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Writing a pagrapgh

‫كيف تكتب فقرة‬

:‫كل فقرة تحتوي على ثالث عناصر مهمة وهي كالتالي‬

‫جملة تتضمن‬
‫جمل تتضمن‬  A topic sentence to introduce your main idea .
‫الفكرة العامة‬
‫تفاصيل متعلقة‬  At least 3 supporting sentences to support your main idea. ‫للموضوع‬
‫بالموضوع‬  A concluding sentence to reinforce your topic sentence. ‫الفقرة‬

‫جملة تلخص‬
‫مضمون الفقرة‬
‫نموذج فقرة اولى‬
There are many reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in.
First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical
services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are
taught by well‐trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Third,
Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots
of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

‫نموذج فقرة ثانية‬

There is no doubt that Internet is one of the greatest inventions in our current life; it has a
lot of advantages. To start with, it is fast and easy way to get a lot of valuable information.
Moreover, people can have access to the latest news weather , traffic , cinema, sports … etc,
Also, another important benefit is that internet is a great means of communication; people have
the opportunity to communicate with people from other countries. To sum up, I think that the
internet makes our world smaller and more entertaining.

‫نموذج فقرة ثالثة‬

My favorite animals are penguins for two reasons. First of all, I like penguins because
they look so cute. I love to watch penguins waddle across the ice and they look happy when
they slide on their bellies. In addition, I like how penguins take care of their babies. The male
penguins help the female sit on the eggs. When the chick is born the parents protect it from
predators like seals. Clearly, penguins are the animal I like best.

‫اقرا النص التالي وقم بتحديد العناصر الموجودة في الجدولين اسفله‬ :‫تمرين اول‬

(a)There are at least three reasons why mobile phones are among the best inventions in the
world. First, (b) mobile phones have become vital to our communication with others.
Therefore, we can stay in touch with our relatives and friends. Second, (c) we can get the
information fast, surf the internet and get our assignment done thanks to the rich resources
the web offers us. (d) Another advantage of mobile phones is the we can turn them to
entertaining tools by watching our favorite movies or programs playing video games …….
etc. Last but not least, (e) mobiles have become smarter and come with many useful
applications that facilitate our life such as camera, calculators, digital dictionaries….etc.
Clearly, (f) all these benefits and others have made mobile phones necessary in life.

Type of sentence Label of sentence

Topic sentence ……………………………….
Supporting sentence ………………………………
Concluding sentence ………………………………

Linking words/ ‫ادوات الربط‬

……………….. ; …………………… ; ……………………… ; …………………… ; …..…….……….

‫ اكتب في احد المواضيع التالية مستثمرا المعارف والمهارات الخاصة بكتابة فقرة‬: ‫تمرين ثاني‬

There are many reasons why learning English is imprtant. First, …………………………………….......

I love watching …………….. movies for many reasons. First,………………………………………………..


I like Facebook for different reasons. First, on Facebook you can ……………………………………………

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