian highlands, as well as the
lagoons that surround this snow-capped mountain, although the walk is
exhausting you will be able to take incredible photos.
Well I hope you take my recommendations, bye.

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