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Crimson Beaded Neck Wrap

Crimson Beaded Neck Wrap From the August 2019 issue by Jennifer E.

This simple neck wrap is

adorned with glass beads to
give an elegant touch to any
outfit. The gorgeous tulip stitch
creates an illusion that looks
like there are no rows at all.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Size: 23 ½” x 5 ½” (folded); [7 ½” W not folded]

Gauge: Gauge is not necessary


Caron Simply Soft (100% acrylic; 315 yards [288 meters]/170 grams): #39762

Burgundy (1 skein)

Hooks:US size H/8 (5.0 mm) hook and steel hook 7 (1.65 mm)
Notions: Beading needle, tapestry needle, glass beads – 6/0 seed beads (17), 10.0 mm
bicone beads (17), 3/8” sew-on snaps (3)

Special Stitches
FBsc (Front Bead single crochet): Insert hook into st indicated, YO, draw up a lp, insert
smaller hook through bead, grab loop (closest to end of hook) off larger hook and pull
through bead, place lp back on larger hook, YO, pull through both loops on hook (Now bead
resting on front of work).
Bch (Bead Chain): Slide bead up to hook, YO, pull through loop on hook (now bead inside
chain and showing on the back bar of chain).
B Shell (Bead shell): [2 dc, ch 1, Bch, ch 1, 2 dc].
Bsc (Bead single crochet): Insert hook into next st, YO, draw up a lp, slide bead up to back
of st, YO, pull through lp (now bead sitting on back of sc).

Pattern Notes
First a long rectangle is made and then edged in an intricate pattern with beads.
Some beads are threaded onto yarn before crocheting into edging.
Other beads are added using a small crochet hook as you work each beaded stitch

Ch 32.
Row 1: Work 3 dc into 4th ch from hk, *sk 3 chs, (sc, ch 3, 3 dc) into next ch, repeat from *
across to last 4 chs; sk 3 chs, sc into last ch. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, 3 dc in 1st sc, *(sc, ch 3, 3 dc) into next ch-3 sp; Repeat from * to the last ch-3
sp, sc in last ch-3 sp. Turn.
Rows 3-48: Repeat Row 2.

With Right Side facing, join with sl st in 1st ch-3 sp at corner A; (ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-3 sp, sc
in next ch-3 sp) across to B. Fasten off.
With Right Side facing, join with sl st to point C (1st ch-3 sp to right of closest corner); (3 sc in
next ch-3 sp, sc in each of next 3 dc, sc in next sc; (sc, FBsc, sc) in next ch-3 sp; 3 sc in next
ch-3 sp, sc in each of next 3 dc, sc in next sc) up to point D on diagram (Row 9). *Alternate
beads (10 total) between small and big. Fasten off.
With Wrong Side facing, work same edging as worked from A to B along other long edge
from Row 48 to Row 9. Fasten off.
Using beading needle thread on 24 beads alternating from large bicone to small seed bead.
(12 of each)
With Wrong Side facing join with sl st to corner G; Ch 2,*B Shell in next ch-3 sp, (sc, Bsc, sc)
in next ch-3 sp; * Repeat from * to * to Row 9 (point F on diagram). Fasten off.
Fold over 1 ¾” along long edge (that does not have the B Shell edging) so that beads are
facing out and showing on Right Side; Steam block this fold and let dry.
Using black sewing thread and needle sew on snaps so hold wrap closed with corner front
point pointing downward (see Diagram).


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