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Nurfitri Bustamam, SSi, MKes, MPdKed.

Learning objectives
1. Describe ultrastucture of skeletal muscle
2. Identify the components of neuromuscular junction &
summarize the events involved in the neural control of
skeletal muscle
3. Explain the key steps of contraction & relaxation of
skeletal muscle
4. Describe the mechanisms by which skeletal muscle
obtain the energy to power contraction
5. Describe factors which influenced in skeletal muscle
Nurfitri B 2
Muscle Type

(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 3
Jenis Otot Skelet Otot Polos O. Jantung

Lokasi Melekat pd Saluran reproduksi, Dinding

rangka cerna, napas & jantung
Pengendalian volunter involunter involunter

Kemampuan terkecil terbesar diantaranya

Kecepatan tercepat terlambat diantaranya

Pacemaker - +/- +
Kontraksi Graded Unitary – syncitium Syncitium
Multi unit - graded

Nurfitri B 4

(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 5
* FIGURE 12-3

Nurfitri B 6
(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 7

Nurfitri B 8
Nurfitri B (Vander, 2007) 9
Nurfitri B Sherwood 2010 10
Nurfitri B 11
(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 12
Figure. Excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle. The top panel shows an
action potential in the T tubule that causes a conformational change in the
(Guyton & Hall , 2011)
Nurfitri B 13
Nurfitri B 14
Nurfitri B 15
Nurfitri B 16
Molecular Basis of Contraction &

(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 17
(Silverthorn, 2010) Nurfitri B 18
Nurfitri B 19
Nurfitri B (Silverthorn, 2010) 20

(Silverthorn, 2010) 21B

Discharge Relase ACh at Binding ACh to
of motor motor end nicotinic
neuron plate receptors

action Generation end Increase Na-K
potential in plate potential conductance
muscle fibers

Release Ca2+ Binding Ca2+

from to troponin C,
sarcoplasmic uncovering
along T tubule
reticulum binding sites

Formation cross linkage

between actin & myosin,
Contraction Steps sliding movement
Nurfitri B 22
Relaxation Steps

Ca2+ pumped back

Release of Ca2+
into sarcoplasmic
from troponin

Cessation of
interaction between
actin & myosin

Nurfitri B 23
Kontraksi Otot Rangka
 ‘mendayung’: attach-swivel-detach
 Attach: - troponin mengikat Ca2+
- miosin menjadi ‘charge’
- ATPase aktif
 Note fungsi ion Ca2+:
1. menarik tropomiosin ke lateral
2. membuat kepala miosin mjd “charge”
3. membuat ATPase mjd aktif
 Detach: kepala miosin ditempeli ATP
Nurfitri B 24

1. Tidak ada lagi rangsang saraf

2. Tersedia cukup ATP untuk melepaskan
ikatan aktin-miosin & memasukkan Ca2+ ke
retikulum endoplasmik.

Nurfitri B 25
 Rigor mortis  stiffening of sceletal muscles
that begins several hours after death &
complete after 12 hours

 The stiffness of rigor mortis disappears about

48-60 hours after death as the muscle tissue

Nurfitri B 26
Muscle Cramp

 Many muscle cramps are caused by hyperexcitability of the

somatic motor neurons controlling the muscle.

 As the neuron responds repeatedly, the muscle fibers of its

motor unit go into a state of painful sustained contraction.

 Sometimes muscle cramps can be relieved by forcibly

stretching the muscle. Apparently, stretching sends sensory
information to the central nervous system that inhibits the
somatic motor neuron, relieving the cramp.

Nurfitri B 27
Muscle Cramp

 Involuntary tetanic contraction of skeletal muscles produces

muscle cramps.
 During cramping, action potentials fire at abnormally high
rates, a much greater rate than occurs during maximal
voluntary contraction.
 The specific cause of this high activity is uncertain, but it is
probably related to electrolyte imbalances in the
extracellular fluid surrounding both the muscle and nerve fi
 These imbalances may arise from overexercise or persistent
dehydration, and they can directly induce action potentials
in motor neurons and muscle fibers.
Vander’s Human 2008
Nurfitri B 28
Nurfitri B (Silverthorn, 2010) 29
Sifat-sifat listrik otot rangka

 1 sel otot rangka taat hukum All or None

 1 berkas otot tdd byk serat otot & memiliki
ambang berlainan, sehingga makin besar
rangsang, makin besar jawaban (kontraksi yg
ditimbulkan sampai batas tertentu).

Nurfitri B 30
Summation of Contractions

o The contractile mechanism does not have a refractory period,

repeated stimulation before relaxation produces additional
activation of the contractile elements and a response that is
added to the contraction present  summation of
contractions: the tension developed during summation is
considerably greater than that during the single muscle

o With rapidly repeated stimulation before any relaxation

occurs, activation of the contractile mechanism occurs
repeatedly  the repeated individual responses fuse into one
continuous contraction.  complete tetanus (no relaxation
occurs between stimuli)

o Incomplete tetanus: periods of incomplete relaxation take

place between the summated stimuli.
Ganong, 2013
Nurfitri B 31
(Sherwood, 2010)
Nurfitri B 32
(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 33
ATP Source

(Vander, 2007)
Nurfitri B 34
(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 35
Oxygen Debt

 Setelah kerja berat butuh O2 untuk:

 Asam laktat  piruvat
 Membentuk cadangan ATP
 Resintesis fosfokreatin

Nurfitri B 36
Keadaan yg mempengaruhi fungsi otot
 Atrofi otot: sel otot mengecil + cad ATP,
fosfoprotein, cad glikogen
 disuse
 denervation
 Hipertofi otot
 Kelelahan (fatigue):
 Muscular: ATP & asam laktat
 Neuromuscular: sintesis ACh
 Central/psychological (will to win)

Nurfitri B 37
(Silverthorn, 2010)
 Kekuatan otot menurun 30-40% pada usia 30-
80 tahun. The diminishing can be prevented by
regular exercise!!

Faktor yg mempengaruhi kekuatan kontraksi:

 suhu
 panjang awal
 pembebanan
 cara perangsangan (langsung/tdk langsung)

Nurfitri B 39
Pengaruh Panjang Awal Otot

Nurfitri B 40
Kontraksi Otot
 Isometrik: kontraksi yang tidak menyebabkan
pemendekan otot.
 Isotonik: kontraksi yang menyebabkan
pemendekan otot

Nurfitri B 41
(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 42
(Silverthorn, 2010)

Fiber Type

(Silverthorn, 2010)
Nurfitri B 44
(Vander, 2007)

Nurfitri B 45
Muscle adaptation to Excercise

 Endurance training  decrease number of

fast-glycolytic fibers & increase number fast-
oxidative fibers
 Lifting weights will not improve the
endurance of a long-distance runner, &
jogging will not produce the increased
strength a weight lifter desires. Choose a type
of exercise!!

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