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Method Statements for Straightening of the

Wall Penstock

1 - Introduction:

2 – Rectification:

3 - Identify deformation:

4 - Straightening Deformation:

5 - Acceptance Criteria:

6 – Safety Precaution:

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Vanguard Engineering & Oilfield Services Co. LLC

P .O. Box 1506, PC 130, Azaiba, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24504872 Fax: +968 24504875 email:

- Object part for the Performance of this procedure is wall Penstock gates. Particularly those
parts have been affected and got deformed. Now penstock gates do not meet the necessary those affected penstock gates must be straighten.


- The Method for straitening penstock gate is the correction or rectification of deformation by
Mechanical means.

- The mechanical means required during the straitening process is Hydraulic press or Plate
bending press.

- This Tool is used to exert a certain force on maximum deformation zone as gates straighten
deformed by applying a force.

- This tool will have a flat table to continuously check and ensure the process of straitening
the gate and will have a sufficient size to be able to manipulate the gate for each particular

- During the straightening process a force is applied directly to the gate, in order to prevent
damage on the penstock gate , a cleat of brass or bronze is used. It must be place between
the press and the penstock gate.

- The force exerted on the board is dispersed slightly, so it avoids being so punctual and
prevent damage to the gate.

- Packing pieces are inserted between the component and the press to avoid direct contact to
penstock plate as well as metal contamination.

- It is important to import sufficient deformation to give over correction so the component

to assume in correct shape.


- Position the penstock gate on the flat surface table where we can easily identified the
deformed area.

- Once identified the area of deformation then proceed to correct the deviation.

Vanguard Engineering & Oilfield Services Co. LLC

P .O. Box 1506, PC 130, Azaiba, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24504872 Fax: +968 24504875 email:
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- The following sequence of working steps is recommended

- To straighten the gate hydraulic press will be used.

- Position the penstock gate to straighten it properly. This requires packing fittings placed on
with deformed area. The fittings are placed as close as possible to the maximum
deformation on both sides of it, but in area that do not suffer gate deformation.

- Placed the brass or bronze cleat between the press and the penstock gate.

- Start applying force on the deformed area very slowly, continue applying more force to
deform slightly downward the gate.

- Checking and ensuring at all time the flatness or straightness of the Penstock gate on the
flat surface table with help of calibrated spirit level gauge.

- In case that persists, the hydraulic force will have to be applied again. Continuing applying
more force, deforming the gate down and checking the straightness on flat surface with
spirit level.

5. Acceptance Criteria:

- Whatever the deformation or suffered by the gate, to finish these straightening task, it
comply with certain tolerances.

- Tolerances for these misalignments will be 1-3 mm per meter .these tolerances is
mandatory, otherwise it cannot guarantee operation of the gate.

6. Safety precaution:

- Use Personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate Gloves, safety shoes and glasses.

- Close all line affecting the gate and place a warning sign warning that the repairing process
is taking place.

Vanguard Engineering & Oilfield Services Co. LLC

P .O. Box 1506, PC 130, Azaiba, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24504872 Fax: +968 24504875 email:
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Vanguard Engineering & Oilfield Services Co. LLC

P .O. Box 1506, PC 130, Azaiba, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24504872 Fax: +968 24504875 email:

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