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16/08/2020 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

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Site Title: Digital Marketing: Strategy, Summary of Results

Implementation and Practice, Fifth
Edition 25% Correct of 20 Scored items:
5 Correct: 25%
Book Title: Digital Marketing: Strategy,
15 Incorrect: 75%
Implementation and Practice, Fifth
Edition 15 total questions in quiz (with 2 questions containing
Book Author: Chaffey multiple pairs), for a total of 20 scored items More
information about scoring
Location on Student Resources > Chapter 12:
Site: Business-to-business digital marketing
practice > Multiple choice questions
Date/Time August 16, 2020 at 12:27 PM
Submitted: (UTC/GMT)

1. Delivering different messages to members of a business decision making unit is a

key difference between B2C and B2B marketing which is reflected in web design
through ______.

Your Answer: content referencing the needs of companies of different sizes

Correct Answer: different navigation options appealing to different members of
the audience

2. A longer decision making process than for many consumer products is a key
difference between B2C and B2B marketing which is reflected in web design
through ______.

Your Answer: different navigation options appealing to different members of

the audience
Correct Answer: questions on a form enquiring about the status of the business
in the purchase decision process

3. The ______ goal of a business-to-business website involves an interactive dialogue

with a virtual sales person.

Your Answer: sell

4. The ______ goal of a business-to-business website involves gaining permission

from a website visitor to engage in future dialogue by e-mail and other
communications channels.

Your Answer: save

Correct Answer: speak

5. Business-to business (B2B) ecommerce involves commercial transactions between

an organisation and other organisations (inter-organisational marketing).

Your Answer: True 1/3
16/08/2020 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

Correct, the statement refers to B2B Ecommerce.

6. ______ is an example of business-to-business services offered by Google which

gains advertising revenue through hosted videos.

Your Answer: Google Search application providing online website services for
website owners
Correct Answer: YouTube Brand Channel

7. ______ is an example of business-to-business services offered by Google where

revenue is generated through the application running as part of a customer's

Your Answer: Google Search application providing online website search services
for website owners

8. A portal which is normally run by a consortium of buyers in order to establish an

efficient purchasing environment is a:

Your Answer: B2B independent e-marketplace.

Correct Answer: buyer-oriented marketplace.

9. A portal which is an online platform operated by a third party and is open to buyers
or sellers in a particular industry is a:

Your Answer: vertical and horizontal e-marketplace.

Correct Answer: B2B independent e-marketplace.

10. One aim of e-procurement is to increase savings by bulk buying of items:

Your Answer: of the right quantity.

11. What of the following is production related procurement?

Your Answer: Raw materials.

12. Match each type of online purchasing system with the potential advantages.

Option Your Answer:

12.1 Better quality of information (blank)

12.2 Risk (blank)

12.3 Frequency (blank) 2/3
16/08/2020 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

12.4 Co-ordination (blank)

13. Match the three types of organisational markets with their description.

Option Your Answer:

13.1 Industrial markets (blank)

13.2 Resellers (blank)

13.3 Government (blank)

14. In a market where companies build close connective relationships where Internet
technology will not feature strongly in the development of these relationships, this
is known as a ______ relationship.

Your Answer: High Tech/Low Touch, Personal

Correct Answer: Low Tech, High Touch, Personal

15. In a market where there are transactional relationships where technology will not
feature in the development of these relationships, this is known as a ______

Your Answer: Low Tech, High Touch, Personal

Correct Answer: Low Tech, High Touch Transactional

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