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1. Class of restriction enzymes most widely used are

a) Class I c) Class II
b) Class III d) Class IV

2. The extra chromosomal, self replicating, double stranded, closed, circular DNA molecules in
bacteria are called
a) Plasmids b) Phages
c) None d) Both

3.Sequence types identified by restriction enzymes are called as

a) Tandem repeats b) Palindromic sequences
c) Inverted repeats d) All the above

4. Western blotting is the technique for the detection of

a) DNA b) RNA
c) Protein d) glycolipid

5. Selection antibiotic used with PUC vector is

a) Chloromphenicol b) Ampicillin
c) Tetracycline d)Ciprofloxacin

6. cDNALibrary is a
a) Gene family c) Synthetic DNA complementary to mRNA
b) DNA complementary to rRNA d) Synthetic DNA complementary to tRNA

7. The enzyme is used to join together two different fragments of DNA molecules?
a) DNA Ligase b) Endonuclease
c) Exonuclease d) Protease

8.The following enzyme prevents self annealing of vector DNA  restriction digestion

a) DNA ligase b) Phosphatase
c) Kinase d)Polumerase

9.DNA Polymerase used in PCR reaction

a) Lamda polymerase b) T4 DNA Polymerase
c)Taq DNA polymerase d) E.coli polymerase

10.Sanger`s method of DNA sequencing is based on

a) Radio labeled nucleotide b) Di- deoxy nucleotide
c) Both a and b d) None

11. Metal used in Gene gun method of DNA transformation

a) Titanium b) Gold
c) Iron d) Copper
12. Which of the following best describes artificial insemination?
a)Transplanting an embryo into the uterus b) Placing the sperm directly in uterus
c) Fertilization of an egg in a test tube d) Selectively breeding healthy animal

13.Which of the following hormones are used to induce super ovulation?

a) FSH b)TSH
c) GH d) Testosterone

14.Transgenic fish were exploited to produce

a) β-galactosidase b) Human or rat gene for growth hormone
c) Delta crystalline protein d) All of the above

15. Which of the following is not correct with regard to poultry housing setup
a) width about 22 to 25 feet   b) long axis is in east-west direction
c) Air flow 10-30 metres/minute d) moderate dampness in the floor

16. All the following are Intensive systems of poultry except

a)Surface litter system b)Slat cum litter system
c)Slatted floor system d)Cage system

17. Poultry have a specific requirement for the following fatty acid
a) linoleic acid b) Palmitic acid
c)Arachodinic acid d) Lauric acid

18. Poultry farming by broiler method is mainly used for

a)Animal fat b)Meat
c)Eggs d)Feathers

19.What is the ideal hatching temperature for chicken eggs

a) 99.5oF b) 98 oF
c) 102 oF  d) 101oF 

20. An egg dropped inside a water glass sinks immediately. The egg is said to be
a) Fresh b) Old
c) Spoiler d) None

21.Curled toe paralysis in chicks occurs due to the deficiency of

(a) Phosphorous (b) Sulphur
(c) Niacin (d) Riboflavin

22. The site of fertilization in the chicken is

a)Uterus b)Magnum
c)Infundibulum d)Ovary
23. The technique, mainly used for the diagnosing birth defects in the fetus is called
a) Amniocentesis b) Ectogensis
c) Transplantation d) Recombination

24. Mating of individuals or organisms that are closely related genetically.

a) Out breeding b)Cross Breeding
c) Inbreeding d)Line breeding

25. Cow milk is rich in which of the following protein

a) Lactoglobulins b) Lactalbumin
c) Casein d) Ferritin

26.Animal pharming can be defined as

a) growing animals for farming b) programming animals to produce novel products
c) generating transgenic animals for farming d). None of the above

27. Which among the following is not an Indian breed

a) Murrah b) Surti
c) Mehsana d) Guernsey

28. Dehorning of the calf is done by the following methods except

a)red hot Iron b) caustic potash stick
c) electrical method. d)Sharp iron knife

29.At what age should a brucellosis vaccination be given to a calf?

a) 2-6 months b) 3 months
c) 12months d) 8 months
Answer key

S.No Answer S.No Answer

1. C 21. d
2. A 22. c
3. B 23. a
4. C 24. C
5. B 25. c
6. C 26. b
7. A 27. d
8. B 28. d
9. c 29. a
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. a
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. A

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