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Gaining Childrens’ Attention

‘Don’t let the inmates run the asylum’

A. Gather everybody into a semi circle, or sit them down or both

B. Separate ‘Messers’
C. Gather in football ‘ put balls in goals please’, ‘place balls here’
D. Face children away from environmental distractions. Away
from sun and other activities.
E. Speak with the breeze if outdoors.
F. Do not speak until you have everybody’s attention.
G. Talk & Demonstrate & Talk. Question. Use a player proficient
in drill/game/skill for demonstration.
H. Explain ‘Freeze Rule’- Blow whistle => stop activity. Introduce
fun aspect to freeze. ‘Buzz Light year’
I. Encourage and reassure to eliminate fear of failure
J. Match activity to ability levels. Do not be over ambitious
K. Make plan flexible and fun
L. Ask questions to see if they understand game etc. Keep
explanations simple
M. Reinforce and praise good practice, behaviours and
N. Talk and encourage during activity
O. Get children to gather up equipment after activity

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