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Chapter 6 239-250

• The production process relies heavily on chemical inputs I just testified in fertilizers
production is also subsided by the use of fossil field to power machine age on average
an estimated 90 L of diesel fuel and 56 L of gasoline for use in the production of a Hector
quite the United States in 2000 the same hectare of corn and also 25 kg of herbicides
and insecticides mostly derived from petroleum
• Finally in the Great Plains agriculture has increasingly been subsided by tapping the
fossil groundwater of the deep ogallalala Aquifer underlies the region this confined
aquifer sandwich between impermeable layers of rock is no longer being replenished by
precipitation in the 19th century West regulating centers of European origin gradually
displaced the native inhabitants of the Great Plains and in fact an entire ecosystem in
writing grassland into farms this loss of disturbance of the Plains ecosystem in
combination with cyclical drought lead to the dustbowl condition of the 1930s to a great
extent was deep wells in the Ogallala Aquifer that later converted the native plains into
a breadbasket. Unfortuntaltey this deep groundwater is not renewable resource on the
time today: the use of chemical fertilizers partly a consequence of the separation of pop
cultivation and livestock rearing, use a synthetic chemical pesticides to kill insects and
weeds and the affect of those chemicals on human health, integrated pest management
and alternative approaches to pest control that has a modest presence in the US
agriculture, the use of croplands that having it at a modified in various ways at practice
at half shown some clear short-ter e efits ut ho’ e rought a e ologi al
consequences unknown, physical injury to farmers and farmworkers from highly
mechanized production of field crop.
• Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for pint night convincing fertilizers are widely used in
agriculture and nitrogen fertilizer is the form of nitrates NO3 which are highly soluble in
groundwater and I readily taken up by plants for the win more fertilizer applied then
can be used by cops to resolve his elevated nitrate concentrations in groundwater this
ultimately contributes to global climate change more immediately if this ground water
is used as a source of drinking water can cause direct health affects
• Young infants who consume well water contaminated with nitrate usually when the well
water is used to make infant formula nitrate converted into nitrites either before or
after ingestion change hemoglobin in the blood stream one that cannot carry oxygen
the resulting condition is called Methemoglobinemia; with inadequate oxygen in the
black the child takes on a bluish color conditions also called Blue baby syndrome can be
fatal. It affects hundreds of infants in the United States each year mostly in rural areas.
• Pesticide chemical used to kill pests pest is not a biological grouping that rather a
cultural one essentially a pest is any animal or plant that interferes with human well-

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being or interest by curing disease causing discomfort in people or in the animals we

care about or by competing with people for resources bye-bye destroying property
example termites or mold or even simply being where it is not wanted i.e. dandelions.
In the context of infectious disease the term photographer to the pathogen that causes
a disease but rather to the doctor such as an insect or rodent that carries pathogen to
new host. Because many of the problems caused by pests are important we kindly kill
the for at least o trol the did ’t he i al poiso fro pesti ides are aturall
occurring substances for most of synthetic chemicals the synthetic pesticides are unique
among environment to help passage that we are developed specifically to be toxic and
then I deliberately said widely and repeatedly in the Miami when we think of the
beneficial effects of health houses of pesticides and general thinking about the effect of
the Active ingredient- the chemical that is intended to kill a pest. How about other
chemicals are also posing in pesticides and agents to help disburse the active ingredient
agricultural fields with pesticides have been applied to become nonpoint sources of
environmental pollution that is large areas from which chemicals enter the
• Unused pesticides that are stored away become a hazardous waste challenge
• with in the broad category of pesticides subgroups are defined according to the type of
pest the intended to kill the major group of pesticides are insecticide ( used against not
only insects also arachnids) herbicides ( used against plants pests commonly called
weeds), fungicides ( used to control fungal growth in the environment as distinct from
fungal infection people which are treated with antifungal medication) rodenticides
( used to kill rodents). I Paper pesticide use in smaller quantities include nematicides
( used against nematodes or roundworms) molluscides and poison used against bird
and fish
• many insecticides are used against vectors on human or animal disease most
importantly mosquitoes but also flies fleas , ticks and lice insecticides are also widely
used in agriculture to keep pests from consuming cop intended us food for people or
farm animals in the 19th century in organic compounds contain toxic metals were widely
used as i se ti ide a d so e are still i hi h I Se ate is the a ti e i gredie t h do ’t
mixture copper sulfate in-line and which copper is the active ingredient Paris green
copper and arsenic with both ingredients are toxic kerosene and oil which have been
used as an insecticide one point into standing water before my film on the water surface
that suffocates insect larvae.
• Natural botanical pesticides have also been used for many years along with inorganic
pesticide. The Insecticide pyrethrum is extracted from chrysanthemums and rotenone
also an insecticide is extracted from the roots and stands with certain witty subs and
vines the first generation of synthetic organic insecticides were the Organochlorine
insecticide also known as chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide. The best-known
chemical in this group is DDT whose insecticidal properties discovered by Swiss research
chemist Paul Muller, for the word are the Noble prize for the discovery.

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• the Organochlorine are nerve toxins they disrupted central nervous system causing
convulsions and death acute toxicity to people is very low and for this reason it was
many years before they were considered a human health problem these chemicals are
very persistent and then vibrant full lick buy a content trip in fatty tissue and alternately
by a magnifying the food chain however at the time DDT came into use these processes
were not appreciated and others consider DDT environmental persistence a good thing
since it offered extended protection against insect pests.
• Orga o hlori e’s pesti ide to i it a d ildlife as ulti atel rought to light lightl
through Rachel Carson a naturalist and author of the famous 1960 Book silent Spring
among other text Carson describe how DDT soft in the shallow bald eagles eggs bending
the bridge and breeding successfully the bald eagle is a carnivorous bird at the top of
the food chain and also a national symbol of the United States effects of DDT on the
bald eagle cause a national outcry and the pesticide was banned in the United States in
1972 DDT and several other pesticides are now abandoned the United States and other
more developed countries.
• The Stockholm convention which originates as an initiative of the United Nations
environment program is an international agreement on controlling incentive chemicals
designated as persistent organic pollutants commonly referred to as PO peas the
agree e t as adopted a d does ’t a t at a eeti g i Sto khol a d ould ’t for e
investment for an has been ratified by hundred and 53 countries the list of chemicals
comprises DDT and eight other pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin,
heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex and toxaphene) along with polychlorinated
biphenyls PCBs, dioxins and furans. I want to be new countries to illuminate reviews the
release of these chemicals sometimes referred to as the dirty dozen into the
• The second generation of synthetic organic insecticides where organophosphates
originally developed as a nerve gas be used in war like the organochlorines , the
organophsophates disrupt the central nervous system however these chemicals are not
persiste t i the e iro e t the ’re a ute to i it to people aries idel . The ere
quickly followed by the Carbamates we could have a similar chemical action but no
short term toxicity in people. Sevin is an example of a carbamate pesticide widely used
regarding the mosquito control.
• More recently synthetic insecticide called pyrethroid (pyrethrum like chemicals) have
been developed this group includes permethrin and resmethrin please set aside have
low acute three people in the often the pesticide of toys and community levels paying
the mosquito for example to minimize the risk of illnesses of West Nile virus it is also
using agriculture of mosquito repellent and head lice treatment,
• synthetic herbicide pulled Organochlorine err I have a wide range of chemical
structures with considerable overlap and toxic effect and thus it is simpler to group
these chemicals by the effects on different classes of plants. Selective herbicide kills
broadleaved plant species but not times in the grass family and agriculture at this

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distinction means that a selective herbicide kills weeds not crops. Fuck your herbicide
introduce shortly after World War II and still using many over-the-counter weedkillers.
Synthetic Herbicide was 2,4-D. it was one of the major ingredients in the defoliant
agent orange use by US forces in Vietnam or in this context of selective herbicide was
used to kill lighter plants trees and bushes derided cover for combatants on the ground
without wiping out plat life.
• In contrast nonselective herbicide kills all type of plants such an herbicide might be
Brophey applied example in railroad rock yard prevent workers from slipping on weeds
alternatively nonselective herbicide can be applied in a target fashion to individual
weeds in the long for example Roundup is a nonselective herbicide used this week some
genetically modified crops have been designed to be resistant to particular nonselective
Heaviside specifically so that these nonselective Herbicide can be used in agriculture
Monsanto Corporation which produces Roundup has developed a Roundup ready
genetically engineered soybeans designed to be used infield treated with Roundup.
• Fungicides can be critical in the protection of foods and also pops going in wet
conditions. Fungicides are commonly used in both cranberry bog at apple orchards.
• Rodenticide: take the form of beats that attacked rodent and kill them when they
consumed the beat many include those that have been on the market the longest
contain an anti-Copeland when a rodent consumes the Beta chemical confidence
massive internal bleeding resulting in death from your products containing poison to kill
in other ways overall it is an effective way and killing motives however the also pull
some health festival people and wildlife most human victims are young children who
find a trap and eat the cocks of eight in nature that unintended victims are animals that
eat rodents reason EPA regulations restrict the use of certain rodenticides and set an
appointment for labeling and tamper-resistant packaging.
• Pesticides are an effective weight in killing the target however the broader
effectiveness is limited into keyways both reflecting the fact the communities of plants
and pests are not static but rather dynamic. First justice from bacteria resistant to a
specific antibiotic some pests how did genetic make up a conference with defense to a
specific pesticide at the first application of the pesticide resistant organism survive than
they did before hand in this way the population continues the marketplace makeup
changes the selection effect is magnified to repeated pesticide application until most or
all of the surviving population carries the genetic trait that confers resistance to
pesticides because many pests have license much shorter than our own the
development of such pesticide resistance can occur rather quickly in response to the
sudden change environment a speeded up version of evolutionary survival of the fittest
once pest developed resistance to pesticides is no longer useful and discreet pressure to
develop new pesticide Apollo pesticide resistance is important in both managing
infectious disease and in agriculture.
• An agricultural context a second important limitation on the effectiveness of pesticide is
a crock and the target pest (the pest that eat the crock in which the final wishes to
eliminate using the pesticide) do not exist in isolation rather that they are part of an

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ecosystem in which the pest species eats or is eaten by other species. These connections
cause ripple effects and the use of pesticides is the population of species exit suddenly
reviewed the target pest population can we down dramatically for our time in the
absence of the natural predator phenomenon called Target pest resurgence
alternatively the target pest itself may not want to eat. It also said that that is the
purpose of eating yet another insect such a species Y in part which is also a pest that
eats the crop. In this situation wiping out the target pest population along the
population of pest species to explode and the call still get eaten this phenomenon in
hi h there’s a surge i the populatio of the se o dar pest is k o as secondary
pest outbreak.
• it is particularly difficult to study the chronic health effects of a specific pesticide in
people mostly because it is difficult to assess exposure accurately many people who
work with pesticides such as farmers or pesticide applications. Changing mix of
he i als a d the a ot k o hat he i als the ’re usi g is great ariatio
pesticide application method training and work practices including the use of protected
gear later complication many of the allotted studies have simply use the farming
occupational agriculture work experience has asserted for pesticide exposure.
• Exposure to pesticides has mainly most clearly can you logical effects cancer and
reproductive and developmental outcomes the urological effects of actual pesticide
exposure are well known and included headaches dizziness nausea and vomiting muscle
eak ess a d e e o pulsio s a d, I’ e high e posure the orld health orga izatio
estimates at roughly 30% of suicides globally of myself poisoning with pesticides and a
number of studies chronic exposure to pesticides has been associated with deficits in
cognitive function examples being memory attention and visual spatial processing and
also in psychomotor skills reaction time there is also considerable support and the
literature for a li k et ee pesti ide e posure a d Parki so ’s disease a d so e
e ide e of a asso iatio ith ALS also k o as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
• Among the organochlorines pesticides DDT and others have been shown to cause
cancer in animals risk of non-Hodgki ’s l pho a is asso iated ith e posure to so e
herbicides as well as too Organochlorine and organophosphate pesticide including the
insecticide hexaclorocycloohexane use for sheep dipping the finding occupation have
been linked to increase risk of several cancers including leukemia multiple melanoma
soft tissue sarcoma and Council of the brain stomach and prostate are the meta-analysis
of mortality from multiple melanoma non-Hodgki ’s l pho a Hodgki ’s disease a d
cancer of the brain stomach and skin reproductive FX have been associated with chronic
exposure to some pesticides and various studies a literature review reported evidence
suggestive of a fax of pesticide exposure on semen quality as well as DNA are
chromosomal damages friend prenatal pesticide exposure has been linked to some birth
defe ts i ludi g oral lass there’s so e e ide e of hildhood e posure to pesti ides
may increase the risk of leukemia and certain brain cancers and may alter tirade
function or have other end of time disrupting affects,

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• the burden of pesticide exposure waste more heavily on certain populations among the
pesticide production workers farmers and their families and hired farmworkers my dirt
farmworkers are often a special risk from pesticide exposure because they may work
with an adequate protection live close in proximity to agriculture land lack adequate
fa ilities to ash e u a le to u dersta d ho ’s it going an English many agricultural
workers in less developed countries have similar vulnerable sometimes compounded by
the continued use of pesticides now banned in the mind about countries steal
agricultural workers and last about countries maybe particularly highly exposed because
the ’re ofte asual orkers doi g lo skilled high e posure jo s ithout prote tio
• Although the concept of integrated pest management predates modern synthetic
pesticides it as an expanded and elaborated in response to the obvious problems
stemming from the indiscriminate use of these chemicals these problems include the
development of resistance among past the integrated and integrated pest management
for first to multiple tactics I logical and chemical to manage multiple past in a manner
consistent with ecological principles attend management acknowledges that the goal is
to suppress tests rather than twice the amount integrated pest management also
incorporates the notion that populations of target pest and the predators and
competitors should be monitored and that pest control measures should be undertaken
when some predefined threshold is met rather than on a regular schedule IPM tactics
include introducing beneficial insects using synthetic pheromones chemicals of peanut
a d si used to Chap a to o fuse ale i se ts a d redu e ati g. There’s
disagreement over the degree to which IPM techniques have become a part of US
farming Survey data from the Department of Agriculture USDA just that widespread
adoption of some IPM techniques how do critics adjust that much of what passes for
IPM is simply monitoring pest population as a way to decide when to begin treatment
with pesticides dr. challenged into being the flexible and nuance IPM approach the life
skill mechanize agriculture are substantial.
• Started rationale for developing genetically modified or genetically engineered plants is
to augment the world food supply the global population was estimated at 6.9 billion in
2010 and is expected increased by eight point 3,000,000,000 x 20 30 land is already
under cultivation the only way to increase total crop production is increased yield per
acre genetically modified crops are seen by many as the only possible means to achieve
this goal croplands might also be genetically modified to improve the nutritional value
of course people have been modifying plans to selective breeding for centuries for the
new technologies work at the level of Jeanie Robinson the level of that individual plans
in fact such techniques are sometimes called molecular breeding the basic approach is
the first isolated gene that cold for the desired characteristic make come from any
species and then transfer the CNE to the species of interest example client specifically
the gene being transferred called transgene or Biotech gene inserted into a simple loop
of bacterial DNA which is used to make the transfer the process by which the gene is
integrated into the corn so that it causes a corn to take on the desired characteristic and

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appears into the corn DNA holocaust is upon to take on the desired characteristic and
appears and see are far more complex to describe here but if these dates are successful
and subsequent generation of transgenic wine according to whose DNA the transgene
has been imported will have the characteristics coded by the imported DNA for example
part of one variety of transgenic corn produces a protein that is toxic to certain insects
pest cost protecting the plans from the past the gene that uses this effect comes from a
soiled bacterium called Bacillus thuriginesis and the corn is referred at BT corn this
client has in fact an built-in pesticide. this cultivation of genetically modified compounds
in the consumption of food made from these plants raises two distinct public health
concern the first arises directly from the foreign gene present in transgenic plants the
second arises from a technique used to transfer the gene from one species to another.
• The course of human health concerns related to genetically modified foods is that they
may cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals Olive is the biological substance
induced allergic reactions are proteins and the proteins and upon species example
peanut have characteristics chemical structure determined by jeans of that species as a
result is a peanut Jean is transferred into a soybean plan for example peanut proteins
will be present in that genetically modified soy be of any of the peanut proteins is an
Alexander the person with the peanut out to eat the soybeans will have an allergic
reaction to it before candidate biotech team attachment to a different species just to
see if any of the protein theme cord are considered likely to be allergic.
• most of the genetically modified plants one of two commercial varieties each resistant
to a specific herbicide coupons are found me genetically resistant to both of these
herbicide suggesting a cross between the two engineered varieties finally safety
suggests that longer-term ecological impacts upon thinking out of a modified food
plants cannot be predicted equally daunting task of keeping track of Biotech ingredients
as they won their way through the labyrinth of modern food supply.
• Bacteria populations can become resistant to antibiotic overtime much as pest develop
resistance to pesticides fast antibiotic resistance among pathogens is a major challenge
in the battle against infectious disease because it makes certain antibiotics ineffective
there has been some concern that transgenic plants could contribute to the problem of
antibiotic assistance through someone convulsive series of event used to start the new
genetic line. This has been done usually by coupling of jeans antibiotic resistance to the
gene being transferred when the plant cells are exposed to the appropriate antibiotic
poli let’s o erdri e ide tifia le as those arr i g the Tra e e at The sur i ors of
course also carry that antibiotic resistance the concern is that in the broader
environment sets antibiotic resistance gene might somehow be transferred from
transgenic plantar bacteria two settings in which this is most likely to occurred may
seem rather different but they share an important bacterial process no one knows how
likely it is that an antibiotic resistant teams might be transferred from transgenic plan to
bacteria in the environment the FDA stance is that it is a remote possibility but not all
scientists agree.

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• The irrigatio of rops a ou t for 31% of US’s ater o su ptio ore tha half of
water use for irrigation came from surface sources depending on the method of
irrigation use water loses evaporation can be substantial 1995 the US geological survey
identify the region of lower Colorado River as an area where the consumption use of
water exceeds its renewable water supply and Rio Grande weekend an area of some
concern 2006 the world health organization identify parts of the Central Plains in south
east area with water supplies are overexploited or heavily exploited bus it seems clear
that the current irrigation practices are not sustainable over long-term in the United
States problem of water scarcity the future course is much broader than water use for
irrigatio a d it’s glo al i s ale.
• In addition to exposure to chemicals and crop production farmers and farmworkers
faced mechanical hazards the great majority of these fatalities were attributable to
other transportation incidental contact with objects or equipment the average annual
rate of fatal occupational injuries and property doctor was only slightly less than full coal
mining an apple in a lot of studies farmers, your piping struck by auditor equipment with
injuries to fingers and feet they say human in haste as frequent causes of injury.
• In Energy terms eating meat is a luxury List small part of the energy stored in parts
tissue and stored in the tissue about herbivore then eats the plants similarly on my small
part of the energy stored in the to field her before and stored in the tissue of a carnivore
that needs to herbivore this is because animals whether herbivore carnivore use most
of the energy dictate to stay warm around and reproduce

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