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Chapter one:

Un:maybe it is the End

The car drive through the road down to the highway, the sound
of it raise and fall making me giggle.

I smile to my self the fact that I am leaving home and going

somewhere else making me smile often.

As the car slowdown I felt the feeling of guilt forming down the
pitch of my stomach, I felt nauseated as the thought of running
away from my own home.

I sneak a look at the back sit hoping to see Aimee’s reaction in

any way but couldn’t get any, instead I got the haul grim face
staring down at me.

I couldn’t help but held my gaze back, I was distracted

From my deep thought when the car stopped.

The leaves blow cold air to my face,rain drops down to my hair.

I stepped a step forward about to enter the house ,I look at the

front door as I was about to step in mum’s word's suddenly
came into my mind:

“why do we have to run from one home to another instead of

staying at home? Why do we have to find peace in another
home? “

Tears falls down to my cheeks as the sudden remembrance of

those words, I found my self repeating the words “Why do we”
I muttered under my breath, I didn’t realize I stayed that long
on the balcony, until Aimee who walked toward me.

“you have been standing there for almost two hours “ she said
as she walked toward me placing a hand on my shoulder urging
me to step aside.
I did stand aside but the tears still running down my cheeks, I
watched as Aimee opened the door and walks into the house, I
followed her to the sitting room.

“why not enjoy the moment “

I thought as I sat down on the sofa hoping to enjoy the moment

here and forget the problem back home.

For I knew back home the problem is still stand able.

Chapter two:
Deux:The unforgettable
I wanted it badly to be a history, to be from the past, a history
which cannot be remembered.
I lay my head underneath the soft pillow, my hands supporting
each side of the fabric, while my body rested on the bed, my
hips down to my feet are covered with thick sheets.

I rolled my body across the bed,hands still supporting the

fabric while my legs are still covered with thick sheets however
some part of it are exposed to the cold.

Sunshine’s in the early morning ,trees bow to the son in

pleasure while bird sang the morning song.

I woke up vaguely in the early morning, eyes wide open, knees

sore from last nights activity.

I stayed down at the edge of the bed, face buried in my hands,

my feet support me by keeping my position upright.

I looked around the room, my eyes landed on the alarm clock

placed on the side drawer, the time 9:00am caught my
I jumped out of the bed and make my way to the toilet,only to
come back and see Aimee standing across the room, hands
akimbo, I looked at her a smile plastered on her face.

“Alexis want to talk to you?” she said looking directly at me.

“Why not?” I said indignantly and a little bit unsure Whether I

am ready or not.

“You sure you want to” she said making the last two words
seem complacently to her.

I looked away, Aimee never the one to talk twice, the moment I
saw her in my room I know something’s up, the issue of Alexis
talk to me is unbearable.

“Hmm” she hummed.

“yeah, if that seem OK with you” I chirped.

She gave me one last look before turning and making her way
out of the room.
I looked at my pale face in the mirror, it clearly I am exhausted,
I take a second look before I finally heed downstairs.

“Morning” greeted aunt Emily.

I took a sit closed to Alexis, I take my time looking at the food in

front of me, I didn’t even eat a little, not even when Aunt Emily
break the silent in between.

“Eli, I want to tell you something” Aunt Emily's voice echoed

through the room.

I looked at her with keen eyes curious to know what Aunt Emily
want to tell me, however I have a feeling that something went

I expected the least, for a moment I think I know what Aunt

Emily want to tell me, my parent been apart is the least to
except but instead I got the most stunning news.

“Vera is death” Aunt Emily announced.

I can’t believe it my body is week, vision blurred and the next
thing I saw was black.

Chapter three:
Will I Ever Forget?
When one is in trouble ,he never knew one to deal with it, he
find himself one way or the other unable to deal with things
which needed low attention.

However some find themselves out of it.

In this case mine is different, I got to deal with things even at

the wrong time, you may call it mishap.

I run pass by the wood heart pounding in my chest, houses,

trees everything seemed weird the only sound which can be
heard is my heart.

Is 12:00pm in the night, everything is quiet except for the birds

and snakes who did their night routine happily.
Now that I am away from home away from Aimee and Aunt
Emily a sense of freedom flushed through me the ability to do
anything I want without Aunt Emily’s strict instructions and
Aimee’s snarling orders.

Not only did I sense freedom but frustration, misery, grief

caused by plight.

My own life turning upside down each second.

I run deep into the forest, Tears running down my cheeks as

memories after memories split making me dazzed, the sense of
freedom is now replace by fatigue, laughter and violence.

I wanted to yell, I wanted to tell the world that I am not the

miserable person I seemed to be, I wanted to tell Very that I
love and care for her, I wanted to tell Aimee that she doesn’t
have the right at snarling at me, I wanted to tell Mum that I
love her, I wanted to…………….

I giggle at the sound of my own voice in the dark, it seemed

eternity as I sat down on the rock nearby, the sense of
freedom is replace by fear.
The lines of memory was broken as Vera’s face is shown.

The days we spend together came into vision, the smiles we

shared, the moment we spend laughing, her smiles…….

I have to keep reminding my self that vera is gone, that she is

nowhere to be found,that she is gone for eternity, however
some part of me wished she is here right beside me.
Now that I am away from home there is no hope in going back.

It been 14hours 12min since I run away from home, the

moment Aunt Emily told me Vera s death I couldn’t help but
run away, far from misery, and in reality far from my own life.

Vera's death has come has an unexpected plight that shatters

my life , a mark that cannot be erased even from memory.

“I wish is here”
I whispered to the dark ,there was something deep in me that
thought something is wrong, definitely wrong, Vera is death
but how? Where? When?.

I thought as I sat still in the dark, surely Vera’s death is a

mystery about to be discovered, but by who?

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